Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence From Conflict to Collective Consciousness Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

  • #33200

    Gil Shir

    Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 49 total)
  • Author
    • #428625
      Nikole Roehl


    • #421198

      Connect together with other imaginal cells to build something new.

    • #413470
      David the Bruce

      I think all of us with active points in the heart are the imaginal cells in this metaphor….

    • #387155
      Assana Colubali

      Yes I am, by getting connected to the mother nature and also get connected to the entire humanity.

    • #383907

      Yes I am. Through studying Kabbalah, connecting and working in the ten and connecting further to my closed lovedones and all people, with one heart, we draw the butterfly phase closer to us.

    • #382295

      Oh, thanks so much for this caterpillar/butterfly analogy, it really moves me to consider myself like that of an imaginary cell, thanks for giving words to better refer and frame this process I’m (and we’re all) being guided through, Hashem keeps showing his good intentions to me/us, even when the fear coming from the illusion of separation may seem insurmountable, Hashem reminds that everything has been considered, that my function is one of great purpose, and that it emanates from me as I allow and actively engage in the process of Christ consciousness being formed in me deeper and deeper; I have reliable proof in my life that when you allow it and direct yourself in function to what’s best with a comprehensive view, life unfolds itself in a “magical” way. Interconnectedness becomes daily reality, let us keep ourselves in the path of Torah, with no disregard for any of the aspects of our existence, but considering and recognizing every-thing and every-one as our own experience of being in goodness and godliness.

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