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    • #126851

      I don’t have a question right now

    • #126847

      The more I listen to the concepts, the more confused I feel, is this normal? Would it be clearer in time? Ty

      • #127667

        Dear Ale,

        This is a very good question and quite normal. Often times we wish to approach the Wisdom of Kabbalah by trying to understand everything with one’s mind.  While the mind is a useful tool for organizing ourselves, ultimately we need to develop a different kind of feeling mechanism to understand Kabbalah.

        Over time you will understand more with your mind, but at the same time you will develop the more important tool; your sensations that more and more match the Upper Force’s qualities of love and bestowal. The true understanding, attainment, comes from reaching equivalence of form with the Creator, and that is done by developing oneself through the study (drawing of the Light that reforms) and work in the Kabbalistic group.

        Keep continuing and develop this for yourself!

        Best of luck!

        Christian @KabU

    • #60769

      why 613 desires?

    • #59702

      After achieving higher spirituality, is it possible to live without the most important human needs?

      • #61842

        Dear Bartosz,

        This is a very nice question! The Kabbalists tell us that the more we attain the Upper World, the more this world seems like a dream world, meaning its importance becomes secondary to the Upper World. Nevertheless, we still maintain our corporeal bodies in this world and must provide it all of its necessities, and that depends on each person’s own particular needs. We remain in this world up to Gmar Tikkun (the end of correction) – what happens after, the Kabbalists only vaguely allude to it.


        Christian @KabU

    • #59189

      What is the most common mistake that you see new students make when studying Kabbalah? And how can the new student prevent his imagination from running away with what is taught to him before studying in a group, or under a teacher in a more intimate way? I’ve been a seeker for most of my life and I’ve noticed an illusion of understanding or greater growth than is actually taking place. Thank you.

      • #61844

        Dear John,

        Indeed this is something very typical – there is a tremendous amount of excitement when one first discovers the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah. If one has an awakened point in the heart, he found the wellspring that he has been searching for and lacking his entire life, whether consciously or not!

        You essentially answered your question – Kabbalah is a method, and to achieve the best results it is recommended to adhere to the method (scheduled study, work in the group, etc… – as you advance throughout KabU, you will be given the completely proper structure to benefit your spiritual advancement).

        Although one’s imagination and excitement are very high at first, the more one engages in this wisdom, the more one sees how practical it is. It is a scientific method after all! Meaning we absolutely use our imagination, but we do not run wild with it and equate it with attainment. We use our imagination as a way to increase aspirations, but ultimately we “stick with” what we attain.

        Dr. Laitman has a great blog post that goes into deeper detail about your question:


        Christian @KabU

    • #57192

      To want what the Creator wants to give me/people is prayer!   Okay I get it.  How do I know in each difficulty what it is the Creator wants to give me/people through me? Is it intuitive or is there something I can always rely on doing? Some say “scan zohar” or “share”  but what about when I do everything I know to do and I’m still beside myself with all the negativity I feel. Then what do I do?

      • #59732
        Pablo Denis

        How can I keep myself humble and should I tell people I’m studying Kabbalah.

        • #61845

          Dear Pablo,

          There is no need to change your everyday life nor proclaim to everyone that you are studying Kabbalah. If an interaction with someone else leads to a conversation about the meaning of life, spirituality, etc… and he/she shows interest, then you can certainly show him/her some of our materials and see if it arouses interest.

          Especially as one first gets acquainted with Kabbalah, he wants to tell everyone about it! I remember this about myself quite well. It is important not to persuade people about it or be obnoxious – if there is a genuine interest, they will find it!

          Best of luck!

          Christian @KabU

      • #57348

        Dear Mary,

        Since this is a continuation of your first question, I will answer it here.

        The main thing is to have a desire to connect everything in your life to the Creator – He is the single Upper Force governing all of reality, and He wants you to completely adhere to Him. Prayer certainly is the key, as it is ideal to constantly pray to Him. The Sages said it would be great to pray all day! These issues concern your internality though and do not reflect what you do in your day to day life or around other people.

        Your “regular” life should remain as it always was, but your development occurs within you. The more you continue in the studies, you will be introduced to the group. In the group of your fellow Kabbalah students, you will delve much deeper into the method and how to adhere to the Creator.

        Good luck!

        Christian @KabU


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