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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 823 through 828 (of 1,208 total)
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    • #307057
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>What’s the self-benefit of serving an important person?</p>

      • #307430

        Hey mrc,

        It comes from the structure of the will to receive, how it was built to enjoy all kinds of pleasures. One of those is as you described which comes from the spiritual pleasure of serving the Creator – another “flavor” in bestowal.


    • #306748
      Omara Yehonatan

      Before emanations asingle thought emanates all thing. That single thought  creates all him HE have self existence without beginning and ending.He creates creatures which is  his spiritual force to creates the entire universe just like a man made cartapillar to make his work be well and get finished immediately.but I have two questions;is creation literally seven days , or some thing has been hidden which must be revealed in 21century.

      • #306913

        Hey Omara,

        In this world you’d see, according to what scientists say, the Big Bang occurred a little less than 14 billion years ago and basically happened in an instant and from that moment over billions of years the still, vegetative and animate developed and continue to develop until today. This is the material world though.

        The correction process consists of seven states, called “seven days of creation”. Naturally, this is a conditional name. It has nothing to do with the seven days on Earth it does not refer to either day and night or light and darkness on earth. Rather, it refers to the spiritual states and spiritual sensations of a person who passes through these stages of correction. It talks about the system in which one’s soul is corrected while existing at the level called “Earth”.



    • #306640
      mrc s

      I thought our nature is more receiving with others receive to than receiving at the expense of others, we would like like to receive and see others receive too as if others receive than he is happy and we want what’s outside of us to be happy to right so that all are happy inside and outside?

      • #306912

        Hey mrc,

        That’s certainly the right direction, but the question will always remain, “who do I want to enjoy?”. Do I want to enjoy in the end, or do I want the Creator/others to enjoy and for me  – nothing?

        This is the difference of “in order to receive” or “in order to bestow”

        This is the whole correction.


    • #306607
      mrc s

      Is spiritual food, drink, sex more pleasurable than worldly food, drink and sex?

      • #306615

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>It’s written that all the pleasures in this world are but a fraction of a percent of the pleasures that exist in bestowal. In spirituality the pleasure is not described using the words of this world, but according to the quality discerned of the light that enters the vessel.</p>
        Joseph – KabU




    • #306463
      mrc s

      Regarding corporeal matters should we go above reason too?

      • #306613


        Above reason is not a concept a person should attempt to apply to their corporeal life, but only to the work with the friends and the Creator.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #306462
      mrc s

      Is it better to believe that I am nice, capable, fine etc or be humble and think that I’m ugly, bad, undeserving etc?

      • #306612


        A person goes through various states where they feel this way or that way. What is important is not the state so much, but how a person aims to progress to the next one. Both states can bring a person closer to bestowal.

        Joseph – KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 823 through 828 (of 1,208 total)
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