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- April 21, 2020 at 6:38 pm EDT #28793
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- November 13, 2021 at 8:14 am EST #188082
ParticipantAre we given instructions or tools through the Kabbalah on recognizing the Reshimot and how to receive/manage each Reshimo, as it arrives? Thank you in advance for your help and clarity on this matter.
- November 15, 2021 at 8:08 am EST #188269
Seth – KabU Instructor
There are millions of these reshimot, more even. It takes a lot of preparation until we can calibrate ourselves to the spiritual world. We can certainly feel larger more coarse changes, but the subtle moment to moment changes we are still unable to feel. And part of this is by design. Why? Because we perceive spirituality with a vessel called “faith”, it is not faith that we are used to from this world. It is a degree of attainment, called faith, it is a degree of attainment that is above our mind, above our mind and reason. In the world this is called that we “believe in something”, but we are not talking about believing but attaining something above the mind.So here is a way to work with this now although this will take some getting used to. Every single moment that comes to you was prepared precisely for your optimal spiritual advancement. So the advice is like we do on a difficult hike, follow the steps of the guide, he steps here, I step here, he steps there I step there and then I discover that I made it to the top of the mountain too, even though in my own mind I didn’t know where were the snakes and were were the pitfalls, but by acquiring the mind of the upper I make it to the top of the mountain and then feel that all in my own sensations.
Seth@KabU- November 16, 2021 at 7:57 am EST #188437
ParticipantHi Seth.
Thank you very much for your reply. I love the way in which you explain “faith”, as being more of an attainment than a belief. Also, your example of going on a difficult hike was very enlightening, too. I will spend some time integrating your response. I really appreciate your taking the time to answer my question.
Kind Regards
- November 12, 2021 at 2:48 pm EST #188051
InactiveThank you for the Video Tony, it is the second time I am watching all the videos though i belong to the Graduate Environment! It helps to study again and understand better all the voocabulary and definitions. I also wonder that this method makes us perceive the people around us in a different way and also understand them, they are not yet ready because they do not have the “point on the heart” and therefore we cannot judge them, but accept theem. However, it is hard to see how people and family suffer because they continue being so “egoistic” and they continue making the same errors.
- November 12, 2021 at 12:00 am EST #188000
Participant1. Is there a difference between good bestowal and bad (e.g., if I buy an obese person an unlimited supply of cake, they might think I’m altruistic and generous, but that’s ultimately not beneficial to them)?
2. Should we ever go backward and attempt to remedy times in the past when we weren’t as altruistic as we could have been, or move forward with this knowledge from this point forth?
3. Can you provide any tips to approach those whom have done something to us in the past which is difficult to forgive, wronged us in some way, from the mindset of the will to bestow?
- November 15, 2021 at 8:17 am EST #188271
Seth – KabU Instructor
1. Bestowal is an action that takes place in the intention. You can give the same piece of cake for example and it can be an act of bestowal or an act or reception and it is not in relation to what an unconscious person thinks. In fact the whole world can think of me the opposite of what I am and it does not change the inner nature of what is happening.2. There are two things here. One is the your corporeal life and the other is your spiritual life. If you cursed at your mom, so yes, bring her flowers and apologize and try to make peace, etc. etc. Spiritually we are always moving forward, even if you go back to give her flowers and clean up a previous mess. I recommend to behave in this world as a normal person and do all the normal things to maintain good, healthy relationships in this world. At the same time, learn the wisdom of kabbalah and you will see where the spiritual corrections are made.
3. The will to bestow is something that we acquire through much preparation. It is not a trick or a technique or a style of communication. I really recommend that while you are learning the fundamentals of the wisdom of kabbalah, imagine you are studying to be a heart surgeon. Even if you learn something fascinating in the lab, you don’t go outside to the street and try to do it. So continue to live your life in a normal way. If someone is dangerous, distance yourself, if you can smooth things over with someone, work on it. And at the same time, continue to study in the lab more and more. You will discover that the spiritual corrections are not in the place where you thought they were before. You will open new feelings and new perceptions and it will become more clear.
- November 10, 2021 at 6:35 am EST #187494
ParticipantNo question but I am becoming acutely aware of my unconscious and conscious egoism. Be it in my physical movements or the thoughts and feelings that arise in me. It’s really fascinating and I feel so strongly that I must trust the process and internalise each lesson step by step. Thank you so much for this offering.
- November 15, 2021 at 8:19 am EST #188272
Seth – KabU Instructor
Yes, it is an eye opening process.
Take notes in a notebook or a doc on the computer about what you are discovering.
- November 10, 2021 at 1:24 am EST #187486
ParticipantAm I mistaken when I see in my mind’s eye worlds beyond this earth and the invisible barrier above it that may correspond to the five worlds above the barrier described in Kabbalah teaching?
- November 15, 2021 at 8:22 am EST #188274
Seth – KabU Instructor
You can see many things. Each person has their own history and their own perception.
What we are studying in the wisdom of kabbalah is something else. What you will perceive in the wisdom of kabbalah is something that is built according to a system that we acquire from the kabbalists.
They guide us to draw reforming lights that build a structure inside of us where we perceive the spiritual worlds.
All of these spiritual perceptions are felt in a common vessel that is built above the ego, anything felt before that is not what the kabbalists are describing in their books.
- November 9, 2021 at 12:35 pm EST #187351
Participantcan I use the earthly 4 desires to reinforce my point in heart?
for example, I want to be a rich man to benefit others and make their life easier.
- November 15, 2021 at 8:24 am EST #188276
Seth – KabU Instructor
In the meantime, this is all that we have. As it says, envy lust and honor take a man out of this world.
So we use these qualities to lift ourselves up. We should not fool ourselves that this is spiritual, but for sure in the meantime we can use these qualities to help us advance during the preparation time.
Seth@KabU - November 9, 2021 at 6:45 pm EST #187475
ParticipantBoa noite Marquane.
Peço licença para compartilhar minha visão com você.
Dentro da perspectiva do plano da criação , nós fomos criados com uma qualidade singular de desejar receber, sendo assim segundo o plano da criação não há nada de errado em desejar receber , afinal essa é uma característica própria do homem, esse tipo de desejo faz parte de nossa natureza.
No entanto o que nos desvirtua e nos afasta do criador é o egoísmo contido em nos nossos desejos, essa é a raiz de todos males que experimentamos nessa vida, então o que importa no desejo de receber é a intenção por traz dele.
Se desejo receber fortuna para fazer filantropia porque percebo nessa ação que me assemelho ao criador desenvolvendo atributos altruístas, a intenção por traz desse desejo e benéfica e me aproxima do criador em similaridade de forma com o ELE, más se o desejo por fortuna mesmo que seja para fazer filantropia tiver uma intenção egoísta oculta nele , como fazer filantropia esperando receber reconhecimento ou algum tipo de mérito para satisfazer meu ego por causa daquela ação, então a intenção contida nessa forma de desejar receber esta corrompida e me afasta do criador pelo fato de agindo assim estou desenvolvendo atributos divergentes ao atributo altruísta do criador.
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