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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #327531


      1)  “The purpose of life is to create a creature and bring it to unbounded light.”

      How do we “create a creature”? Are we the creatures we are to create, or is it something else?


      2)  Once we perceive an object, our programming imterprets it and then it leaves “the machine”. How does it leave the machine? Is that projection, or does it refer to something different?


      Thanks in advance.

      • #327605

        The thought of Creation, the “thought” of the Creator as the kabbalists say is to create a creature and bring it unbounded delight.  We are the creation, we are not creating anything?  What can we create? With what materials?  Everything is here already, all we can do is rearrange what is already created.
        Our problem is that we don’t feel the unbounded delight.  So how can we?
        That is what this wisdom deals with.
        First of all, we need to understand and start to feel who we are, what forces are operating on us and what we can do with all this.

        I don’t understand your second question.

    • #327527

      I don’t mean to be jumping ahead, but since Kabbalah is an ancient tradition, there are 2 scriptures which come to mind. one from Torah and one from Prophets:

      Deuteronomy 29:29 and Daniel 12:4

      Do these verses refer to Kabbalah as how, when, why it is being revealed to us today?

      • #327604

        All of Moses 5 books and all of the books of the prophets are discussing these internal processes that we are going through.
        Certainly the verses you refer to are relevant to us today.

    • #327518

      I feel a sense of connection here. I’ve been searching for the meaning of life for a very long time through a variety of religions. The religions I have tried to belong to felt constricted, judgmental and conditional. I’m excited about Kabbalah! It appears that I finally found my spiritual home. Fingers crossed. lol

      • #327603

        Good luck.
        Go slow and go consistently forward and you will find worlds that open for you.

    • #327517

      Wondering if you can elaborate a bit more on the concept of receiving with the intention to bestow. I follow that I am a will to receive. To be more like the Creator, I continue to receive, but gradually with more and more intention to give. In the answer to Sara, you put it as, “So we agree that we will only receive because we love Him and we want Him to be happy.” Then you add, “And what can we do to make Him happy? Only to love one another.” By one another, do you mean love of the Creator, as in the host and guest analogy, or love of other people, or both? Where does one place their focus in this context?

    • #327478

      Hi. In the interact section the sense of seeing gives an example of the sun as having no qualities or structure that can be seen. Of course we perceive it as a very bright orange sphere somewhere out there. It’s quite a mind shift, I had to have a lie down and a cup of tea to sort that one out but I got there and wondered why I had not thought of this before, the explanation makes perfect sense. After the cup of tea however I cast my attention to the moon and related cosmic “structures.” A ball of gas, photons etc ,I can grasp the idea but the moon seems to be a different kettle of fish. Someone has walked on it. It seems to have material properties created from an exploding star a long time ago? I know my retina will transpose the imagery that I am looking at in terms of the inner programme of the 5 senses but what would the moon look like through a 6th sense. Or does it really matter?


    • #327403

      Good day all. I work with folk with learning disabilities and associated mental health issues and I have been  wondering how much this deficiency might affect any progress towards degrees of pleasure or fulfilment? Tony indicated the point in the heart beginning to pulse at the back end of knowledge and the sort of limit of our desires in the physical world, which have now gone to sleep. Personally – eventually it will come back to me and my egotistical self – I have sort of gone through the basic desires and then in the great financial crash in 2008 lost my job and as a cause my house. I am therefore back to the beginning in animalistic desires. It is really difficult to adjust to this changed perception of physical reality and be able to concentrate on moving  forward and I thought about how much the people  I work with must struggle. I guess the laws of nature will continue to drive us all toward the intended outcome perhaps it might take longer for some. Is this normal and a lesson in patience of which I have very little?

      • #327407


        Later you will realize why all of this happened like this and what are the benefits. Nothing is happening by accident.

        You already see how different people have different desires that are active and other desires that are dormant. You also feel how you want your spiritual desires to grow. These are all very good discernments.
        Don’t miss any moment.  Review the materials from our classes over and over and think about it during the day.
        This path is not a quick sprint, it takes time to develop a person and nothing is wasted. So collect your impressions, even feel frustrated and make changes and develop.
        The most important is not to leave it, go through the ups and downs and stay working with the lesson materials through all of those states.
        You’ll see how much every step of the way is designed to help you on your unique corrections and advancement.

        Good luck,


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