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  • #128071


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    • #378513

      Hi Gianni

      you may have missed my response from last week, regarding “work” and “Shabbat”  so ill post it again here.

      Wonderful, so, “work” is working on our “ego” and on Shabbat, we let the upper light do the work, or finish the work.

      When you said “shabbat is an “inner state” one might reach on a Wednesday etc .  A passage from the Talmud came to my mind, maybe you can tell me if it is hinting to this “inner state ? Or approves this idea “between the lines” so to speak?


      Shabbat 69b:4-7

      Rav Huna said: One who was walking along the way or in the desert, and he does not know when Shabbat occurs, he counts six days from the day that he realized that he lost track of Shabbat and then observes one day as Shabbat. Ḥiyya bar Rav says: He first observes one day as Shabbat and then he counts six weekdays.



    • #378405

      Is the quality „nations of the world“ nothing but a shape of a reaction of that part which the quality „Israel“ doesn’t want to contain within itself in order to maintain the desire to bestow pure – within one?

      • #378408

        Hi Clara,

        The Nations of the World are necessary parts of the soul to which we all belong. Each part has a part that relative to it belongs to the Rosh (head); these parts together are called Israel. They’re from the Nations of the World, but they’re the parts that can belong to the Rosh.

        • #378510

          Thank you, Gianni. Which parts are ‘together Israel’

          1. the nations of the world part plus the part of Rosh Israel/or rosh nations of the world? = Israel, or

          2. All the ones are in the Rosh with a correspondent nations of the world part below are Israel?

        • #378537

          Those called Israel came from Nations of the World originally. Some of them came during Abraham’s time, some during the time of Moses, some later. Anyone can be part of them, depending on if they’re given this kind of desire that is directed at the Creator.

    • #378289

      The topic of religion has come up this week on one of the morning lessons I heard and then within our Young Group. It seems perhaps religion starting out from egoism could also be imagination? meaning if someone were to read the Torah and not be in the spiritual leveling which that item was written for  , and then take that literally with in the means of the corporeal world, and then create a system out of that in the corporeal world, however also , Religion does teach us to be moralistic and all things are from The Creator as there is none else beside Him. It does help us to realize that we are not alone in a sense . That their is a force beyond us that we are not in control of. Religion can also be used to be guided to truth of Kabbalah . So on one hand I feel like both things can be true . That religion can be both.  I think my question is , what is the role of imagination in my ego? can it be used to bestow ?  I just know that when I am uncomfortable my imagination and creativity can think of ideas that suit me and in turn others but in the long run the imagination came forth to benefit me in some way , or does our imagination change as we do?

      I hope this makes sense.

      Thank you.

      • #378407

        Hi Kristen,

        The imagination is simply the thought that came to realize some desire I have.

        When my desires change, I have different thoughts – because, again, thoughts are only the upshot of the desire.

        • #378480

          Response from Gianni: When my desires change, I have different thoughts… –

          1- Is that why they always say that everything depends on the desire?

          2- Is that the reason why we need to build this great deficiency for spirituality? To build something you never had requires a lot of labour.

          3a- That means our desire for spirituality needs to be very strong like the desire for corporeality?
          If yes, then, should we ask the Creator, that the same desire for corporeal pleasure He gave us, He should also give us the same measure for spiritual pleasures? And by that we will be able to have His thought. Because I heard that the Creator wants to give us His thought. 

          Thank you

        • #378499

          All correct

        • #379160

          Thank you both !

    • #378192

      Does being slightly buzzed on alcohol or the devil’s lettuce increase the light a person gets?

      • #378207


        • #378571

          It seems like a “correlation, not causation” situation. I have heard in our sources that have pointed out that individuals are more malleable in the three states Todd mentions: confusion, mild intoxication, and fatigue. However, the key factor is not the substance itself but the state of mind—particularly, the state of decreasing intellectualization?

          • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Dave.
        • #378603

          The Creator didn’t arrange reality such that there are substances that can induce spiritual advancement. It’s only through one’s inner work, through our reality. If a substance is for detaching me from the regularity of our reality, it’s also certain that it detaches me from the ability to work spiritually since the Creator made the reality ideal for this work as it is.

    • #378117

      Does more light work on a person when they are drunk, tired, or confused?

      • #378120

        Drunk – no.

        Tired – it could be because he’s making efforts even though he’s tired.

        Confused – it could be so. His mind gets in the way less.

    • #377870

      Would it be a good idea to think of drawing the reforming light for the friends while reading from the sources?  I mean when you are by yourself.  What are some tactics to use when reading by one’s self?


      • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Todd.
      • #378072

        It’s best if I never feel alone. I’m always with the ten. Reading about Kabbalah without a ten is like someone without a body reading about the human body.

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