Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #335173

      If I understand correctly, when one reaches unity with The Creator, we understand the purpose of life, the past and the future.  At this point, can we see world history and the truth of how events occurred – in regard to the planet and to our own lives?  Do we become aware of events that have been hidden from us during our life times?
      Do we also become aware of other people/souls that we have known in this lifetime, or our lifetimes; and any animals/pets we may have c0nnected with?
      What do we do in eternity?

      Hope my question is not too outrageous.  Thanks, Sue

      • #335206


        Think about who your grandma was to you when you were 5 years old compared to when you were 20.

        It’s not that she changed but your perception changed.
        So when you reach a perception beyond time and space, you certainly will not related to any incarnation in the way that you think about them now.

        Hoe did Moses write about that Abraham said this and Abraham saw that?  It is very common in the books of the Kabbalists that they converse with other Kabbalists across centuries. How?

        When one reaches for example the spiritual degree called Abraham, he hears and sees what is on the degree called Abraham, and anyone who teaches that degree sees and feels what happens there.


    • #335084
      Alexis Flores

      Hello there Seth,

      It is very nice to e-meet you.

      Currently, there are no questions. However, there is one thing, that has been of great help as of late for hmmmm let’s say “my growth” which is the idea of the will to bestow. Ever since this concept was introduced to me, I have been applying it in such a way that in order for “me” to be able to bestow love, attention and care to all of those surrounding me, I am taking care of my self in a way that allows me to do so.

      For instance, good sleep, balance in multiple aspects like nutrition, fitness and professional development. However, I used to be very judgmental towards my performance, which led to more and more activity or push of the limits one could say, which led to undesirable feelings (tension) towards myself and the ones surrounding me. Things are the opposite now, more or less, for the better. And the idea that one’s well-being is good for the greater good of those around is what has aided me in that sense.

      All of these changes have now led to a sense of guilt and shame towards previous behaviour which has an effect on the progress of the current path or approach towards life/reality itself. So, I was wondering if you had a few suggestions or course materials on how to approach the current dilemma or crossroads I find myself in at the moment. Pretty confident that as the course advances, I will continue to discover new approaches and tools but given I have not so many questions at this stage, I thought I could share this.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      All the best,

      • #335205


        Its still not clear what is the intention to bestow, it is a concept that will become more clear as you study more.

        What’s becoming clear to you is that there are necessary desires of the body for health and preservation and that in and of itself is not spiritual, but is a foundation upon which spirituality will be built.

        Regarding materials to study, I very much recommend reviewing all of the course material from class to class. Reread the material, watch all the clips, take notes. The fundamentals contained here are invaluable and everything that will come be built on this foundation.

        Good luck!


    • #332821

      Good Day!  Questions about Reshimot from the weekly reading in Kabbalah Revealed, pp. 115-116:

      (1) If the Reshimot are unsatisfied or unrealized desires that were created during the descent “and already exist within us,” that arise in us to be corrected, could it be said that the Reshimot themselves are the “rungs” on the ladder by which we ascend back to our original connected state?

      (2) Is any single desire, whether great or small, sacred or profane, considered to be a Reshimo? [As in, although considerably different, both the desire to eat and the desire to unite with the Creator are categorically Reshimo].

      (3) If Reshimot are already within us and are part of the correction process to reunite with the Creator in our future, is every corrected-state, including our final correction, already present within us in some way?

      I feel like I’m asking questions above my pay grade, but concept Reshimot especially blew my mind.

      Thank you  – Allen

      • #335297
        Alexis Flores

        Thank you very much Seth!

        All the best,

      • #332973

        Yes, this is mind blowing content.  From page 115, “We are not really learning anything new in this world or in the spiritual world; we are simply climbing back to the future.”
        You can say that they are rungs, there are many ways to count or relate to these things depending on what we are working with, but this concept is fine.
        There is nothing that is removed from this process, every thought, every desire is included all the way back to the your complete and whole state at the end of your personal correction and the final correction that includes everyone and all of reality.

    • #332805
      Curtis AO

      Why is the world of outcomes opposite to the spiritual worlds?

      • #332813

        The goal of creation is to fill all of the creatures with endless delight.
        In order to do this, the endless, bestowing Creator needed to make an endlessly receiving creature.

    • #332684
      Curtis AO


      Is there a constant stream of reception that keeps us alive? As long as we’re alive we have desires for survival. So I would think so.




      • #332812

        Yes, like all creatures on the inanimate, vegetative and animate degrees, these desires hold us together and alive.

    • #332646


      Forum: Simulation

      I think the Creator did create all possible “outcome” related to this environment we are, else will be “unfair” limitation. At the same time, I think we a limited to “ONE” motivation, on each action we take and that motivation will trigger the corresponding consequence.  Hence we only can change the second by changing the first one. The question now; since we are bounded by, cultural, political, economic, social plus any other internal reasoning we my have, how much responsibility we have from our actions?  Kids in Gaza… what can we expect from them in 15 or 20 years?

      If both sages need to be in the same step, with the same spiritual level in order to be the same, to be ONE, with the differences existing today, with the antagonism between faction with the same “goal and purpose”. Can we consider Judaism as a whole, as a Unity? Who to follow, to believe, to obey?

      SO in the best scenario, I may be doing the best, with the best conscience, best intentions and my best knowledge and make a mess.



      Scientifics can’t see more with the stronger possible microscope, that what they can see with the stronger possible telescope. As long we are in the same “Wave we are”, we won’t be able what is in a different “Wave”

      Just picture this; Me and my partner in “Crime” believe we are “one”, we have the same aim, same goals, same “good intention”… But How we know we re “ONE”… just if one of us have the slither difference in faith for the out come, we can’t be ONE… Right?


      What is Reality

      I think that a hint of every thing is in the “Bereshit”. Because when it relates that G.d was hovering over the waters, plural because can’t be singular, right there Moses is expressing the best he can what is between every mas that we don’t see because only consider water what we have at hand.

      But I have a question here also. That we have a limited knowledge of the “information” we receive from outside, but what about the information we receive from inside?  Our brain, our physical sensors dedicated to the maintenance of this body, also send signals, physicals, Psychological, Spiritual, sentiments, thoughts. DO we have a filter also for them?

      • #332811

        In these fundamental courses we are introduced to the foundations upon which the practical work will later be built.
        What you’ll see is that in the good, correct connections between those with the desire to the Creator (Yashar El), from whatever nation they are from, but their heart is aimed at the Creator, through their good connection, the Creator dwells in that place and He operates.
        So we will never sort out all of the paradoxes and impossible situations that we are in.
        This is designed precisely like this so that we turn to the Upper Force and He will perform the correction.
        What is required from us is many scrutinise  and efforts.
        We will learn all of this.

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