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  • #128071


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    • #363407

      Hello Gianni, what is the name of the program you mentioned in which Rav comments on the news? Thanks in advance.

    • #363370

      Hi Gianni,


      in yesterday’s YG lesson, you mentioned that we live in a world controlled by the ego.  ego impulses , reasoning, etc, How do we exit this world and start sensing the world beyond, how do we ensure we are not guided by ego, but only by the upper world at all times?

      • #363444


      • #363391

        Not coincidentally, I have a direct quote from Dr. Laitman from last morning lesson: Anything that can bring me to the feeling of the friend, to feel him as part of me, and the same manner with everyone. The more I expand my boundaries, the more I feel the Creator’s force in them.

        Guided by the ego the act will be if I go according to what I advise myself. I need to replace my thoughts and thus my actions with those that are certainly coming from Kabbalists. That’s how I know they’re in connection with something higher than our world.

    • #363249

      Is there any priority to the classes in the Graduate Section, or is it strictly ‘dealers choice’?  If I cannot make all of the sessions available, are there any sessions that I should prioritize after the Young Group?

      Weekly Portion of Light
      Sunday Meeting with Friends
      A Sage Speaks
      Graduate Class

    • #363214

      Since this is practical kabbalah we define things by the use that it has to us based on the degree to where we are and the actions we must make to the next degree?  What it does determines what it is and what it does is determined by the tens vessels?

      • #363270

        Too complicated for me. We’re facing an Upper World that we can’t enter just any which way. So I need to hear only things that are practical for me right now. Hearing things that are higher than that won’t help and may even set me back.

    • #363167

      Why do kabbalists pray to forget?

      • #363174

        That’s for those who are in spiritual discernments and need to begin their work on the next degree not far from the way a beginner feels – that everything is concealed for him and he has to simply bow before the Kabbalists, before the Creator. A Kabbalist who has spiritual revelation has a problem if he needs to advance on additional degrees.

    • #363166

      Why do we not have lessons in Aramaic?

      So just start asking the creator for things like mad and he will bring me to a better and better prayer each time?

      • #363173

        You need too ask the Upper Light for what the Upper Light is willing to give. All else besides the connection of the broken Kli (vessel) is taken care of, and predecided. Inside a connected Kli, nothing will be lacking.

        There was a movement away from Aramaic. The Zohar was in Aramaic mostly. Baal HaSulam felt the need to translate it into Hebrew. Also, other older texts were in Aramaic. Overall, there was a movement to Hebrew, and part of the reason might be this: a person has to understand what he’s learning so that he can aim himself through the advice he gets, toward the Upper Light.

Viewing 6 posts - 235 through 240 (of 619 total)
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