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  • #37690

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 135 total)
  • Author
    • #292857
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Thank you Tony

    • #290745

      How do our desires – along with the correction of those desires – and freedom interact?

      • #290853

        Hi Nathan,

        Freedom means rising above our egoistic nature. As we learned in this week’s lesson, we do this by building for ourselves a strong spiritual environment. Baal HaSulam talks about this in the article, the Freedom. He writes: “Harut (carved) on the tables”; do not pronounce it Harut (carved), but rather Herut (freedom), to show that they are liberated from the angel of death.

        Throughout the article he explains how our current egoistic nature is that angel of death. Meaning although we are technically alive and surviving, relative to spirituality, our life is considered death. True life is within a completely different nature, that of bestowal. In order to reach freedom from our current nature, we need to choose and build a spiritual environment for ourselves which will influence us with the importance of acquiring the quality of bestowal.

        For this reason, the Kabbalists equate our main freedom in life in choosing to be influenced by a spiritual environment. Not just any environment, but specifically a spiritual environment, since only through the spiritual environment can we get the importance of coming out of our egoistic nature and only through that environment can we draw the light that can help us to actualize this.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #290686

      Thanks  for this lesson  The video   was really  helping  me about freedom.  In my  group  ( Ten)  we learn to annul ourself and come to bestow. Akll in freedom.  Its a begin  on our spiritual way.

    • #290661
      David J

      @ what point in our study do we get to join a 10? Thank you.

      • #290692

        Hi David,

        We will work in “10s” in the advanced semesters of KabU (the graduate environment). Until then, it’s important to properly go through the two fundamental and two intermediate semesters, otherwise we’ll lack the proper foundation for that work.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #289196
      Delayne Mohammed

      Is it safe to enter into the Spiritual World in the flesh?

      • #289198

        Hi Delayne,

        Yes, it is safe. Spirituality means becoming similar to the Creator. In other words, acquiring His qualities of pure love and bestowal. We cannot experience any harm when we are similar to Him. It’s actually the opposite, all of the harm we ever feel in life is because we live within our opposite egoistic nature. This egoistic nature is the source of all evil and harm. So there are no evil spirits out there that we need to protect ourselves from, there is nothing evil in the world except for our own egoistic nature.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Furthermore, we don’t enter the spiritual world like we enter through a door. Reaching spirituality works according to the law of equivalence of form. Meaning that to the extent that we become similar to spirituality, to the qualities of love and bestowal that operate there, to that extent we will reveal it and “enter” it. The only way to perform this type of correction is while we are alive in this body.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #285613

      This reminds me of the movie “The Matrix” which I connected to very intensely.

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 135 total)
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