Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 13. Adam HaRishon Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

  • #55427

    Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 76 total)
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    • #311110
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      The World of Atzilut  , A Partzuf in Atzilut whose essence is Ohr Hochma. It has the quality that originated in Phase 1, Hochma, of the Four Phases of Direct Light. Once broken, the screen refined and rose to AVI together with the Reshimot. The Reshimot in the screen demanded to be corrected and to have a Zivug over them for the reception of the Light. But the Rosh of AVI de Nekudim returned to a state of Katnut and could not do it; hence, the screen rose to the Partzuf of the adjacent Partzuf, that of Rosh de SAG.

    • #305497

      This is all about the Creator.  We come to recognize through this process that He is our Creator, our Source, our Designer.  We did not and do not create ourselves.  He is doing something so magnificent in us for our highest good and we need to cooperate, but we cannot do it alone.  Like a Master Scientist, he has seemingly set up and equipped this virtual “lab” for us to work in, to learn and evolve, as it were, to take on the template of His character and share in His essence of giving and creating – together.  We need to ask and keep on asking, without ceasing, for His guidance, help, wisdom, enabling and joy in the process.  We offer our willingness to change our minds from any separate thinking to think like Him.  We find out His intention in the process and choose to let that intention be our intention.  We look for Him behind each friend, and work/relax into the oneness of love that heals the shattering.  We present ourselves to Him as one.  He will have His contentment when it is done His way — and so will we — because His Will is our Will, and He does all things well.

    • #303887

      That the nature of our reality is fractal

    • #303492


    • #302027
      Anayo Nzute

      what i have learn from the study of the system of worlds is that the worlds emerges to fulfill the intention of the creator which is to create a creature that is capable of receiving it pleasure.

    • #301155
      David Edwards

      Our eternal thought is structured in a perfect fractal nature

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 76 total)
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