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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #327661

      From the lessons so far, I’ve learned that I’m the will to receive and the Creator is the will to bestow. Further, that we become like the Creator by placing the intention to give to Him over our will to receive. In other words, to receive for His sake rather than our own. Then, on p. 43 of Attaining the Worlds Beyond, I read,

      if we were to nullify all our personal interests in everything, we would immediately break the chains of our bodies and would experience our world free of pain and distress

      So, I’m confused, are we to nullify egoism or to correct it with intention or are these talking about the same thing and I’m simply confused?

      • #327687

        We have no ability to know or feel what is spiritual bestowal.  We can approximate by looking at the love of a parent towards a child, but this too, if we examine it is also egoistic.
        In order to come to have an intention to bestow, first we reach the nullificaiton of our own personal interests.
        However, be cautioned, not to go out into your day and start acting like you don’t need anything and eating stone soup for dinner and sleeping on the floor.
        Absolutely not.
        Nullifying your own personal interests comes naturally as a result of being more and more influenced by positive spiritual example.
        There is a rule in nature that the small one naturally annuls before the big one.  For example if you are child soccer player and you saw Lionel Messi,you would be immediately nullified by the greatest soccer player alive, you’d be in awe, wanting to watch how he moves, how he speaks, you’d be happy to carry his bags and stay up talking as long as he wants.
        Similarly, we don’t fight with our ego, we invest more in the spiritual environment until it becomes bigger in our eyes than our corporeal desires and the nullification happens naturally and in this process we draw light upon us that raises us to a spiritual embryo and our spiritual birth begins.

        • #327691

          This helps clarify, thank you. So the focus is on the spiritual environment, desire, rather than on trying to fight or nullify our ego directly.

        • #327694


    • #327645

      merci pour tous ces éclaicis, tout me semble claire et simple. je veux juse savoir si en réalisant l’amour du Père pour moi et en m’alignant sur la même intention de donner sans reserve de manière inconditionner. j’aboutirai à la réalité spirituelle comme celle des prophète qui parlent des choses à venir ou qui voient les créatures spirituelles?

      • #327685

        Oui. Nous apprendrons la méthode ensemble. Maintenant, il est très important d’étudier les principes fondamentaux de l’endroit où nous sommes, de qui nous sommes et des forces qui agissent sur nous.


    • #327614

      I am practising some meditation, as I have been drawn to do this from time to time throughout life.  After a meditation, and when I open my eyes, I often feel an awareness that is not usual ordinarily.

      After meditating it feels like my mind is vibrating differently. Also I see the world differently through my eyes, the light quality is much brighter, and so are colours, sometimes (rarely) I see particles buzzing around the room.  This all fades away of course, usually when I speak or move.

      Is there any guidance regarding meditation that you think I might find helpful to the process.  I should like to know because I feel good after doing it.




      • #327684

        Each person should study where there heart is.
        If this technique works for you and helps you in your life, so carry on.
        A kabbalist can be a musician, a painter, an architect, maybe she runs marathons, jumps into ice water for health or maybe does some practice like you mentioned that has many health benefits.
        However, none of those things should be confused with the wisdom of kabbalah.  We are studying a practical method for revealing the Creator in our lives.  We are studying nature, the forces operating on us, and how to work with them.
        Keep them as two distinct things and you will advance more correctly.  In the same way that a person may go for a run in the morning, you do have your meditation practice.
        Additionally you are studying the wisdom of kabbalah.
        Later you will see how everything naturally arranges itself for you.

        • #327707

          Thank you Seth,

          I see it now, you made it so clear to me.

          I was getting a bit lost trying to make sense of something that was not relevant to kabbalah.

          All the best


    • #327602


      I don’t understand this section from this point to the end. Is there another way to explain?

      Is this discussing that Kabbalah is on an even higher attainment than what we are able to do with our mind in this world as exemplified in the seemingly remarkable or fantastic ways our minds have been able to perceive things in this world? For example, If I attain to such a high “noetic” ability to train my mind to conduct “Remote Viewing” I have only elevated my mind to a higher “worldly” level, versus Kabbalah has nothing to do with our minds or this world no matter how advanced our minds can get? Is this correct or am I misunderstanding this section?

      Reference pg 36 Spiritual Expressions

      We might ask, “Would it not be more correct to call them by names used in scrutiny, such as observation and attainment, or to express oneself with expressions that emphasize the phenomena of the noetic mind?” The thing is that it is nothing like the conducts of the noetic phenomena, since the mind is a particular branch among all the elements of reality. Hence, it has its own ways of manifestation…..


    • #327599

      I am unclear what these excerpts mean

      P33. Our sages said about that, “I have created the evil inclination; I have created for it the Torah as a spice.”

      I understand that this means Torah helps us subdue or annul theyetzer hara. But what does this sentence mean:

      They did not say, “I have created for it the Mitzvot as a spice,” since “your guarantor needs a bondsman himself,” as the evil inclination desires licentiousness and will not let him keep the Mitzvot.

      Also,P34 Although they are more important with respect to the actions, with respect to the Light, the revelation of the Creator to our fathers is certainly more important. Anyone with an honest heart who has tried to ask to receive the Light of the Torah will admit to that.

      Does this mean that there are 2 components to the words of Torah? the lower practical and the higher revelation? and that revelation supersedes the practical?

      • #327683

        Imagine you arrived to a new country with a new culture.
        For example in the United States, when something is good and we agree, we give the thumbs up.  But there are other countries where giving the thumbs up is an insult.
        So we need to not only know that we can raise our thumb, but also know what the result of that will be depending on what place we are in.
        So you are in kind of a different country now and you will need to learn the customs of the new place.
        The language and definitions that you brought from your last country will get you different results here.
        So lower or higher revelation…I don’t even know what you are talking about, for sure we don’t have the same definitions yet.
        The verse you reference means that what did the Creator do?  He created a vessel called Malchut of Ein Sof that can receive all of the abundance that He wants to give.
        So what’s the problem?
        The problem is that the vessel feels 100% to receive while the Creator is 100% to bestow, and this makes them as opposite and spiritually as far from each other as possible.  To correct his distance, the vessel empties herself of all of the light and makes a calculation that she will only receive if she can receive in order to bestow contentment back to Him, meaning she will receive, but not for herself, she will receive in order to bestow and in this, her intention becomes the same as His intention.
        The power to change herself comes also from Him (after all she has nothing of her own, everything comes from Him).  The Light that corrects her intention from reception to bestowal is called the Light of the Torah.

    • #327550

      From p.108 of Kabbalah Revealed:

      In fact, the name “sixth sense” is a bit misleading, because we are not actually developing another sense; we are developing an intention… Building the intention over each desire we feel is what makes us conscious of who we are, who the Creator is, and whether or not we want to be like Him.

      Does this start with everyday material desires? For example, I go for a walk and enjoy the outdoors, but I remind myself that it’s the Creator who brings every moment of the outdoors into existence and so I enjoy them because He gives them?

      • #327606

        Yes, this is how it begins.
        While you study, you are building an inner model, inner systems.  Later through your work with the texts and the others studying with you, you will work with your thoughts and desires and process it all through the inner system you build and you will feel how a new perception is built.

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