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    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #327743

      I study full time at university and am struggling to keep up with the daily lessons. To date, I aim to devote my whole attention to a live session or recording. However, as pressure from school increases, I’m less able to tune in and keep up. Can you believe I’m almost at a point where i would be content to stall my own progress spiritually, if it meant that I could at minimum support my ten and fulfill my school obligations! But then striving in the work is one way that I participate in the society and strengthen the environment…. Since I’m sure that there are forces beyond my perception at work here, I’m not sure how to proceed.

      My question is, if I can’t give undivided focus to a lesson from start to finish, would you recommend i still listen to it in the background? Even while doing something else like writing an assignment, or cleaning dishes?

      Thanks in advance for your help

      • #327756

        Hey Ricki,

        Yeah, this is a very relatable story. If it’s not school, it’s work. If it’s not work, it’s family. This is how it’s set up from above and we can’t go against it. Of course, it’s set up this way, precisely this way, so we would be given the perfect place to form that special desire which as you know, depends on the environment. Whatever chance, whatever moment (however short) you have to have that environment influence you, even if it is just running in the background and you hear every 100 words, then this is what you have to do. That’s part of your free choice.

        Another aspect of that is you would not feel like you’re advancing perhaps. You may say to yourself, “well I don’t feel like I’m getting anything out of it, so I’ll just stop altogether.” We are always wanting to “see” the results and “feel” the results, but the work to acquire the right desire may or may not give us those results and a lot of the time it is just us “adding pennies to the account.” We of course later will recognize this necessary step on our path as something provided to us from above to suit that state perfectly, but in the meantime we just need to lower the head and give as much as we can.

        I’d also want to remind that if studying interferes with your school work or you job in a way that is not balanced, this should also be checked. There are necessities and there are luxuries. Do what you need to do and get it done. If you decide there is something else to do that may not be necessity, this is where you need to check and see if it’s actually a place for you to add spiritual effort.

        Best of luck!


    • #327534

      Why do we need to be physically spread out around the world if what we are working is not physical?  If a person can effect someone Across the world?

      • #327755

        Hey Todd,

        Are you referring to just humanity in general or those who are engaging in the wisdom of correction?

        If you’re talking about humanity in general, you could think of it as needing to develop “every corner” of our reality – open it up, develop it, see it etc. – leaving “no stone unturned” so to speak. On one hand, humanity has to develop and the ego within humanity needs to develop to its final stages. The will to receive is an infinite desire, just as the Creator’s desire to give so is the desire to receive what He is giving. That would be the “corporeal” reason for the separation which of course you can include the spiritual root of the breaking and shattering of our connection between us being seen as this “dispersion” around the globe as well.

        If you’re talking about our work between us, then that’s correct, it’s not necessary to want to draw the hearts closer to be physically close. However, just as Kabbalists have done over thousands of years, they are always coming physically close whether it’s once a month, once a year, once every few years or they are studying close together daily. It’s always been something they’ve been drawn to because the strength one receives and can give by being physically close just isn’t comparable to being “virtual” as we call it. However, if there is no choice and a person is truly stuck and their only way of connection is the virtual connection, then certainly this was also arranged from above and in the meantime this is how a person would need to work.

        Hope that answers, thanks!


    • #327519

      In Kabbalah Jesus Christ and Mohammed Peace and Blessed Memory be upon them. Within the Text of what we desire is the basis of Peace over Torah as well for the rest of us for the Light of unity and grace for what we are as open vessels.

    • #327479

      So a question that keeps arising from my perspective (point in the the heart). We sense 5 senses because we need the Creator to give us his senses of 125 levels for a breakdown of everything that is in a sense His (Creation0)? If yes why only 125 levels? Isn’t any counting past 0 outside of a sense?  If no then why even think about any sense at all except our own will (ego) through any number at all?

      • #327523

        Hey Ben,

        Truly, the number itself isn’t important in and of itself. In fact, you can break it down into 6,000 degrees if you want, depending on which perspective you look at it. I’m not exactly sure the question about counting past zero.

        The only reason there’s as if a “limit” on the degrees, if we’re talking about something infinite, is that these “holding points” or places where we grasp the Creator and His qualities need to somehow be felt in us and this is always with respect to our opposite quality – the will to receive. The will to receive is sensed as opposite the Creator on 125 degrees, or 6k or 613 – doesn’t matter. There just needs to be some place of contrast and the contrast is felt in the places where He separated us from the other souls – “shattered” that connection and we “repair” it.


      • #327482

        Im thinking our “creators'” virtues of us “creature” is the same except of counting due to mistakes given of trying to align anything with the desire for equivalence of form with each other?

    • #327369

      What are your opinions on the Ramchal and the 2 of jewish people vs 1 soul of the gentiles?

      • #327378

        Hey Michael,

        Can you expand here? I’m not sure what you’re referring to.



        • #327387

          Before I found out about KabU many Rabbis say if you are not jewish you only have one soul; If you are jewish you have 2 souls. Dr. Rav Michael Laitman says everyone has to develop a soul but starts as a point in the heart.

          So I’m confused since Otzrot Chaim & Derech Hashem speaks of many parts of the souls.

          Thanks in advance for the clarification

        • #327522

          Oh, understood. Here, Kabbalists write to us about the one soul of Adam HaRishon. This is the general soul. Each one of us must develop this soul within us – build it. All the discernments and scrutinies we reveal, new perceptions of the world and of reality, all of it come from the realization of our disconnection from that soul and the understanding of what we need to do to correct our perception and thus our part of that one soul itself.


    • #327366

      Hello, We can reveal the creator in a group, how will that reveal the creator with people “outside the group” ?


      • #327377

        Hey Brad,

        First you need the “tool” that can produce the results of revealing the Creator, then you use this tool to reveal Him in all the world. Using that tool though won’t change. What you build in the group is all you need to reveal all of the upper worlds and the complete reality.


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