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  • #128071


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    • #321963

      I was reading in The Kabbalah Experience, page 311 in the Method of a Choice last paragraph…

      When we ask to change us not because we feel bad, but because we suffer from cursing the Creator in our hearts, that is already a request that is not self-oriented, “for me” but is a true prayer for Him.

      An initial prayer then – Change my heart not because I feel bad, but because I suffer from cursing You in my heart?

      Do we pray in this form at times or is prayer always the recognition of a desire?

      • #321966

        Both are valid. Most important is to scrutinize what I really want. In each moment it’s something. Where is my heart aimed? If not in the right direction, then from that scrutiny, I can also pray. This way I discover more and more what to pray for. The whole path is a sequence of prayers.

        • #321975

          Thank you

    • #321903
      Adelina Santos


      Zohar Ítem 61 Who Is your partner? I have a question:

      When the righteous study Toráh and raise MAN, it is said that they renew words which build a screen, product of a zivug between the Shechina and the Creator (ZA). Are these renewed words a new interpretation made by the righteous of the words of Toráh?

      Thank you


      • #321905

        Renewing words means that it’s always the same words as you can neither add nor subtract from the Torah, which is the program of reality. But for you, in your ever-changing desire, the very same words need to be renewed: implemented upon the new Aviut (coarseness).

        • #322116
          Adelina Santos

          Is it the formation of the Middle line?

        • #322117

          Spiritual attainment – which is what we’re talking about if there is Restriction, Screen, and Returning Light – is always in the Middle Line.

    • #321301
      Adelina Santos

      Hi Gianni

      I am reading the Zohar, The visión of Rabbi Chiya ítem 56. Two questions: 1- The tears that fall down to Malchut de Malchut, which are Hochma without Hassadim, are they Ohr Makif?

      2- Who Is the sea ruler? A minister, a force like an angel?

      Thank you


      • #321304

        Hi Adelina,

        There are some nuances here that aren’t worth going into. Generally, the Zohar is for drawing the Reforming Light. But we can say that whatever Light cannot enter the Kli remains outside, as Surrounding Light.

        All that is written about in the Zohar are forces. Also, Rabbi Chiya is a force and not a person.

    • #321221

      New to Grad Environment.  I attended my first lesson with Seth on Tuesday.  I asked what is love from the Kabbalah perspective and Seth shared his insights.  Tonight I’m watching Jul 19, 2022 – Pticha – Lesson 2.  I can define love now myself because suddenly I realized that I have been the opposite of love in this life.  It brought tears and also a sense of relief as if now I understood something that was a barrier that I could sense but couldn’t grasp.

      Does this make sense or have I gotten myself on an incorrect path of thinking/feeling?

      • #321223

        Yes. All this turns out to be about only you, your story. There’s nothing else written in the books of Kabbalah.

    • #321208

      Hi my name is David Mendivil. I’m a  second year young group student and am in G.E.  I used to have a connection with arvut site. But was on my old phone.  Now link that Vincent Leduk posted in telegram the page says can’t find my email. Would like to access the daily live lesson rooms with other members of my  yg10  please if someone could help me with a link or invite or. Whatever I will need to access arvut system. I hope this is where I ask such questions.  Thank You

    • #321025

      Dear Instructor,

      I just wanted to ask a really juvenile question which we covered in the early days over-and-over but I have often learned that these seemingly simple re-occurring questions often come up with different answers as we understand more and more. I’m just watching Seth’s class on Pticha and we are deep into the material at lesson 44 but this old question keeps popping up.

      My question is this, if the creator is the absolute total of all things in every sense and in the broadest and most expensive definition of this and that within the creator all things reside then, why was it necessary for the creature to be made. I know this is because the creature has to experience separation and then unification through this process we are expediting by our own effort but if the creator encompassed all then this would not need to have happened as the state of potential, state of actual and the truth of it all regardless of the perspective of the creature would have happened in a heartbeat and Would have always resided in the centre with no need for its separation to the edges?

      Thanks, Lyndon S.

      • #321039

        There’s no way around the creature nevertheless having to become like the Creator in such a way that it happens by his free choice every step of the way. All that you’re not understanding lies in this process of it happening through a system that provides for free choice.

Viewing 6 posts - 505 through 510 (of 692 total)
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