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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 613 through 618 (of 676 total)
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    • #289473
      Troy Albright

      I am a student of the Graduate Enviorment and am on my second go thru with Young Group and a Ten. I am not connecting with my Ten this time around. I have not been going to the Ten meetings because of this and also have been not attending Young Group. I feel like an outsider but that tug is there in my heart to come back. WShat should i do if I feel I don’t belong? It upsets me to the point of tears that I feel unwanted.

    • #289427

      Hi Friends

      My Name is Orlando Marrero. I started studing with BB at around 2017 and got serious on 2018 and been with BB ever since. Last Sunday I joined Gianni’s class in preparation for new young group and questions were asked and but I did not have the courage to ask a couple of burning questions that I have. I was told that I could ask them here. I will ask the one that burns me the most. I am sorry that I don’t even know how to ask about this so I’m just going to. Since 6 month ago I have notice that when I close my eyes I can see a light that sometimes intensifies and diminishes.  Is this suppose to happen, what is that light ? If is better to ask Gianni next Sunday for the benefit of all, I will do so but for now can you tell me this, Is my imagination playing tricks on me ? Anyway thanks in advance.

      • #289546

        Hello Orlando. I do not know what you are seeing. I suspect it is some unexplained physical phenomena going on in your eye. In any case, I have not heard of this from any of the Friends.

    • #288688

      Dear Friends and Instructors,

      I have the following question about the tradition of the wisdom of Kabbalah that has been handed down to us through Baal HaSulaam and Rabash to Rav Laitman:

      If this school of Kabbalah (Bnei Baruch) is the most legitimate and effective method in the world today, and if the only way to realize or maximize the outcome of this method is by working in a quorum of dedicated fellow Kabbalists (a “Ten” as you call it), then why is it that we hear only from a single bearer of this tradition, Rav Laitman?

      One would assume that had Baal HaSulam, Rabash, and Rav Laitman enjoyed the optimal outcome that is to be had from this rare treasure that this success did not occur to them individually, but that their colleagues within their respective quora reached the highest worlds together with then in mutual guarantee; and that they too would have wanted to share this glory with the world just as our own glorious teachers have; or, at least, they would have testified publicly to the absolute veracity of this most august school of wisdom so that its dissemination might be all the more expedited and empowered.

      Thank you for your help.

      ~ Seraphim

      • #288769

        Hello Seraphim.  A ten, or quorum, requires two or more. Ten people is optimal. Rav Laitman’s 10 is himself and Rabash. I am not privy to the 10 of Rabash or Baal HaSulam.

    • #288526

      Dear Kabu,

      Re. Reading Audios [a suggestion and thanks]

      I have watched [and continue to watch] Mike Kellogg’s excellent lessons in the Grad Environment and note that Beth Shillington frequently reads an introductory excerpt or tract of text substantiating the coming lesson and the area of the lecture followed by Mike.

      I implore Beth Shillington to take-up reading these texts and hopefully to read whole audios in the near future.  She has a wonderful reading voice and calming and clear countenance which is clear to follow and understand.  I noticed her beautiful voice sometime back and wanted to say this to you and to encourage her to read more.

      Warm wishes to you all and thank you.  Lyndon S.

      • #290098

        Absolutely! I had the same impression. She really has a beautiful and clear voice.

        But I must say I also envy you Lyndon. You’re a master in conveying your thoughts and emotions. You mostly pick the right words and express them in a catchy, expressive manner, without exaggerating.

    • #287765
      Adelina Santos

      Hello friends,

      From Kabbalah revealed,

      Faith in Kabbalah is defined as tangible, complete and irrefutable perception of the Creator.

      Question: So how can we, kabbalah students, without any perception of the Creator be expected to go faith above reason?

      thank you


      • #287929

        Hello Adelina. Good question. At this point we can not really feel what the kabbalists call faith above reason. Here’s a reply to your  post from David Monolo:

        Faith above reason is granted by the Creator as an answer to our prayer for adhesion. To reach this prayer we need the assistance of the light. Evoking the light happens when we try and make actions which are in alignment with the light. These actions are performed within a group of kabbalistic students following the advice of the Kabbalists. At times, these actions will feel against our own personal reason as they are aiming us toward love of others, which is against the nature of the ego.

    • #287510
      Troy Albright

      Getting Error on anyone else experiencing this?

Viewing 6 posts - 613 through 618 (of 676 total)
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