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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #318434

      Thank you everyone for all the questions and input.  I am struck by the magnitude of the “idea” of free will vs the actual reality of free will.  I have often felt throughout my life a “powerlessness” to change certain situations no matter what I did, and with the best “will” in the world I was still unable to change.  Of course on reflection I was nearly always trying to change others, situations or things to my way of thinking or viewpoint.

      I now understand why it was so exhausting, mentally draining and pointless.

      I hope I remember it for next time.


    • #318376
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      when you are in the path of discovering that all what you perceive in this physical world is not real and its perceived just by you.

      there is some horrible feeling of fears a rise here….may be fear of losing who you used to take yourself to be …

      please if there is some insights about those states and how the wisdom of kabbalah refers to them.

      • #318384

        Hi Marouane,

        Yes, it’s common to have such feelings. Here are some things to keep in mind to help you stabilize this picture:

        1. The physical world is real until you attain otherwise. If the Kabbalist attained something and wrote about it, this is their attainment, not yours. You cannot just take their attainments as your own. So until you attain otherwise, this world is very much so real.

        2. Even after we attain spirituality, we continue to exist on the level of this world throughout the entire spiritual ladder of development. So we cannot just disconnect from this world and start living in the clouds. Rather we must continue to exist as normal people do: to work, take care of our health, families, etc.

        3. The entire spiritual path is one of correcting our egoistic nature, for it to operate in the direction of bestowal. We don’t lose anything as a result of this correction. On the contrary, we only gain. This is because our current state is the lowest and worst possible state. When we begin to correct ourselves, we’ll gain higher and higher levels of perception and experience exponentially greater levels of fulfillment.

        Here’s an excerpt from Rav Laitman’s blog on this:

        “In our world, everything is opposite to perfection because one acts at the expense of the other. Our world is the lowest, the worst of the worlds. Only ascent above it is possible. There is nothing worse than this world.”

        Albert @ KabU

    • #318343

      thank you, I can feel understanding

    • #318341

      we are free to allow god to function through us, I guess…. if then we can be as creator intended, we as soul are creator itself.

      God…this is intense for the ego not to show itself.


      thank you as always dear Tony

    • #318085
      Peter Hjorth

      Hi Albert

      When it is said that: ” spirituality can be achieved in one lifetime.”
      Does that mean, that individual parts of the one soul, Adam HaRishon, can achieve this alone?
      Can some parts of the one soul achieve it gradually or must it be all 600.000 at once?

      In the upper world there is no time and space, and measurement of distance, is in equality of qualities, so does it matter when in time and space, one part of the soul achieves this?

      I don’t know If I am making my questions clear, sorry 🙂

      Best regards

      • #318089

        Hi Peter,

        Spirituality is the process of reconnecting to the shattered soul. It can never be done alone because we need someone with whom to connect with. We do this type of work in groups of ten. In other words, we don’t need to wait for all of humanity to reconnect all at once, rather it’s done gradually. First we connect within our own group of ten. Then a few groups of ten connect together, and then a few more, etc. Until we come to include all of humanity in that connection. We’ll learn more about these things in the advanced semesters where each one will receive their own group with whom to practice this.

        As for when, yes that is important. It’s like building a giant jigsaw puzzle, first you start with the corners and only afterwards do you work your way to the center. Those with awakened points in the heart are like those corner pieces, they need to start this whole process. Only after they finish their work, is it possible for other parts of humanity to start this work.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #317898

      Was my path to study kabbalah Pre-determined?

      • #317962

        Hi Patricia,

        Yes, this follows the saying that: the Creator puts man’s hand on the good fate and says “choose this for yourself”. Meaning He awakened your point in the heart and brought it to a good spiritual environment in which you can nourish it. After that the rest is up to you.

        So what needs to happen for me to start actualizing my free will here? After all, the point in the heart is seemingly forcing me to be here. If so, then this desire needs to be taken away from me little by little, and there I begin to reveal more and more the place of my freedom.

        This is similar to how we teach a child to ride a bike. First the parent holds the child completely. Then as the child learns to pedal and balance himself, the parent lets go a little, then a little more and a little more, until the child continue to pedal without the parent holding him at all.

        So we too need to learn to continue to do this work even when that initial desire for spirituality begins to disappear or when the ego grows and begins to pull us into many different directions. When that happens, we’ll feel a need for mutual work in the group, the spiritual environment. On one hand when I fall into my ego, they need to pull me out, and on the other hand I need to help pull others out when they fall. This is why Kabbalists have always studied in groups (physical or virtual).

        We will learn more about this in the more advanced semesters on KabU, where you’ll receive your own Kabbalah group with whom you can practice these things.

        Albert @ KabU

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