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- This topic has 313 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 2 days ago by
Albert – KabU Instructor.
- January 21, 2021 at 3:48 pm EST #37690
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- March 1, 2022 at 6:58 pm EST #282953
Participant<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hola Albert</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>En escritos anteriores(/ KR # 10) se menciona a “Adam HaRishon como el sistema de alma colectiva bajo el cual aún vivimos..”. Sin embargo, en otros escritos se habla de la fragmentacion de Adam Ha Rishon. Esto crea la pregunta: a qué nivel ocurrió dicha fragmentacion y cuál fue la causa? Y cuál es la relación entre el punto en el corazon y la raíz del alma?</p>
Gracias .- March 2, 2022 at 11:03 pm EST #283031
Albert – KabU Instructor
Moderatorgoogle translate of Henry’s question:
Hello Albert
In earlier writings (/KR #10) “Adam HaRishon is mentioned as the collective soul system under which we still live…”. However, in other writings there is talk of the fragmentation of Adam Ha Rishon. This begs the question: at what level did such fragmentation occur and what was the cause? And what is the relationship between the point in the heart and the root of the soul?
Thanks ._____________________
Hi Henry,
1. There is the true reality in which we all exist and are completely connected with each other, like cells within a single body. This is the state of the collective soul of Adam HaRishon. And there is the current reality in which we feel ourselves as shattered and separate from each other. Kabbalists call our current state “the imaginary world” because the shattered state is not real, it’s only a type of simulation to help us to grow and develop freely.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
2. The root of one’s soul is our place in the system of Adam HaRishon. Just imagine that we’re all cells of a single body. Each cell belongs to a certain part of the body. This is called “the root of one’s soul”. Accordingly, that root, and its interaction with all the other parts, determines everything a person needs to undergo in all of the many lifetimes until he reaches the full correction. This root also determines when our point in the heart will awaken and start pulling us back to this root.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- February 11, 2022 at 1:52 pm EST #281453
mark on madison
ParticipantHi all my name is mark. It’s a privalage to be in this group.
How do you even measure spirituality ?
How do I even evaluate to where I stand in the spiritual world ?
I feel spiritual I feel connected. I know and are aware of the energy and the creator in us and around us.
but how do I measure that ? And evolve that more ?- February 12, 2022 at 3:43 pm EST #281528
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Mark,
We’re not yet on any spiritual degree, we’re still in the preparation period prior to the spiritual ladder. But once we start to do real spiritual work, we can measure our progress in our attitude towards other points in the hearts. That I’ll feel how my attitude towards them changes from complete indifference, all the way until I feel them as pieces of my soul. We’ll learn more about this in the more advanced lessons.
Albert @ KabU
- January 20, 2022 at 10:32 am EST #222991
ParticipantA curiosity question, is there a connection between (10) group members and (10) sefirot in tree of life? Does choosing (10) group environment increase connection to the Creator as it mirrors the Creator’s (10) emanations/attributes in tree of life?
- January 20, 2022 at 12:22 pm EST #222999
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Joseph,
Yes, you can say that. Connecting to a ten is the way to connect to the Creator. This is because we don’t reveal the Creator within ourselves, rather we reveal Him in the connections between us.
It’s like cells or organs in a single body. Each organ by itself is not really alive. But when all these organs are together in one body, then life can flow between them. Same with us. Each one of us is not alive spiritually. Only when we connect between us, do we reveal the Creator, the force that connects and enlivens our spiritual body.
We’ll learn more about this in the advanced semesters.
Albert @ KabU
- January 17, 2022 at 12:23 pm EST #222704
ParticipantConcerning the 4 factors of emergence, specifically 3&4; the nutrients of my current environment is in form of conservative Christianity, self supporting individualism, individual freedom. Somehow I was able to receive something outside of this environment that allowed me to choose an internal opposite, seeking true spiritual life. To keep this change in isolation, even with correct books, guides, courses is going to be either a very slow painful swimming against the current or a resegnation to the forces of this environment where I currently live. Since I cannot afford to move this is a fixed environment with forces I choose to no longer adhere to but this has led to a long journey of on and off spiritual seeking. My question, if I choose to continue in these studies and enter a group of ten, will choosing this environment bring the strength I currently lack now? Will this choice transform the current environmental internal battle so that I may see and feel the peace of there is none else besides Him no matter the situation? I can understand the concepts being taught, understand direction that needs to be chosen, but need more than this, I need a practical form of application, is this what comes from the group work? I really want to change my internal world but factor 3 of emergence is stronger than my isolated desire to connect with the Creator. I need help!
- January 17, 2022 at 1:29 pm EST #222713
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Joseph,
At the beginning of the spiritual path, there are a lot of tendencies to isolate ourselves from the world. So what you’re feeling is normal. But the more we advance, the more we’ll begin to see that we don’t need to isolate ourselves. Even Baal HaSulam and Rabash were not living in isolation in some Kabbalistic environment, rather they had normal jobs, families, and lived in a typical religious neighborhood of their time. How then did they attain such high spiritual levels? By tapping into the strength of the spiritual environment.
So if we build for ourselves a strong spiritual environment, then it will become much stronger than the corporeal environment that we’re in. But this is not a one time choice. Building and strengthening the spiritual environment is our constant work. As we progress, our ego will grow more and more, and the corporeal environment will pull us more and more. This is done purposefully so that this resistance will force us to build an even stronger connection to the spiritual environment, and thereby reach an even higher spiritual level.
It’s just like with a bodybuilder. If he lifts only a 1 pound weight all the time, he will not get very strong (this is equivalent to us living in isolation). In order to grow, that bodybuilder needs to constantly increase the resistance that he’s lifting. So the more we advance, the more we’ll begin to see how the everyday problems, experiences, work situations, etc we undergo in the regular society are a necessary part of our correction. That we don’t erase these things, but above them we need to stay connected to the spiritual environment. And this will determine the level of our spiritual attainment.
We’ll learn how to do this practically in the more advanced semesters of KabU.
Albert @ KabU
- January 17, 2022 at 9:22 pm EST #222734
ParticipantThank you Albert for the response, I am feeling hope in this path but unfortunately still have something inside that does not trust. Would this be the egoistic nature that wants to cast doubt?
- January 18, 2022 at 9:41 am EST #222748
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Joseph,
That’s a normal part of the path. It’s written that “there is no greater pleasure than the resolution of doubts”. This is because spirituality is built on the combination of two polar opposites: bestowal and reception. In every new degree, we discover new challenges and new doubts on how to go about doing this. When we succeed in that, we feel an outburst of joy and pleasure. Afterwards we grow and discover greater challenges and doubts, and so forth throughout the entire spiritual ladder of development.
It’s just like with the puzzles that we give kids to help them grow and develop. In 1st grade, we give them easy puzzles. They solve them and grow. Then in the 2nd grade we give them more challenging puzzles, etc.
Likewise with us, once we resolve one set of doubts, we grow and reveal a new degree with a whole new set of doubts. And we shouldn’t despair from this, but understand that it’s thanks to this process that we grow and develop spiritually.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- January 19, 2022 at 10:00 am EST #222845
ParticipantThank you, that is a very reassuring response.
- January 11, 2022 at 1:34 pm EST #222128
Gelaye Gudisa
ParticipantNow, I understand that I don’t have free will totally, since I am living under concealment I didn’t feel that way.
- December 29, 2021 at 10:49 pm EST #220829
Don Taylor
ParticipantHello Tony, thanks for your devotion and teaching. I have a question. I understand the Zohar is written in the language of roots and branches. It is not easy to read. I am better off waiting to read the Zohar until I develop more spiritually? I don’t want to mislead myself by assuming the meaning of what I’m reading.
- December 29, 2021 at 11:00 pm EST #220830
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Don,
You’re right, more important than reading the Zohar, is knowing how to extract the maximum light, the maximum benefit from reading it. Otherwise the benefit of reading the Zohar is relatively small. If you’re interested in learning how to do that, you can check out the Zohar self study course or the book Unlocking the Zohar.
Zohar Self study Course:
Unlocking the Zohar book:
Albert @ KabU
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