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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #327322


      Just only two questions,

      Why the pain of any creature in this word hurts me?, is it a kind of egoism?

      Thank you!!

      • #327348

        Maria Rosa,

        Some people can feel in their knees  before it begins to rain.
        Some animals flee from danger before a tsunami.
        And for you, you can feel suffering of some creatures.  You don’t feel the suffering of every zebra as his neck is eaten in the savanna.  You don’t feel the suffering of every small small monkey that is eaten alive by another monkey in Congo.  But you feel the pain of some creatures.
        This is how you are created.  We don’t need to attribute it to egoism.  We don’t need to attribute breathing to egoism, it is a natural function of our being alive.
        But now, what will you do with the feelings that you have?
        That is what is in our hands,

    • #326744

      While listening and learning to what you are saying so far, it reminds of what religion teaches that one must be “born again” and religion has certain steps you must take to achieve this becoming a new creature. I have rejected this belief after a lifetime of accepting just this. I could not be born again and change what I am, what I do not like about myself, so I have rejected this attempt to be a new person. In Kabbalah is a person being recreated, what is the process taking place that makes me like my creator?

      • #326751


        Take the study slow and deliberate. This is a very practical science and method with results.
        For example you learn here that creation is a will to receive.
        So study yourself, study the bird outside the window. Do you see that every creature is acting to fulfill a desire that arises in it? If yes, so progress. If no, so look more.  If this wisdom does not resonate with your heart or if it is not the right time so don’t force it.
        But you need to be testing these things. Of course you can’t test everything yet. You may understand E=MC2 for example but you can’t prove it without a lot of lab time and years of math and science preparation, but in general you can grasp what Einstein is telling us.
        At the end of the day, we will remain a will to receive. That won’t change, that is what the Creator created. But we will discover that we can receive pleasure from bestowing like the Creator’s quality is to bestow. And in this way we can become similar yo Him.
        It sounds easy enough but it is a full inner revolution.
        Go step by step using your heart and your mind, not blind faith and you will have a good foundation and you will succeed.

        The hero is the patient one,


        • #326795

          Thank you Seth, for taking time to write your response. I want to be a hero; so patience has begun.


    • #326054
      Ariel McKinley

      So what about those of us who have never achieved everything we possibly could in terms of wealth and status? Are we unable to effectively pursue wisdom until we have first mastered all of the mundane pursuits? What if they’re just not that interesting and it’s obvious from observing people who *have* succeeded in those fields that it’s never particularly satisfying?

      • #326077


        Don’t worry. You made it.

        Actually Ariel is made of many generations incarnating and developing and more than that you are connected to your family and your country and your generation in all different many ways.
        In short, “you” went through enough qualitative and quantitative development throughout time that you made it here.


        Now that you made it here, the rest is in your hands to do.

        We are here to support and go through this process together.


    • #324718

      To make sure what I understood is right, we are not getting connected with upper reality unless we start shedding the old peel and turning into the new one. In another word, due to receiving the upper reality, we need to converg with  the creator by applying the 6th sense which is beyond our five senses, and it is an alturism.

      Please, feel free to make me correct.

      • #324795

        First of all the Creator wants to fill us with pleasure.
        Because of that He needed to create a creature who wants to receive pleasure.
        That is us.  We and all of creation are a desire to receive pleasure, all of us desiring on different degrees.  Some desire rest, some desire power, some desire shelter, some desire riches.

        But there is a problem.
        When we receive, we are receivers and the Creator, who is giving, is a giver.
        We don’t have any experience knowing who He is, how He is, what are His qualities of a giver, what it means to give, to love, what does it mean to love eternally.  We don’t know.
        Every time we receive, we are opposite from Him.

        So next comes the correction of creation.
        We learn to love.
        BUT, we have to receive, because He made us to receive.
        So we agree that we will only receive because we love Him and we want Him to be happy.
        And that’s it.

        And what can we do to make Him happy?
        Only to love one another.

    • #324717

      Hallo Kabu Instructors,

      How did the original Kabbalist sages gain this understanding of the Spiritual world and the Creator?

      It seems (yes its my faith beneath reason! ) that any creature, no matter how wise, motivated, focused, would find it impossible to collect the information that makes up this system ?

      How do we know it is the path to “enlightenment”, equivalence of form, connection to the creator and elevation to spiritual perception and understanding?

      Have previous creatures reached that place/essence ?
      Is this what the Rabbi Ashlag achieved?
      How do we know this to be true?

      Thank you

      • #324794

        You have a good attitude.  A kabbalist does not just blindly believe.
        So it is good to have these questions and doubts, but as you resolve the doubts, you need to accept your new reality even though the people around you in your neighborhood and workplaced didn’t reach this same realization and attainment.

        We don’t understand why the Creator chose you and me and not two others.  This is something we don’t know.

        However with the heart and mind that He did give us we can start to see what system we are in, what are the forces operating in this system and what can we do?

        You are also correct that the spiritual attainment is not something that a person can do on his own, this is something that comes directly from the Creator.
        We receive the method from our teacher who reached what we want to reach and he received it from his teacher in an unbroken chain for thousands of years.
        Go slowly.  Take good notes in your notebook with pens and paper start to see what you are learning.
        Your soul will teach you.

        • #324840

          Thank you ….

          I think you are saying ,in an encouraging way , that some things cannot be pursued or explained by the rational mind and we must put ”  faith above reason “.

          Faith is difficult for those of us educated in the logic centered, evidence based world of the west, where science is the ultimate reflection of reality.( Thou I think Quantum Physics may have completely changed that.)

          At some point ( the point in the heart? ) one just has to make that leap and hope for the disclosure of the spiritual world. 🌀

        • #324865


          There are three discernments here.

          1. Below reason

          this is blind faith. We do not engage in this. Religions or fanatics rely on blind faith.

          2. Within reason

          we know what reason is. We see with our eyes, we measure with our instruments and we judge based on that.

          3. Above reason

          this means that I use my reason, accurately. And above reason we develop another sense that Kabbalists call faith. But this is not blind faith, it is attainment of a degree above our mind.



        • #325030

          Thank you

    • #324695

      I kind of realized that The creator is like our mother . What happen is here (reality ) is just make us grow our spirit with this body .right ?

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