Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence From Conflict to Collective Consciousness Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

  • #33200

    Gil Shir

    Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 49 total)
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    • #303148

      Yes humanly speaking i am an imaginal cell. And i can take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity by collaborating, cooperating, and connecting effectively to contribute my quota towards the collectively goal of a successful human emergence.

    • #302923

      Kabbalah learn  that we all have a  point  in our heart  a spark of light  when we breing all this points, this sparks together we have a big flame ,  we can  develop better and  rezch a higher level  in spirituality  , which is our goal

    • #301487
      Marko Podgorsek

      Based on the knowledge I got from Kabbalah I would say that we here are imaginal cells of humanity. By connecting our points in the heart and studying Kabbalah we are taking part in the evolution of humanity.

    • #297582

      I was just sitting here imagining that concept. It’s interesting

    • #292824

      Learn as much as you can about expanding your perceptions and growing your wisdom. Learning kaballah is this growth and expansion

    • #288146
      David J

      Yes😊. We 1 together will be such a positive on the caterpillar to hasten the transformation. Thanks to the collective for their wonderful support that brought me such a beautiful experience……a true beginning

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 49 total)
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