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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #59965
      Kyler Ramsey

      Hello KabU instructors! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I had heard that there are community funds available for people who feel extremely called to go to the upcoming kabbalah intensive, and was wondering who I could contact, as I am really feeling pulled to go. Thank you so much,


      • #60035

        Hi Kyler,

        It has been brought to my attention that there is a KabU Retreat coming up in October. You can find the info here:

        If you would like to attend but have challenges that prevent you, you may write to this email:


      • #59996

        Hi Kyler,

        For the time being, all conventions are virtual, so you can participate according to your desire to do so. When upcoming conventions are planned, you will be informed by your course instructor.


    • #59752
      Rune T. A.

      Hello, and thank you for takeing the time to answer our questions.

      I would like to know how long/how many times I must correct some of evil inclinations, if they ever go away. I keep wanting to hurt some of our world leaders when I hear about some crazy stuff they are up to, and some the rich folk who wants the world to them selves and or take actions against humanity and our Earth. I might get a thought (just for a couple of seconds) like “he should be in soletary confinement” or “she should experience the suffering og hunger and lonelyness” or even a thought like “I wish I could make this person go away, and the world would be little bit more pleasant for everyone”.

      I do not get any joy in the seconds I “wish” for somebodys suffering, and I totally understand that theese solutions will NEVER work. I don´t believe that you can force a positive inner change in any person. The main thought/feeling I use to correct theese evil inclinations, is that of “no I actually don´t wish that, that won´t work, I hope this person will someday see the light or stumble across the authentic Kabbalah. But this I think is a very very very long shot to hope for. Anyway, I feel I know what and how to correct myself. I do not like any one to suffer, so why is it that theese toughts are so persistant?? And can you show me a better way? Please help me. Thank you!

      • #59839

        Hey Rune,

        You’re touching on a point of work where Kabbalists tell us that we will enjoy from the work itself –  the work being asking the Creator for correction as we recognize each time how we’re unable to make an action of bestowal. We must have these thoughts which show us our oppositeness and it’s upon this darkness we’re able to see the light. Without those moments we’d feel nothing of what bestowal actually is. It must be against the illumination of darkness.

        Of course after some time on the path you’ll begin to default to, “this is the Creator showing me this reality”. It’s just a thought that comes. From there you’ll start putting the pieces together and find how to relate to that instance correctly knowing there’s no “one” to blame, rather the Creator who is showing you how you still don’t see how He rules the world benevolently.

        On the contrary, you should be glad when these thoughts come since it’s the Creator relating to you and awakening you giving you a chance to relate and react correctly. This is how He builds us. Nothing was created redundantly and there’s no “wrong” thought. All He wants you to hear and see has only to do with bringing you closer to correction.

        Best of luck!


        • #59858
          Rune T. A.

          Thank you so much Chris. That is very helpfull, and it ease my mind to know that I am acctually on the right path.


    • #59616

      I have a question.

      I have been in Kabu 2-3 years ago. I had to stop my studies because all my friends said that it was making me crazy. Crazy because my view of the world have changed a lot. Now, I´m back and they still think that way and does not allow me to study, so I have to be here secretly. What can I do? It´s driving me crazy because I want to grow my Point in the heart but I get this negative feedback all around me.

      • #59671

        Hi SJE,

        I would advise to keep your studies separate from your personal life. Mixing the two might continue to cause confusion. Beyond that each person must make a choice what they wish to strive for in this life. If you wish to grow your point in the heart, you have no choice but to strengthen your environment with the study, the teachers, and the group. Without that you won’t advance. I would advise to no longer talk about Kabbalah or your world view with your friends, they clearly do not want to hear it, and you mustn’t force these things. This will only hold you back and based on your words create separation between you and your friends. When you’re around them just behave like a regular person who doesn’t study Kabbalah.


    • #59109
      humehr garivani


      with which god name I Can Start?

      • #59570

        Hi Humehr,

        The Kabbalists do not provide a hierarchy of names which one must progress through. A person relates to the Creator according to the sensation in ones heart. It is not important in what way we turn to Him, just that we do. The advise is to focus on prayer; what is it that I am asking from the Creator?


    • #58967


      What is Kabbalist’s view of near death experiences ( NDE)? It seams there are more of these experiences in our era because of more advanced medical interventions .Also they have similarities ( such as going to the light, seeing the deceased loved ones, etc) and scientists have been trying to find an explanation about the NDEs.

      Also what’s view of Kabbalist about coma and those who remain comatose for years?

      thank you in advance!

      • #59569

        Hi Roxana,

        Kabbalists do not pay any special attention to near death experiences or to other states such as those in a coma. Although it is technically possible for a person to have some minor glimpse into spirituality through great suffering in this world, this is only temporary and does not grant a person true permanent access to the spiritual world. This is not the path the Creator intended for us. A person should achieve spirituality through a longing of love and not through physical pain.


      • #59150

        Hello, Roxana,

        I think Kabbalah is in no mysticism, fantasies, hallucinations, wishful thinking, imagination, philosophy, dreams, etc.

        It is hard work in a group with others to use your ego as a step in ladder to move closer to Creator.

        No shortcuts, no tricks, no other options, just really hard work.

    • #58080

      Shalom,so I am wondering how correction ov our desires correlate to the individual sephirot,and the development ov our soul?and how does one achieve equivalence ov form to accomplish this correction

      • #58090

        Hi Slomo,

        Correcting our desires, to be in order to bestow instead of in order to receive, is the means by which we develop our soul. The soul is the connected corrected ten sefirot, which for the moment is shattered and must be reassembled. We achieve this by becoming similar to the Creator. The main tools we have for this are the teacher, the books, and the environment. These aim a person correctly and allow one to follow the method laid out for us by the Kabbalists which bring one to the realization of the soul.


        • #58144

          thank you yusuf,so do we have different desires to correct for each sefitoth? I was aware this morning that all that exists is love and desire everything seems to revolve around desire.

        • #58525


          The Creator created the desire to receive. This is the matter of creation. This desire operates with the intention to receive, according to self benefit, which is an evolutionary necessity until a certain point. The purpose of creation is achieved by inverting our intention to receive to be an intention to bestow. All that changes is the intention. You can’t correct the desire.

          The ten sefirot are a complete spiritual structure and we can’t make such comparison between this world and the spiritual world. It doesn’t work that way. All will be clarified with time, and the effort to make ones intention similar to the Creator grants one knowledge from above. It’s written there are 620 desires that one must correct to be in order to bestow. We will learn what these numbers mean. It’s all a matter of quality. In spirituality there is only more bestowal or less bestowal.


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