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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 343 through 348 (of 360 total)
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    • #55605

      Talking about programming and humans default program, how far is our default program from the goal of Adhesion ?

      • #56140

        Our default program is 100% reception.  The goal of adhesion is 100% bestowal.
        There is nothing further in reality.
        Let’s get going,

    • #55303

      Shalom.  I have many goals in studying Kabbalah because Kabbalah is the most complete as well as the most correct path. I want to know what mistakes I have made in my past life and Tikkun those sins and mistakes in this life so that I will not come to this world again … The physical world gives me clothes that wear it, disconnecting me from Higher Worlds and Hashem. We must become Yechida. That is, we must become one with the Creator … we must be able to return to our original position with the tools that the knowledge of Kabbalah gives us

      • #56139

        Hi Asher,
        All of the sins turn to merits.
        When a baby is walking and falls 100 times we don’t consider that a sin we consider that that this is how he develops in order to work.
        We need to come to a need for the Creator.  A desire.  The desire for the Creator is the vessel and the Upper Light of the Creator fills that vessel.
        So first we want food and sex and money, knowledge… and we go for them and then we find that we need them, we want them, but there is something that is still empty in us, this desire for something more, for the Creator. So each of these earlier desires are what helps us to build the correct vessel.  If we stayed with our desire for small toys, we would never want the Creator.  But if we get a small toy and we are still empty and we get a bigger toy and we are still empty and by this we start to discover where is the Creator, what is the desire for the Creator.
        Love will cover all crimes.
        (Great image above your name 🙂

      • #56138

        Hi Asher,
        All of the sins turn to merits.
        When a baby is walking and falls 100 times we don’t consider that a sin we consider that that this is how he develops in order to work.
        We need to come to a need for the Creator.  A desire.  The desire for the Creator is the vessel and the Upper Light of the Creator fills that vessel.
        So first we want food and sex and money, knowledge… and we go for them and then we find that we need them, we want them, but there is something that is still empty in us, this desire for something more, for the Creator. So each of these earlier desires are what helps us to build the correct vessel.  If we stayed with our desire for small toys, we would never want the Creator.  But if we get a small toy and we are still empty and we get a bigger toy and we are still empty and by this we start to discover where is the Creator, what is the desire for the Creator.
        Love will cover all crimes.
        (Great image above your name 🙂

    • #55241
      Rune T. A.

      Is it at all possible to describe what that sixth sense feels like?

      Thank you.

    • #55196
      Muhammad Tanim

      As much as I have learnt from this course, no religion could entirely depict God and his purposes. Is my statement correct?

      • #56136

        We are not going to engage in religion and beliefs.  What we want to do is to develop a suitable vessel to perceive the Creator.
        For example we don’t keep wine in a potato sack and we don’t keep potatoes in a barrel.
        All of reality is filled with the light of the Creator.  All of our work is only to build that vessel.
        It is called the correction of the vessel.
        And there we will feel the Creator more and more.

    • #54805
      Corey E.


      I am happy to be at this point, to want to be closer to the Creator, to desire the wisdom of Kabbalah toward understanding what the Creator understands, and to overcome egoism.  However, I can’t help think about people who die who are at an earlier level of development (seeking power or knowledge) and have not reached the point in the heart and pursuit of the spiritual path upward toward the Creator.  Is there an explanation as to what happens to them?

      Thank you for your time!

      • #56135

        Of course everything is part of one system, like cells in a body.
        We don’t mourn cells that die, but we can’t say the same about humans because we have all of these emotions.
        So we won’t “justify” it just like that, what we will do is rise ourselves to a higher level of perception where we see and feel an eternal reality and there the transformation of form will be perceived by us in a completely different way.
        Great question,


      • #54972

        Hi Corey

        I’m new at this like you, but I see no one has answered your question yet. So I hope it’s okay to share my wild guess here (with the hope that an instructor would jump in to provide further correction as needed.):

        My guess is that someone who has passed away would have —  in the course of their passing — transitioned from “the real world” to the “hidden world” . At that point,  all the good (higher) qualities that this person cultivated in life would become blended in with the Higher whole.  But if this person proactively cultivated NO redeeming qualities on their own when in the real world, I think they would somehow still become reconnected to the root because everyone begins life gifted with that little point of Light in their heart (whether or not they cultivated that seed any further). And that little point is their ticket Home (And while we might be inclined to think they end up with a bit less real estate within that larger root compared to others who had cultivated more quality, I’m not sure it would matter up there. Maybe interconnectedness with all the other great qualities is the dominating force.)

    • #54744

      I’m so emotional at this time.

      But I need my materials.  So far I’m doing my readings through pdf.  Thank you.

      By the way, In my previous

      quiz. You have that religion is Kabbalah. You have to correct it because my score would’ve been higher.


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