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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 466 total)
  • Author
    • #326006
      Damjan Stanek

      Great lesson…

    • #325405
      patrick diederich

      Hello, and thank you for offering this course. I was so excited by the information provided by you that my mind got really restless and overexcited. The material  triggered an enormous amount of associations to works of art I love, cultural history or autobiographical moments that are significant to me. I feel a bit weary of this excitement which makes it difficult to hear the message exactly as you conveyed it. Please apologize  if I take the course  at a more leisurely pace. I want to make sure I get the foundation right and not mix everything up fancyful, egotistic projections … I hope the course will help me in the long run to become more sober minded, practical and able to listen more carefully.

    • #324715
      Kyle Grafstrom

      I would like to know what the levels of ego are.  I heard them explained somewhere in a video but can’t find them.  It goes something like: sex/food/procreation > money > power > knowledge > kabbalah?

    • #324620
      Lilianne CHALHOUB

      Hello Kabbalah team,

      Do you think that with what is happening, expaceially the gender theory (trying to put in childrens’ mind that there is no difference between being a boy a a girl), the world is under the evil domination?

      Thank you in advance.

      • #324704

        Hi Lilianne,

        Kabbalah defines evil as egoism. So it’s not just the world that is ruled by egoism, but every single one of us as well.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Keep in mind that in Kabbalah, we don’t work on eradicating egoism, but only on rising above it. This is because we cannot attain high levels of spirituality without the ego. In fact the more we advance, the more our egoistic desires grow. They turn into a type of mountain that we climb over. The bigger the desires, the higher we can climb, and the higher the spiritual degree that we can attain. On the other hand, if we were to eliminate our egoistic desires, then accordingly, we would only be able to attain a tiny degree of spiritual attainment.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #324144
      Jarrett Twaddle

      When the Mashiach comes, will anxiety and depression end?

      While it doesn’t completely resolve, I do feel a sense of peace in watching the morning and afternoon videos on the Kabbalah Media app (especially recently), and I feel like there is greater purpose and meaning to the “worst days.”

      In communing with the 10 friends and world kli, should I be intending that nobody else has to experience those “dark times?” …or is it the perfect opportunity to engage in scrutiny of intention, and/or should I be engaging in such a way that I speak what I am feeling (short of disrespect)? I ask these questions because I want to be the best friend I can be… but what is a friend?

      • #324416

        Hi Jarrett,

        Great questions, although they are a bit advanced for where we are now in the fundamentals, but great questions nonetheless.

        1. Our nature is egoistic. As long as we remain within this nature, we’ll continue to experience unpleasant things because that is the major motivating force for our ego. But once we rise above our ego, we’ll no longer need suffering to move forward.

        The force that pulls us out of our ego is called Mashiach (Messiah in English), which comes from the verb “to pull” (Moshech in Hebrew). So in Kabbalah, the messiah is not a person, but a special force that has the ability to pull us out of our egoistic nature.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. Friend (Haver in Hebrew) comes from the word connection (Hibur in Hebrew). So when we say “friend” in Kabbalah, we’re not talking about our corporeal acquaintances and buddies, but specifically the Kabbalistic group in which people are aspiring towards a spiritual connection within which we reveal the Creator.

        3. Regarding talking about what we’re going through, the only person we can openly share every single inner state we’re going through is our spouse.

        Whether to do so with the friends, it depends. Before we do anything, we need to make sure that our intention is to help the friends, not ourselves. With that intention in mind, there could be a scenario where sharing with the friends that we’re going through hard times can be beneficial for the friends. It can give them a push to unite and pray. There are other times when sharing such things can bring the spirits of the friends down. So it depends. But in general, if we’re aspiring to love the friends and do what is good for them, then we won’t be mistaken in what we do or don’t present to them.

        But if we are not sure, then we should only show them a good example, that we’re full of energy, excited about the path, that bestowal is important, etc. Even if it’s just a game and not how I truly feel. Nonetheless, what is just a game for me is felt as real by the friends and actually inspires them. And they will do the same for me. In this way, everyone gets help to come out of their state.

        We’ll learn about these things in the more advanced semesters, when everyone will receive their own Kabbalah group with whom they can practice these things. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        4. And yes, connecting to the Kabbalistic lessons is an important part of our spiritual work. That is the main way by which we extract the light. It’s ultimately the light that clarifies all the states that we’re going through and corrects us.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ Kab

    • #324142

      Hi KAbu team,
      Apart from perceiving the meaning of life, is kabbalah a place where people are able to correct themselves like those habits that boost their egos? In other words,  to step on higher levels of spiritual realm, does kabbalah help us to shift our egoism into altruism step by step?

      • #324412

        Hi Sara,

        Yes, Kabbalah is meant to be a very practical method by which we correct our ego. Keep in mind that since our very nature is egoistic, we ourselves are powerless to do anything against the ego. We need outside help to change this nature. We get this help from the force of the light. This is a special force which has the ability to correct our ego.

        We extract the light primarily during the Kabbalistic studies. So even the studies themselves, although they seem theoretical, the act of studying and yearning towards the things we learn about is actually a major part of our practical work. Since that is the primary way in which we extract the light. And every time we do so, the light works on us more and more and corrects our ego more and more.

        There are other ways by which we extract the light, such as connecting in a Kabbalistic group. We’ll learn about that in the more advanced semesters.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 466 total)
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