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  • #37690

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 120 total)
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    • #63018

      Does this mean I cannot ask God for anything?

      • #63066

        Hi Kay,

        What is the “this” that you’re referring to? Please provide more context for your question.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #62253

      i understand then, that we have no way of knowing all those unconsciuos past experiences and from which past soul they may be coming from, right? It sounds very much to Freud postulate on mind dynamics; So we are a composition of complex past endeavours seeking perfection through time and space, and all we have, is that inner root to contact the light to help us achieve it in one life time, right.


      • #62475

        Hi Ricardo,

        Yes, you can say that. Keep in mind that the important thing is not just to learn this intellectually, but rather to realize it practice, to fully realize our point in the heart. Which, as we learned in this week’s lesson, is done by choosing for ourselves a strong spiritual environment. It’s like each one of us was given a priceless seed. What happens to that seed is ultimately determined by where we plant it. If we plant it in a good soil, with the proper nutrients, it’ll develop one way. And if we plant it in the desert or a nutrient deficient soil, it’ll develop differently or perhaps not at all.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #58111

      Hi there Albert. I was wondering if you can explain to me the difference between Adam Kadmon and Adam HaRishon. Thanks.

    • #57989

      There is no up without down

    • #57988

      Really am getting confused

      • #57993

        Hi Williams,

        It’s perfectly normal to get confused. We go through many ups, downs, and confusions on the spiritual path. The important thing is to just keep going, to keep placing yourself under the influence of the light and it’ll balance everything out.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        And if you have any questions, feel free to post them in the forums here. We’ll be happy to answer them for you.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #55195

      It is my understanding that as we descended, our awareness and connection to Creator became more and more concealed, till it reached a virtually zero state. Did the Creator’s awareness of us diminish as well? If so, then it would seem to me that the awakening of a point in the heart happens on the same level that all events in our universe happen; mechanically, according to a predetermined program. If my thinking to this point is correct :), then it would seem to follow that as we ascend in this remarkable system, that each higher attainment of equivalence of form with the Creator would also mean that the Creator is becoming more and more aware of us.  And, that as we repeatedly lose our connection to spirituality during this process of return, so the Creator would, again and again, become unaware of us. I realize that I am probably projecting my own conceptual limitations -space, time, relativity, concealment, revelation, etc. – onto that which is limitless, and look forward to your clarifying response.

      • #55266

        Hi Miryam,

        1. The science of Kabbalah does not speak from the Creator’s perspective since this is not something we attain. In general, Kabbalah differentiate two parts to the Creator.

        The first is His essence (atzmuto in Hebrew). This is He Himself, His point of view, the Creator as an entity separate from the Created beings. We’re incapable of researching this part of the Creator simply because our research tools are not built in such a way that we can grasp such things. Perhaps after we finish the process of correction, we’ll discover additional research tools through which we’ll be able to research these things, but until then we limit ourselves and don’t talk about this part of the Creator because we cannot properly research it.

        The other part of the Creator is called Bo-Re (Hebrew for Come (Bo) and See (Re)). This is the part of the Creator that we can research and reveal. How do we research this? Through the desire. When we take a part of our desire to receive and correct it in the direction of bestowal, in that corrected desire, we reveal a certain phenomenon, we call this phenomenon the Creator. This is why there are many names for the Creator (in Hebrew), since every time we correct a different part of the desire, we reveal a different aspect of this thing called the Creator.

        So all of our understanding of this thing called the Creator (and any spiritual phenomena) is based on what we reveal within the corrected desire. But whatever exists outside of the corrected desire, whatever we don’t grasp, perceive or attain within the desire, whatever is beyond our tools of research, we don’t talk about. We need to keep these limits in mind in order to stay within the realm of science and not venture off into religion or philosophy.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. The whole process we undergo is for our own growth and development. The Creator is not deficient in anyway because of this process. It’s just like the spoon feeding example I gave you in a previous reply in the KR1 week 5 questions forum.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #55345

          I’ve been sitting with your response, Albert, as well as the two links you provided. Definitely a shift in understanding taking place. Thank you so much.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 120 total)
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