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  • #37690

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #187386

      To be honest, I don’t really see the freedom in factor 4. Where should that suddenly come from?

      I understand that a proper environment “hastens time”, as Kabbalists say. However, Tony Kosinec himself says in the video “Free Will – Part 2” that “as soon as the point in the heart awakens (which I have no control over) the Creator places that person in the proper environment to develop all of its potential (so, there is no choice here as well)”.

      I am fine with not having free will. If “There is None Else Besides Him”, as Kabbalists say, and the Creator is all good and benevolent AND the goal is eternal fulfillment, I am happy to be lead by Him.

      I do feel that the intention “in order to bestow” “hastens time” and that the choice between “in order to receive” and “in order to bestow” is made freely, although it is not really a difficult choice (coerced by suffering), since nobody would consciously choose suffering over the Path of Light.

      If somebody comes up to me and tells me: “Hey man. Putting yourself in a spiritual environment is the best thing you can do to hasten the time of your development and all you need to do to find such an environment is to set the intention of finding it”, then it is all fine for me. But I still don’t see a point of freedom in this anywhere. After all, I would not set the intention to find a proper environement if it wasn’t either suggested to me by a friend or it came from inside me (from the point in my heart which the Creator created for me). I can’t control any of that. And since I am run by the egoistic program, I cannot even decide what my response to my friend’s suggestion will be. Will I look for a spiritual environment? That’s pre-determined.

      Am I confused somewhere? Can you help?

      • #187619

        Hi Niklas,

        You’re right, the actual point of free choice is still ahead of us. There is a saying that the Creator puts man’s hand on the good fate and says “choose this for yourself”. Meaning He awakened your point in the heart and brought it to a good spiritual environment in which you can nourish it, but after that the rest is up to you.

        But if the point in the heart is forcing me to be here, what needs to happen for me to start actualizing my free will? This desire then needs to be taken away from me little by little, and there I begin to reveal more and more the place of my freedom.

        This is similar to how we teach a child to ride a bike. First the parent holds the child completely. Then as the child learns to pedal and balance himself, the parent lets go a little, then a little more and a little more, until the child continue to pedal without the parent holding him at all.

        So we too need to learn to continue to do this work even when that initial desire for spirituality begins to disappear or when the ego grows and begins to pull us into many different directions. Here there is already a need for mutual work in the group, the spiritual environment. On one hand when I fall into my ego, they need to pull me out, and on the other hand I need to help pull others out when they fall. This is why Kabbalists have always studied in groups (physical or virtual).

        We will learn more about this in the more advanced semesters on KabU, where you’ll receive your own Kabbalah group with whom you can practice these things.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #186270

      does the first and the second factors point to the uniqueness of each of us? for example – i am ment to be a rabbi, even if i try to become a musician, that will not be my fullfillment?

      and so the path to adhesion with the creator is really knowing oneself and fullfilling it? that is what is quite difficult …

      • #186328

        Hi Beth,

        The first and second factors point to the part of our development that we cannot change. Meaning that we were created as a desire to receive pleasure. We cannot change that at all. What we can do is to correct this desire to operate in the direction of bestowal, meaning to add the intention to bestow to it.

        As for performing that correction and thereby reaching adhesion, it’s not about knowing oneself or being super strong and powerful, rather all that we need to know is how to leverage our one and only point of freedom in life, which is to build for ourselves a strong spiritual environment. Through the spiritual environment we extract the reforming light and the light does all the rest of the work. In other words, the light performs all the corrections on us, our work is only to extract this light through the spiritual environment.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #186267

      am not sure if i got this correctly – Everything that is happening in nature is part of a big picture – the ecosystem, the animal kingdom etc. does this mean that we are not meant to judge anything ? because we are not able to see the big picture? so for example like Hitler, Napoleon or anyone who society regards as a criminal, how do we take these into account?

      • #186326

        Hi Beth,

        As we learned in the lesson on the perception of reality, the entire external world is nothing more than a reflection of my uncorrected egoistic state. Meaning that I don’t experience some objective reality, but I experience something through the lens of my ego. Furthermore, to the extent that I correct this ego, to that extent the external reality will change as well. It’s like I have these dirty glasses through which I see the whole world as being dirty. The moment I clean my own glasses (correct myself) then I’ll look at the same world, but now it’s clean and perfect.

        So until we correct our egoistic nature, we’re incapable of properly judging anything that we see outside of us. Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #186240

      Based on the article “There’s none else besides him” where it is described how he attracts and rejects an individual until he comes to a point that the individual wants to hold on fast to the realization that the creator is the only operator, but even loses that sometimes, because it is the creators will, how can I understand that there will be any free will ever?

      • #186244

        Hi Eliyahu,

        There is none else besides Him does not mean that we have no free will. It means that we are in a closed system with absolute forces and laws. We cannot change these laws, but we can consciously work on putting ourselves under their influence in order to speed up our development. This is our free will. How do we put ourselves under the influence of these forces and laws even stronger? By choosing/building for ourselves a strong spiritual environment.

        See my reply 55264 to Marion below for more details.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #183740

      So if I understand correctly, our life is predetermined for us? work, family and I guess when or how we are going to die?

      • #184275

        Hi Sandra,

        You can say that anything that takes place within our default nature, the desire to receive pleasure, is predetermined. Only when we rise above this nature, do we gain any sort of freedom.

        See my reply 55264 to Marion below for more details.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #128180

      I always thought that I was free in life and could do whatever I wanted, but after studying Kabbalah, I realized that I could only change my attitude towards things, and that it hurts.

      • #128194

        Hi Zohreh,

        All of our pain and suffering comes from being stuck within our egoistic nature. We are currently enslaved to our egoistic nature. This is why freedom starts when we rise above our egoistic nature. We do this specifically thanks to the spiritual environment that we build for ourselves.

        See my reply to Marion below for more details.

        Albert @ KabU

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