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    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #430127


      maybe this has been asked or explained some where, How does the Kabbalah account for Angles in their creation story.

      • #430140

        Hi Roli,

        At every moment of our lives, we are surrounded by many different forces of nature that are constantly acting upon us. Some of these we identify, like the force of gravity, magnetism, the force of the sun, the moon, etc. And some of them we don’t yet identify. Spirits, angels, etc are terms referring to the forces of nature that are always acting upon us. These terms can be used interchangeably, so essentially you can call the force of gravity the angel of gravity. But these are forces. Just as you don’t attribute any intelligence/consciousness or even an image to the force of gravity, you shouldn’t attribute any to the forces called angels or spirits.

        Furthermore, there is nothing harmful that stems from any of these forces. The only source of harm in the world is man’s own egoism.

        Check out these blog posts from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #429880

      Why now we are able to learn about Kabbalah comparing with a time when it was concealed ? Is there anything which makes our times different ? Thank you ..

      • #430126

        Hi Kat,

        Although we point to 1995 as to when Kabbalah became revealed, technically the prohibition was lifted much earlier, from the time of the Ari. He was the one to make a very special correction within the entire spiritual system, after which its not only possible, but a must to openly disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to help the whole world reach its correction.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details on the Ari:

        So why do we say 1995? Let’s put a few things into perspective:

        Kabbalah is the method of correction of our egoistic nature, thereby revealing the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal. Why was it necessary to conceal such a wisdom? Because egoism was still not yet fully developed. For example: if you compare Kabbalah to a medicine that can cure a rare disease, obviously you can’t take the medicine before you’re diagnosed with the disease, but once the disease actually manifests, you can take the medicine and be cured of it.

        It’s just like the 5 stages development of a disease within a person. First a person is healthy. Then he is sick, but he does not feel it. Then the disease spreads to the point that he starts to feel pain and symptoms of the disease. This then pushes him to go to a doctor to get diagnosed and find the cure, and etc.

        2000 years ago, egoism was still on a very low level, there was no need to correct it. Starting from the days of the Ari, egoism already grew to a certain extent (and technically the prohibition on Kabbalah ended there), but humanity still didn’t feel sick, on the contrary the ego was the main driving force of all of our development. Then from around 1995 egoism peaked and began to show itself as bad, like a cancer that begins to kill the host body. This is the peak at which there was a true need for the cure. Which in essence is what the Kabbalists have been waiting for all these years, for the desire, for egoism to fully ripen.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #429814

      Hi I am at the moment like a sponge taking in the lessons, I am loving reading the questions and answers thank you

    • #429787
      Ali Ansari

      I have a question, but there’s no rush. I understand that many things will become clearer as I continue studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. Still, I’d like to ask: Why did the Creator bring creation into existence? Kabbalah teaches that He wanted to bestow ultimate fulfillment upon the created being. But why? Does He need us? Before anything was created, was He still “the Creator”? A creator, by definition, implies something created. So, without creation, could He truly be called the Creator?

    • #429784


      I have something I would like to share, and then perhaps you could help explain what it could mean, please.

      Through-out my entire life, I have had the ability to tap into senses outside of the five physical senses, and so, I would like to share two occurrences:

      1. In 2021, I began a meditation session, where I was lying down on the sofa. I always begin my meditations by checking the time to see how much times goes by between beginning of session and end of session. I envisioned floating directly above my body – up and up I went, envisioning a gold cord tying me to my physical body. As I went up, there was nothing, just darkness, but the darkness wasn’t terrifying, and I felt like a non-material entity (more like ‘thought’) moving freely through space/time. I did come to a place where the darkness became blacker than black, and so thick they I could no longer move freely. A being appeared on my right side and their face was blurred. I could not make out a shape or any kind of form, but I did notice their face was blurred. The being said they were there to help me navigate through the ‘blackest of black and the thickness of it,’ and we moved onward, and I could actually feel the resistance, as if I was moving through a very thick substance. Then, I was moving freely again. The being brought me somewhere. I wasn’t in a physical place, but there did appear the likeness of a woman in a long flowing gown who did not speak to me, only showed me the colour spectrum. The colour spectrum seemed to pulsate, as if it had its own heartbeat, or life-source, and as it pulsated, it expanded, and as it expanded, the colour became more diluted by space/time, to the point that eventually I could see no colour. Then, while it was pulsating, it began to come back into itself again, and as it moved into itself, I could see the colour spectrum again, more and more, until it literally collapsed into a pure ball of white light. Then, I was told it was time to go. When I came out of this experience, I saw on my clock that two hours had passed, and yet, it seemed like only minutes.

      2. The second occurrence that I wanted to share happened last year, April 29, 2024.

      April 17, my husband and I had gone to Nicaragua to visit his family, and while we were visiting one of his uncles, I was introduced to his aunt Violet, who, unfortunately, was in the process of transitioning from this life to the next (I say unfortunately only because those left behind suffer from the loss). This was my first time visiting his family in Nicaragua and my first time meeting Violet. I sat down by her bedside, and held her hand. We smiled at each other and spoke a bit. I could feel her father in the room, and said nothing. I went outside to speak with other family members, and eventually went back inside and I felt a strong inclination to tell her family, that when it’s her time to go, she will feel nothing and she will not be alone, that her father will be there to help her. I shared this message with them. They all cried tears of joy and a small child ran to me and hugged me. Outside, I told my husband that her time was coming very soon.

      Fast forward to our flight home. We had to take two planes. We left early in the morning, and on the first flight, above the clouds, I had another experience, but this time, I was not in a meditative trance. I was looking out the window, staring at the clouds and I closed me eyes. Then, I began to see visions in my mind.

      ‘I could see Miss Violet lying on the bed, and there were four other people there. The space was very bright. The five of us formed a circle around Miss Violet, and it was like we were floating, circling her bed, and we were singing music from our throats and it was beautiful. We continued to float in a circular motion around the bed holding hands and as this was happening, without evening realizing when it had occurred, Miss Violet joined the circle directly across from me between two others holding each being’s hand. Then the circular motion began moving directly upward, and still moving in a circular motion, we went up. I watched her face. Miss Violet was smiling and there was a very bright light that could be seen and from where I was at the moment, it was coming from my upper right side, and so Miss Violet, with her eyes closed, tilted her chin up and smiled deeply as if she was enjoying basking in this light, and then, we were in the light. 

      In this next ‘level’ I saw nothing but open space; a vast, seemingly never-ending, open space. I saw other beings there. Then, I saw a very tall ladder, and it went directly up. Other beings were either staying in this vast, open space, or, they were being guided upward, up the ladder – they were not physically climbing it. It was more of a guide on where to go. I was below the ladder and then I could feel a very strong physical sucking sensation, as if a vortex sucked me up the ladder, and then, I was in a totally different area. I saw colours I had never seen here in this world. The greens were vibrantly green, and the blue of the water was vibrantly blue. I felt so much pleasure just looking at them. I began to move at the speed of thought, and ended up at what looked like a surreal, other-worldly, orchard of tropical trees of the most vibrant colours I had ever seen. I was moving at the speed of thought, not flying. I had to ‘travel’ to this place, and I saw a mansion. It was beautiful! As I turned the corner to the front of the mansion, I could hear a celebration! I saw Miss Violet again, and she was being greeted with sheer joy from other beings. Keep in mind this entire time, from since the beginning, Miss Violet never once acknowledged my presence. 

      I watched this joyous union and was so overcome with elevated emotions, until I heard the sound of deep sorrow. I heard anguished weeping. The joyous moment ceased as Miss Violet acknowledged the sound of the anguished grief, and then she looked at me. She told me that I couldn’t stay there, and that I had to go, and she told me to give them a message from her. I won’t share the message as it was personal to the family, but, after she shared the message, I felt that same sucking sensation, and I went back the exact same way that I had ended up in that place, but it all happened in a split second. 

      When my eyes opened, my husband came back from the washroom, and he acknowledged that he had never seen me ‘black out’ the way I did. He said it was as though I had closed my eyes, and I was gone. This vision took place over a period of twenty minutes or more, so it wasn’t long, but I was sobbing openly. People were looking at me, and I assured them that I was okay, but I couldn’t explain to them what had happened.

      I told my husband what had happened, and in the end he asked if I thought she was gone. I told him her body is still alive, but yes, his aunt was officially gone. The following morning, at around the same time, Miss Violet’s body died. I’m telling you, she left before her body died!


      I was wondering if you could speak to these occurrences a bit. Also, I apologize for the length.


      • #430145

        Hi Christina,

        It’s not my place to comment on your personal states. I can only provide general guidance on how through the Kabbalistic study we can start climbing the spiritual ladder and practically reveal spirituality in our lives.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #429738

      Is Kabbalah saying that the tragedies in this world had to happen for us to come to our level of development. Please try to make sense for the attack on Israel on October 7th 2023. I live in Israel. Thank you

      • #430162

        Hi Aby,

        These events are still emotionally charged, so we cannot talk about them directly as it will not really be understood. This follows the saying that “the words of the wise are heard in calmness”.

        In which case, let’s talk about these things in general. In general, we learn from the Kabbalists that every single moment comes to us directly from the Creator, this is called “there is none else besides Him”. Furthermore, they also say that He is the “good that does good”. Meaning that every moment He is sending us nothing but goodness. But why then don’t we see this in our world? Why do we see so much suffering and problems in the world?

        This is because our world is governed by our egoistic nature. This egoistic nature is opposite to the Creator’s nature. Because of that, it inverts the Creator’s goodness into something bad. It’s just like multiplying numbers: a positive times a negative equals negative.

        So as long as we remain within this egoistic nature, we will continue to see and feel more suffering and bad things in the world. But if we correct our nature to be similar to the Creator’s nature, then we will reveal the true reality in which only goodness exists, and our previous egoistic state would appear as nothing more than a dream.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

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