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    • #40864

      Good Evening. In 3:49 you said that there is a barrier and we can not see the upper worlds. How can we raise this barrier?

      Thank you.

      • #41413

        This is an important question!

        The barrier is there because we are opposite in quality to the upper worlds – they are complete bestowal and we are in the quality of reception.

        The way we cross the barrier is by achieving equivalence of form with the Creator’s qualities of love and bestowal. This is primarily done through the work in a Kabbalist group, where one learns and lives “from love of others to love of the Creator.”


        Christian @KabU

    • #39664
      Abraham Alebachew

      Hi everyone. As a student of modern science I know that understanding the language by which many concepts in each field of study are composed and create what we call science is a key to get a foothold on them. For example, mathematics has its own language. Classical mechanics, relativity, quantum physics, etc. have their own language. Especially, quantum physics has a very peculiar language and this makes it counter-intuitive. Also, physics in general borrows a language from mathematics.

      I came out from a society which is dominantly orthodox. In retrospect, my general understanding of the Bible was totally wrong. I embarrassingly understood it like a ‘history’ book. There have been concepts which I couldn’t explain why but were and still some are deep in my soul which troubled me. The hellish concept of hell has been among them. So, the bottom line is how should I have a general picture of  the Bible especially the Torah? After having the glimpse of the the language of branches, my view of the Bible has been slightly shifted. Here is my current understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong. Moses wrote the Torah to describe the upper worlds and in doing so , he used objects and events in our physical world.

      • #40856

        Dear Abraham,

        This is indeed a situation many of us face – we have prior perceptions of the Torah/Bible; however, what it actually is/what the Kabbalists gave us are entirely different than those approaches.

        The Torah is the instruction from the Light – essentially it speaks of nothing in the physical world or anything on the outside, but rather it speaks of man’s inner world and the changes one goes through in order to become like the Creator, the quality of love and bestowal.

        There are many materials on Dr. Laitman’s blog, and I highly recommend reading there to get a deeper grasp.

        Best of luck!

        Christian @KabU

    • #39641

      How did this information get passed down to mankind? Was it when Adam walked with Gd in the cool of the day, were those conversations we are not privy to discussions about this hidden knowledge? Also when Moshe spent all those days on Har Sinai? And is there some connection with this teaching and the ladder Yakkov saw with molechim ascending and descending? Off the top of my head, these are the areas of the Tanakh where I wish I were a bird perched up high with ears to hear.

      • #40857

        Dear Binah,

        The Kabbalists have passed down this information by way of teacher to student since the time of Adam. He was the first person to achieve equivalence of form with the Creator; thereby becoming the first Kabbalist. Through the generations a teacher in attainment had students, and those students grew in attainment and henceforth the chain continued to this day.


        Christian @KabU

    • #39635

      On the early morning of November 22 2017 Gregorian Calendar. I witnessed the sky part and golden light shun through! Then this white ball that had the sound of static electricity came out and went a ways and then came back. Then 4 more came out and the first one went all the way back to where it first went and then back to the hole or gate many times in an instant it was fast. Then after the others were done with whatever they came to do they went back to where they came from. The first one went back last. This was the night of my stepbrothers and stepmoms funeral they were murdered along with two other people on our block on November 14th 2017 Gregorian Calendar.  I had to ask my wife to come out and witness it. She could not believe what we were seeing. I could not tell her either way. I have read so many things but do I really know what it was. I am wondering if I was meant to see it for nothing happens by accident. in 2018 I was meditating on things and tried a breathing exercise while fasting and I was pulling energy from my abdomen visualizing it with each breath and a vibration like a local motive took over and then light like the hole in the sky was going in waves from below to above. While my eyes were closed I saw this light inside. I did not fully understand what was happening, and I probably in error thought that I would leave and never return. I did not want to leave my responsibilities to family. My dad was dying of cancer and my boys are young so I did not want to go just yet. I have not been able to reproduce this since. I believe in this deep stuff and the higher worlds, but I do not truly understand it. This is why I am here. I do not put Kabbalah with any other teachings. I believe it is in a arena all of its own.

    • #39183

      I think that as holders of free will, our intentions are always ours, but they may or may not be aligned with the principles of creation.

    • #38668
      D F

      How do you differentiate self intend and creators wish?

      • #39483
        Gil Shir

        Everything you want for your own fulfillment is called self intent, and everything that is for the purpose of bestowal is the creators wish.

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