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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 1,212 total)
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    • #364639
      mrc s

      When the light contracted to allow creation is it to the sides or center point?

      • #365016

        Hi mrc,

        Sorry, is what to the sides or center point? You mean where is the light or where is the will to receive?

    • #364548
      mrc s

      Why in case of oneself we must be honest but others above reason?

      • #364638

        Hey mrc,

        What do you mean “others above reason”?

        • #364784
          mrc s

          I mean judging others favorably, but the question is a mistake

    • #364539
      mrc s

      Is being humble means thinking that I’m ugly, unimportant etc?

      • #364636

        Hey mrc,

        This has nothing to do with physical attributes but instead how one regards oneself with respect to others. For example, if I want to achieve the goal myself, then what I want to be more important is for others to achieve the goal.


    • #363261
      mrc s

      If outside is only light

      How can it block

      Me to get past

      A wall, isn’t light


      • #363949
        mrc s

        If I move forward to a wall I’m blocked, light is transparent ya?

      • #363422

        Can you rephrase this one?

        • #364022
          mrc s

          If outside is light why I can bump into a “wall”?

    • #363209

      can you have a group with girls?

      • #363291

        Hey Michael,

        Mixing isn’t something that was ever done in the history of the path. That’s actually the natural way. We may want it to be different, thinking it could in some way be beneficial, but in reality it is just distracting and unnatural for the spiritual path. Women need to be surrounded only by women and men with only men. If it still seems there wouldn’t be any conflict there, just stay on the path a bit longer and it will become clear.


    • #363161

      Was The  Ball HaSulam rejected by certain jewish communities? If so, Why? 

      • #363290

        Yes, of course. This was particularly in Poland where the dissemination of anything that wasn’t strictly adherent to what was accepted by the religious leaders in the area was perceived basically as threatening. There were many tactics to undermine the efforts of BHS which eventually led to his expulsion but mainly escaped due to the coming war and he tried to get as many Jews out and explain to them the danger ahead, which of course was not accepted.

      • #363162

        i heard my instructor Giani say something along the lines that, when Baal Hasulam Released books, they started to flood other Kabbalah books to overwhelm his books so no one would read his, Unless i miss heard Giani, don’t quote me on that. 

Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 1,212 total)
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