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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 542 total)
  • Author
    • #429182

      I have a sincere desire to discover the meaning of Life. I am intrigued and looking forward to deep dive in and through Kabbalah.

    • #429015

      For my whole life i have know that there is more, and I finally feel that it is ready to be revealed to me. I feel very vulnerable and lonely on this journey, but with it, a sense of purpose for my soul. Thankyou for your teaching, I am already inspired to know more. You speak very well, as if speaking to one that knows nothing about this whole process. Refreshing. Thankyou.

    • #428954


      Can you tell me more about this concept called Yehud and how to change our moral inner nature in order to achieve connection to the Upper World?

      • #428971

        Hi Vladimir,

        Reaching the upper world works according to the law of equivalence of form. Meaning that in order to discover and reveal spirituality, we need to become similar to it, to the pure qualities of unity, love, and bestowal that are found there. This is just like how a radio can pick up an external wave, when we tune the internal frequency of the radio to that wave.

        In practice, we do this by aspiring to the quality of Yehud, unity. By uniting our point in the heart with other points in the heart, we reach a certain equivalence of form with those spiritual qualities and begin to experience spirituality in practice.

        We’ll learn how to actualize this in the more advanced semesters. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #427274

      I find concerts of Kabbala in other modes of thought, is it Ok to connect these modes to what I am learning here?

      • #427311

        Hi Lori,

        Regardless of which path a person chooses for himself, whether here or in another place, it’s highly discouraged to mix methods. If we want to succeed in Kabbalah (or in any spiritual practice really) we should practice it without mixing other things into it. Otherwise it’s like following two different GPS systems. One leads you to the goal through the west highway, while the other through the east highway. If we follow both, we’ll just wind up going in circles.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #426783

      The only true requirement for studying Kabbalah is a sincere desire to understand the deeper meaning of life. However, many people remain unaware of this profound question, and others mistakenly seek meaning outwardly, which often leads them to be confined by man-made religions.

      My question is: Are those who possess a genuine desire to discover the meaning of life and to truly understand who they are divinely chosen souls, or is this yearning simply a result of their own spiritual journey?

      • #426954

        Hi Mubarek,

        All of humanity is part of a single system. Within this singular system, there is a certain order of corrections that need to take place. It’s like building a large jigsaw puzzle. First you start with all the corner pieces, and only then do you gradually work your way to the center. It’s the same with our spiritual work. There are those that are awakened to this work earlier and those that are awakened to it later. Those that received awakened points in the hearts are like those corner pieces of the puzzle that need to start the whole process. Later on, due to their good work, they pave the way for the rest of the world to join this process.

        So ultimately, whether a person receives a point in the heart now or later depends on their place in the system, which is called the root of one’s soul.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #423481
      Rex Jebamoney

      Hello Albert

      I come from a Christian background and I delayed joining the study by almost two years, so that I can purge my mind of my Christian upbringing. I have a open mind to learn how I can cross the barrier and get a glimmer of the spiritual life we are expected to live,

      As Tony pointed out in his remarks, I look forward to transforming myself to be like the creator. Buy since we are physical beings, we cannot be permanently in a spiritual state, but only feel and experience it momentarily.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 542 total)
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