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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #186517

      Hello. The video with Tony is new to my understanding to Kabbalah. I have the books; Unlocking The Zohar, The Zohar, Shamati, and the guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah. My best is Unlocking The Zohar. Am i doing good?

      • #188278

        You are doing great!
        Follow the weekly classes and all of the exercises and you will advance step by step and quickly.

    • #186324

      In this week’s lesson, no question has formed for me…..yet, anyway. Granted, I am returning to this spiritual work after nearly 10 years of on-and-off study of Kabbalah through books, videos, and courses sourced from Bnai Baruch. That said, I want to convey that my learning is increasing as I view the questions and commentaries posted here. It matters very much what is asked by others and answered by instructors. I’ve gained much clarification in these first two weeks of KabU coursework that builds on years of study. It’s as though seeds that were planted, remained dormant and are now popping open and “sprouting new growth” in my mind. Thanks all!

      • #188280

        Very happy to have you here with us on this wonderful adventure.
        Good to hear that you are holding on through the years.
        Looking forward to hearing great things from you!

      • #186338

        Boa tarde Drky

        Me identifico com sua caminhada e me alegro pelo seu retorno, também sinto que a cada dia novas experiências vão se revelando diante de mim.

        Desejo a você uma caminhada iluminada

        Bons estudos

    • #186241

      Boa tarde amigos.

      Qual o plano da criação?

      Dizem os cabalistas que o proposito da criação é criar uma criatura e preenche-la com prazer ilimitado

      Então o que é que mantem uma pessoa fora do mundo espiritual, local onde se realizará o objetivo do plano da criação?

      Pelo que entendi na explanação de Antony kosinc, nossos cinco sentidos físicos são orgãos que fazem a leitura da realidade como nos a percebemos, eles são capazes de ler apenas a realidade material movidos pelo desejo de receber que possuindo qualidades egoísta se transformam na barreira que nos impedem de perceber os mundos espirituais.

      No entanto o mundo material no qual nos encontramos esta contido no sistema de mundos superiores criados no plano da criação que possuem qualidades distintas do nosso mundo material, são qualidades sutis que chamamos de espirituais, dessa forma tendo esses mundos qualidades às quais nossos sentidos comuns não estão adaptados a perceber e interpretar sua existência, então eles são ocultos àqueles que não possuem um sentido extra o “sexto sentido” capaz de perceber os objetos, forças e fenômenos de natureza espiritual.

      Dessa forma o Sexto sentido seria o desejo de receber corrigido em sua natureza de egoísta para altruísta?

      Esse correção na intenção de desejar, mudando sua qualidade  para altruísta seria o processo de desenvolvimento que nos proporcionaria as condições de romper a barreira do egoísmo ?

      • #186252

        *Então o que é que mantem uma pessoa fora do mundo espiritual, local onde se realizará o objetivo do plano da criação?

        • #188281

          The only thing that separates us from the Creator is our nature.
          We are 100% to receive.
          The Creator/spirituality is 100% to bestow.

    • #186215

      1. I understood from past lessons, that the only reason for these blows to happen is when we don’t try hard enough to advance by studying.

      Why are some students who really want to connect and study still being forced away from it by threats on food and shelter security?

      2. What has to happen until a student reaches the very first spiritual degree?

      3. Will the first spiritual degree help someone to avoid the cause of animal anxiety?


      • #188289

        1.  We are in an interconnected system, just like the body.  The body can have a healthy liver and heart, but if there is a small splinter in the finger, the whole body has to stop and deal with the problem.  We cannot say that if I sit in the chair and concentrate on my studies more then all of the blows will stop.  It’s incorrect.  Sometimes I see that something that I thought was bad, it turned out to be good.
        There is some confusion in your understanding.  Imagine that I am with friends enjoying the day but I don’t know that a tornado is coming.  So I feel good and I don’t see the bad.
        Or maybe it is a beautiful day but already I feel that the tornado is coming so I can make a move before the tornado hits me.  We will start to understand this more and why these things happen too.

        2. We have a few works in our preparation to the first spiritual degree. 1, we need to hear/read from the books of the kabbalists so that we can start to arrange our inner life not according to what the animal world shows us with the animal mind and heart but according to the upper perception.  2, we will learn together in the following courses how to work with those forces between us.

        3.  Animal anxiety comes from uncertainty and fears.  When we approach the spiritual degrees, we understand where all of these forces are coming from, why and how.  Imagine the feeling of everyone in the world supporting you, caring for you and loving you.  Now imagine even more than that 🙂


    • #184627

      It is possible to attain reality in this life?

      Why we are programmed to distort
      true reality if the real purpose of the creator is to bring bliss to the whole creation?

      • #188295

        That is exactly what we are working on.  Baal HaSulam writes that this is possible for every person.
        The answer to your second question can take a few thousand pages to answer and that has all been written already.  We will study the structure of the spiritual worlds later and we will see that a spark in the sun does not feel its existence.
        The purpose of creation is to create a creature and fill it with fulfillment.
        And we know that there is no pleasure without first there being a craving for that pleasure.  And if I crave something a little, then I enjoy it a little when I receive it.  If I crave it a lot, then I enjoy a lot when I receive.
        We will open this more and more.

    • #183348
      Anthie Televantou

      This is from the book(in recommended reading – attaining the worlds beyond ) – ”
      This can be explained as follows: people are much more
      concerned with their own progress than with glorifying the
      Creator. Thus, their tears are empty, and they leave this world
      just as they entered it, with nothing.
      The final fate of every animal is eradication, and people
      who have not perceived the Creator are as animals. On the
      other hand, if one concerns oneself with glorifying the
      Creator, He will reveal Himself to that person”

      – What does it mean by eradication? Do we get deleted, are animals deleted as well? Do animals not have a soul and do some humans not have a soul? As I have felt that animals have feelings also…

      Please clarify this for me 🙂 Thank you so much, the answers to the questions here are lovely.

      • #183707

        This question is just like your previous question, but with more clarifications.
        Rabash explains the two souls very clearly as a beastly soul and a Godly soul.
        All living creatures have a beastly soul.  For example we don’t consume white light.  That light cascades down through all of the worlds of concealment until it reaches the lowest point and a spark becomes matter and then that matter develops from star dust into vegetation into animals to us.  So when we want to consume pleasure we can’t simply consume white light, the light is dressed in a mango or in a touch, the spark of light is dressed in matter.  That is called the beastly soul that every creature has that sustains it.
        The Godly soul is what we talked about below in the answer to your previous question.

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