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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 1,219 through 1,224 (of 1,229 total)
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    • #42015
      Shannon Crocker

      I am wondering on a practical level how often should we choose free will in our every day lives. I am wondering if it is an awareness of spirituality throughout your day along with continuing to put yourself in the right environment daily.

      • #42017

        Hi Shannon,

        Good question. In fact you have freedom of choice every second of the day to choose an environment that supports spirituality.

    • #41995
      Abhi Garg

      Hi all. I asked Gil a question about circumcision over email and I thought I would share the response here in case it helps anyone else, as well as to add more to my original question.

      The question was about the requirement for the male child to be circumcised on the eighth day of life, which is mentioned in the Zohar and the Torah, and what is to be done by people such as myself who do not come from a culture that practices circumcision.

      Gil clarified that when the Zohar refers to circumcision, it is referring only to an internal act and has nothing to do with any external act. As we have been told, everything in the Zohar refers only to internal states of being so that makes perfect sense.

      A follow-on question from me on this is what is that “internal act” of circumcision that one is required to do? And what is the significance of doing it on the “eighth day”?

      Does it have something to do with exercising control over lower (e.g. sexual) impulses?

    • #41886

      peace to everyone, my question is how do apply the tree of life to our spiritual awakening and awareness?

      • #41898

        Hi Mosean,

        The Tree of Life is a structure of 10 sefirot. It can only be applied if you attain that structure.

        How to attain that structure? Later this month we will be opening the course Kabbalah Reveled Part 1. I recommend to sign up to it as it will give you clearer guidance on this matter.


    • #41885

      Hello, could you enable subtitles on videos? I am Brazilian and I read English very well, but I am terrible at understanding when I listen. I will probably buy the subscription if there is a caption, even automatic as on your Youtube channel, thanks to everyone.

      • #41896

        Hi Lucas,

        Unfortunately there are no automatic subtitles available, but we are in the process of adding English captions to all the videos. This should be completed within a few weeks.

        We are also working on adding subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, French and Dutch, but this will only be expected in Q3-Q4 of 2021.

        • #41993

          Thank you, Gil! You are the best kabbalah teacher I have ever seen, keep it up.

    • #41499

      Hi Gil,

      My name is Immaculate. I’m new to KabU. I finished the Zohar course and Bought the Zohar By Michael Laitman. received it less than a week ago, it is a white hard cover. Is this the one we as students are supposed to buy?

      I’m a bit confused as I read that the book of Zohar is  70%  been translated and is not yet ready. Can you please clarify.

      Thank you

      • #41895

        Hi Mackie,

        I’m assuming you purchased unlocking the Zohar. That is a wonderful book that will guide you on how to approach the book of Zohar. It also has an entire section of selected (and beautiful) excerpts from the Book of Zohar.

        The entire book of Zohar – 13 volumes, is still in the process of translation.

        Hope this clarifies things

        • #41936

          Hi Gil,

          Thank you for your response. Yes it is unlocking the Zohar. Perfect!

    • #41068
      Heather H

      I keep seeing lessons on “How to study the Zohar” but where is the Zohar?  I’ve searched shopping sites and there are so many different versions. Some are 1 book.  Some are 23 volumes. Which is the best English translation?

      • #41412

        Hi Heather, yes that a totally valid question. Unfortunately I can’t say there is any Zohar translation in English that I can recommend.  Due to that a few years ago we started translating the Zohar ourselves. As you can imagine, it’s a big project, but I’m happy to say we are about 70% done.

        You can already find the translated materials here:

        As soon as we are done we will also release a print version.

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