A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 10. Nekudot de SAG A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

  • #55419

    A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 123 total)
  • Author
    • #413116
      David the Bruce

      I mean, everything I’ve encountered so far with Kabbalah has rang true to me.  So I know it is truth.  I will persevere no matter what, knowing the Creator is likely to conceal himself more prior to the next revelation.

    • #411530

      The state of the world and knowing that I can be a part of the change.

    • #410019

      I know the intellect gets frustrated but the heart is where I need to experience this path.

    • #406521
      Seamus Dolan

      What will be your motivation to persevere?

      Yes, you are correct Gianni, this material is getting more difficult to understand but I must keep reminding myself this not an academic exercise and therefore cannot be understood with private study. I look forward to the practical methodology of connection in the ten!

    • #402122

      Progress for the next life if not this one.

    • #397757

      Going backwards is never pleasant.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 123 total)
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