Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence From Conflict to Collective Consciousness Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

  • #33200

    Gil Shir

    Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

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    • #373656

      Yes I am… I first heard about imaginal cells years ago from Bruce Lipton but was clueless as to what to do about it until finding Kabbalah. I am taking part in our evolution by continuing on this path with other imaginal cells, aka -points in the heart, and by (hopefully very soon) working in the ten.

    • #367164

      yes, I am an imaginal cell continuing to study Kabbalah and learn more about myself

    • #357449

      I am that and take part by influencing the collective consciousness and making attempts to live life as a prayer that takes shape a song of the heart supported by the actions of the physical body

    • #338550

      I don’t know if I want to be a butterfly, they don’t live long although flitting around flowers sounds good. Studying kabbalah seriously will surely lead us into this state of imagination, especially for a better future for all creation. Even if the transition could be a little tricky!

    • #338461

      Never thought about myself as such, but yes, I guess I am an imaginal cell.  Continuing to study Kabbalah and practice total awareness on a daily basis of being in equilibrium with the  + and – the giving and taking….  Wondering at what saturation point will the big change in humanity happen? Are all our changes having an accumulative effect? Almost feeling a craving for connection, a channeling force pushing towards connection. Guess that’s good!

    • #330214

      I have always felt that I was a chosen child of the Creator even before I found Kabbalah. I have been witness to several unusual phenomenon, and I feel I was directed to Kabbalah to study further to reach my goal of connecting with the Creator.  My part for the emergence is to keep studying, read, read, read, and participate in the “ten”. Eventually my group of ten will connect and the emergence will continue to blossom.

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