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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #46656
      Voldsom Kraft

      I was desiring and a thought came to me. If Adam and Chava are forces of nature and spiritual forces… Does Chava have something to do with Mitochondria or more specifically Mitochondrial DNA? If so then what is Adam?

    • #43708

      What will happend with the others classes that I take before?

      • #43711

        HI Yaneth,

        Not sure I understand your question.

        • #45125

          Dear Gil L’Chaim my question was for Lucian because I request to change the YG and was asking what will happened to the others courses that had taking already with the new platform sorry for the miss understanding🤍🤍🤍

    • #43201
      Maria B. W12

      Hello Gil and All,

      So happy for the Zohar link in English! Look forward to becoming available for reading in a printed form.

      I literally loved the trial audio in Hebrew. Can’t speak or read Hebrew, yet it made a world of difference, when I could listen to the Zohar in its original language. Is that something psychological? That the reading aloud gives the sense of being in a whole company of others, much more knowledgeable and striving, too, to get a feel of the meaning?

      Is it planned to have the Zohar read out aloud in full?







    • #42260

      Hi! What is procedure to find my Ten in order to study practically together Kabbalah and start to expend both individual and collective Kli?

      • #42263

        Hi Jurgis,

        It’s great to hear that you are already asking about a 10.  By the end of the month (March 2021) we will open registration to our course Kabbalah Revealed. That is part 1 of a four part course. In that process you will learn more about “the 10”, what the spiritual meaning of it is, how to work with it, and also at some point you will have the option of joining a Ten.


        • #42390

          And where shall I see this registration option?

        • #42516

          It will appear in the “Courses” section as soon as it opens

        • #43333

          Hello, Gil! Its end of the March but I dont see registration on such course.

        • #43347

          Hi Again Jurgis,

          I’m inspired to see your anticipation to get started!

          Due to the holidays here we experienced a slight unexpected delay. Check back in during next week please.

          Thanks and apologies for the delay.  We really do want to get the course out there already!

        • #43736

          Hi Gil,

          it seems that now user can see only those courses that ar in progress and completed. Other are gone. Still can not apply for those where can join ten.

    • #42122


      Yesterday, I was thinking about my new life ” reality” after watching few videos of kabbalah teaching by Mr. Tony and Mr. Gil.

      👇My thinking is like this in the picture below. ( I should not lean on my own understanding, please correct my understanding)

      The entire universe is house of the infinite light. This infinite light is governing force. The most important is I’m in the house of this Light.

      I don’t have any separate house for me. No people could understand my ideas, they have their own business.

      I’m blessed in other way, not like other people’s blessings in God’s home.

      I want to give my creator a great pleasure by accepting my these people in this world with love.

      I’m much responsible person. I need to learn more for this. And i should surrender my self to complete my responsibility with great joy. That’s wonderful.

      Now I want to know from you is, is my understanding right? Or where I am wrong or lack in my understanding?
      ( kabbalah in 60 min. Crash course)
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Thanks much.</p>

      • #42145

        Hi Sarah,

        Thanks for sharing. Your understanding is right but also wrong. Let me explain.

        When a child is developing, they have a certain perception of reality. Is their perception and and even worldview right or wrong? It’s right for the current state of their development, and as they mature, they will keep updating their perception and worldview.

        In Spirituality it’s the same process. What you see now as right will later be found to be an incomplete perception that will be expanded.

    • #42049

      Hi again :). In my private life, I have realized that since a few years ago I have been experiencing things like a spiritual script, as if it were a ladder, going up level by level in spiritual knowledge / self-knowledge. More precisely in the last 4 years. About predestination, is it perfect in every detail or do we have some function really our own in this life? I mean, sometimes it feels like I’m stuck in that role and absolutely everything I experience is immutable. Thanks.

      • #42059

        Hi Lucas, the will to receive has all kinds of ways of playing around with us 🙂

        I wouldn’t look too much into to. Focus on attracting the Light and it will lift you. In spirituality there is only advancement. Even if it doesn’t always seem that way.

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