A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 10. Nekudot de SAG A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

  • #55419

    A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 116 total)
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    • #331042

      We all have to progress through these hurdles eventually …better to go forward willingly.

    • #330828
      John Caton

      I hope it isn’t so. Since I started to study I have felt ups and downs several times. Going in, I assume you’re warning me to expect something that may be a downer. I’m pretty resilient. I hope to push through.

    • #329609

      Ik wil verder  inzicht opdoen   om alles beter te begrijpen

    • #328582

      I hope that clarity will come as I continue to study

    • #327882

      what else is there.. just keep moving onward with this desire.

    • #327667
      Erin B

      Interestingly enough, it’s around this point I felt to put the studying aside to spend time worshipping.


      I once heard this as a picture: the angels run towards his beautiful presence and they become awe struck with the amount of light and as if they bounce back a bit, they cry HOLY HOLY HOLY and run in again!!!

      I don’t know how accurate the concept is, but I use it as motivation from time to time.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 116 total)
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