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    • #57191

      What should I do when I do want the Creator to be kind to me and them, but I am not sure what I need to do to reveal that kindness?  What do you do when you feel a need for that kindness but are not sure what is at this moment required of you?

    • #43322

      How is the best evidence that Creator is in our life? Because faith is when we just believe, but if “just believe” is not the way, how I can do this the different way?


      • #43424

        Dear Ricardo,

        This is an excellent question. The wisdom of Kabbalah has nothing to do with believing that there is a Creator. In fact, it is quite the contrary…the Kabbalists tell us that we can only name what we attain.

        The name of the Creator in Hebrew is Bore, made out of the words “bo” (come) and “re” (see) – the Creator’s name is “come and see.”

        We are tasked not to believe that there is some Creator but to attain the Creator. We do this through achieving equivalence of form – becoming similar to His qualities of love and bestowal. Faith in Kabbalah means bestowal. We attain the Creator through faith, meaning through the quality of bestowal.

        After one attains this, he does not have any room for belief or the need for evidence to convince one’s reason, because he comes to the realization that there is only the Creator.


        Christian @KabU

    • #42677
      Bob Diehl

      Concerning the concept of prayer. We call out to God when we experience a need, a need that is significant to us, shouting in our face. Let’s say it is a recurring and disabling pain in the knee.
      I can see, on the one hand, that it might be occurring because at my limited level of consciousness, a “victory” of receiving healing in the knee is the confidence, joy, and encouragement that awakens me to the reality of Oneness with my Creator.
      On the other hand, desiring simple healing may be a desire to maintain my limited level of consciousness and not move on.
      The confusion concerns the idea of where to place my intentionality. Do I win the current challenge specifically designed for me to win (the physical healing), or do I “die” to “the call to be concerned about lower things by setting my intentionality to repeatedly overlooking the body?
      Thank you.

      • #42848

        Dear Bob,

        Yes indeed it is perplexing.

        Kabbalists are not monks – we do not neglect the needs of the body. We take care of it in whatever “common” fashion is done within one’s external society (doctors, medicine, etc…).

        Meanwhile, Kabbalists are also constantly working on their internality, mainly shifting oneself from the desire to receive for oneself to the will to bestow, meaning yearning to reach equivalence of form with the Creator.

        The main thing is to ask. Having the aspiration to ask the Creator is already a tremendous step in the right direction, and as you advance on the path, you will refine your prayers more and more. You will be assisted by the Upper Light.

        Best of luck!

        Christian @KabU

    • #42537

      Since being introduced to Kaballah I have been asking for healing of egoism for myself and all humanity in my prayers and for connection to pure, unconditioned consciousness.

      Are these prayers valid, as in helpful not just to myself as I feel they are and seem to experience and I guess I am asking- do I need to word these prayers in such a way as to be more beneficial for all of Creation?

      I also ask blessings upon Creator, All Creation and All My Relations. Is this type of prayer herecy or blasphemy in any way and if so why?

      • #42847

        Dear Rachel,

        Great questions!

        Kabbalists explain that prayer is the work in the heart, and the main prayer is asking for the force of bestowal. It is a significant shift compared to what we may assume prayer means.

        Here is a great blog post from Dr. Laitman that goes into further detail on how a person reaches such a prayer:


        Christian @KabU

    • #42536

      Since being introduced to Kaballah I have experienced this “mantra” which runs through my thoughts- ” my home is in the vibration of the will to bestow”

      And this after asking questions like: ” who am I?

      Why am I here?

      What is my purpose in the Collective of humanity?

      What is my Devine Spiritual Purpose?

      My question has been what are the 125 steps to ascension I suppose since I heard of them as part of Kaballah…

      Why is this so important to me?? Is my question for this lesson. Thanks so much for all you are and all you do



      • #42846

        Dear Rachel,

        Your questions are very valid!

        The 125 degrees are degrees in which one becomes more and more like the Creator, that is, one becomes similar to Him in His qualities of love and bestowal. The method of Kabbalah was given to us so we can attain equivalence of form and take each of those steps to completion!

        These questions are very important to you because you are being given the opportunity to achieve the purpose of your life, which is to attain endless, perfect, and eternal connection with the Creator!

        Best of luck!

        Christian @KabU


    • #40962
      Michelle Ayres

      Do I have to give up the God that brought us out of Egypt?

      How can I be equal with my creator?

      • #41414

        Dear Michelle,

        I am not sure what you mean give up the God that brought us out of Egypt.

        One becomes equal with the Creator through achieving what is known as equivalence of form.

        Our nature is the will to receive for oneself, and the Creator’s qualities are complete love and bestowal. One must attain the Creator’s qualities of love and bestowal to be equal with Him.

        Good luck!

        Christian @KabU

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