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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 542 total)
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    • #429457

      Some of the readings feel difficult to absorb e.g. Chapter 2 – The Spiritual Path.  There is a particular way of conveying ideas that isn’t easy for me to always grasp. I’m assuming that is part of the learning process and I just keep reading the text over and over. Do you have any other tips for me?

      • #429524

        Hi Gaby,

        Yes, reading it over and over is helpful. There is a saying that someone who read the text 100 times is not the same as someone who read it 101 times. Meaning that we’re always reading the Kabbalistic source texts. Even after reaching spiritual attainment, we’ll still be reading the primary sources. These source texts don’t change, but we do. As we grow and develop, we will read the same texts and get new impressions from them each time. These new impressions are also a sign that we’ve developed spiritually.

        So keep reading. Perhaps try to return to it in a week or a month and see how your impression of the article changes. It’s also helpful to remember that we are reading the texts not in order to acquire knowledge, but that through these texts we connect with the author and draw the reforming light. It’s ultimately the light that makes all the changes on us, our job is just to extract it more and more.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #429413
      Kate Smith

      I look forward to discovering life’s meaning and understanding the totality of reality.

    • #429391

      Thank you, I’m excited to learn more.

    • #429358
      Tracey Young

      The imagery is helping alot I would love a copy of the final quote it was so fleetingly beautiful.

      Regards Tracey

      • #429469

        Dear Tracey,

        It is possible to download the transcript of the video, so you get everything that was said and written. I found it very helpful. No need to take notes. We can concentrate on listening and read the transcript later, and you get all the quotes!


      • #429401

        Hi Tracey,

        Here’s the quote from the end of the week 1 video lesson:

        The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches a practical method of attaining the Upper world and the source of our existence. By realizing our true purpose in life, man attains perfection, tranquility, unbounded enjoyment, and the ability to transcend the limits of time and space while still living in this world. —Rav Michael Laitman, PhD.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #429294

      Hello.So the 4 worlds have their own separate effect on the physical world or they act a a whole?

      Also the represent the psychical ,mental, emotional and spiritual level at a person and the 4 elemental energies?

      What ways are to connect to these levels?

    • #429267
      Janet Wardhaugh

      I really enjoyed this introduction and look forward to learning more. I understand each individual is different and that a lot of inner work will be required to fulfill this learning but am I right in thinking that everyone will have a different experience/reaction and if so how will you know if the answers to your questions are right?

      • #429287

        Hi Janet,

        Yes, we’re all unique and experience the world through our uniqueness. How then do we know if this is the place for us?

        When the point in the heart awakens, it pulls a person to the place where it can get realized. So when a person finds such a place, there is a certain inner resonance, a click where a person feels that he found the right place for himself.

        So no one can tell you if this is the place for you or not, you need to feel it for yourself. This follows the rules that “there is no coercion in spirituality” and “one studies only where one’s heart desires”.

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 542 total)
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