Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence From Conflict to Collective Consciousness Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

  • #33200

    Gil Shir

    Are you an imaginal cell? And if so, how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly that is humanity?

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 42 total)
  • Author
    • #282261
      Ty Palodichuk

      im highly sensitive to spirituality and am an asset of the Creator

    • #280865

      I believe I am an imaginal cell. My part is to willingly seek to connect with other imaginal cells and allow the Creator to reveal to us what it is that He requires of us for the good of the whole.

    • #280565
      kevin jackson

      I definitely consider myself an imaginal cell, because I’m always imagining ways to change this current infrastructure and now I realize that I can’t do it alone, so now I’m here to combine my cell with other cells

    • #280541
      Innocent Mushiya

      By coming to realization of what really life is,through the study of the wisdom of kabbalah to reach the highest level of attainment in the spiritual world to which  culminates in becoming part of the single soul connecting with other “imaginal cells…”

    • #280537

      I think, I am. I have always been  a “weirdo”, trying to dream of a new world and people around me are like “Grow up, little girl, get real! Find a job! Buy some stuff!” So I did. Didn’t help a lot :).

      I still dream of a new world and I’m getting tired of being called a “little girl”.

      So why not learn some Kabbalah, see if it brings me closer to people, who dream the same dream?

    • #280361
      Traci Myers


      2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

      I now understand the real meaning of “in Christ.” This has been shown to  me as ” in spirit.” When you are responding and making choices out if a higher consciousness aka Christ or holy spirit you are the caterpillar  emerging into the butterfly.each time you are restricting the responding out of ego desires. This is a major transformation within your Soul breaking down who you are as a human with ego into a human such as the creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 42 total)
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