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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #328333
      Jarrett Twaddle

      What is acceptable and unacceptable to bring to the group (when we’re placed in one) for the purpose of prayer? Should we invert our desires and pray for others the very things we feel burning for ourselves (spiritual and/or corporeal)?

      • #328689

        You will have the opportunity to read several articles together with other students and a KabU instructor about the organization of the kabbalistic group and the prayer as well.
        It is further in the curriculum.

    • #327417

      Remembering is the Equivalence of form toward being properly aligned with the Tree of Life or Family roots of Creation until the Creator delivers upon the Souls repercussion’s of “Lishma”. The roots and branches of the 10 emanation’s are the basics for building or children in His names Light, rather than goods and evils.

      • #328688

        I don’t understand what you are talking about.
        Very confusing.

        • #328716

          Seth neither do I except through the opening of the Zohar I find the Creator to be true. And this is why my fellow Pioneer we must always maintain in the direction of “His Name”. For the souls’ healing from within the Upper force torward the beauty of Israel and the far reaching.

        • #328825

          OK, but since in the meantime we are still living on Earth and communicating with each other, it is helpful and helps us advance more quickly and comfortably if we can communicate in a way that we can understand each other.

    • #321677

      This has been helpful in showing me the basis for some religious thought.  It brought understanding to me of the practices that my parents observed.  My experience has been to come away from religious practices, yet I see that as I grow in closeness to our Creator, I can better engage with those that I love.  I do wonder if we can know what we are learning and still remain in places that are in the Sacred Still?

      • #321724


        No problem.

        You can go to the Olympics or your church.
        You’ll have to balance how to maintain your culture and your family dynamics and also your  inner world that you are discovering.


        • #321891

          Thank you Seth!  That balance alone will require the “prayer” as discussed in our lesson.

    • #321395
      Zealot Mines

      Wow, that was a great session by Tony.. I am seeing more and more clearly.. I love the explanation.

    • #321352

      In this video Tony said we can’t bribe the upper force in prayer. Thats what religions try to do etc. i actually agree but how can we explain the event when Abraham bribed the upper force in sodom and gemorah, for G-d not to destroy it if he can find 50-10 righteous people?


      • #321358

        If you want to jump straight to the literal, then you also need to ask about the bush that spoke and the sea that parted and the snake that talked, so let’s start to understand what we’re talking about first, what is this book called Torah and then we’ll have the correct approach to these questions.

        Check out this blog post by our teacher, the kabbalist Michael Laitman.  I think you’ll get a lot from it.

        VaYera (The Lord Appeared) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


        • #321396
          Zealot Mines

          Thanks for the share of this blog post.. it shades more on the lesson.  A whole lots of new concepts here..  In regards to.. “that which you hate, do not do to your neighbor”  “let mine be mine; let yours be yours.”
          Could you give an example on how I can apply or relate to it..  The far I have learned is that, it’s not related to any corporeal action.. meaning it on my thoughts and intentions?

          Does it eventually reflect to how I treat….  say my colleagues at work, family? Coz if I think and intend to do good.. some how I cannot do the opposite…

        • #321455

          Zealot Mines,
          All of the practical work that we will learn we will do together with the others in the kabbalistic group, who are working on the same goal, following the same method.
          Later as we develop new qualiites and abilities, we will learn how to expand this to more and more outer circles.
          In the meantime, be a good person in the world.  Try this and that.  Just not to be confused.  The spiritual work that we do at first is specifically within the kabbalistic group.

    • #321050
      M H

      Every once in a while we meet someone who radiates peace.  I have always wanted to be like them. This weeks lesson is a giant step for me.  It all rings true.  Thank you

      • #321375

        Hi, that article was great indeed.

        Yes, i just recently watched the Adam and Eve video with Gil Shir, and how its not what we think, but talking about “forces in us” and i also enjoyed the article “Did the deluge actually happen”

        it just seemed that the bush and snake etc. is a little different then a simple conversation with Abraham and the creator. I do remember Dr, Laitman saying that these people in the Torah actually existed.  (Moses, Abraham etc.)  I was just trying to differentiate or understand it more. So, if some of the people actually did exist, how do we know what was literal, im already passed the stage of a talking snake, red devil with horns etc.


      • #321373

        Hi, that article was great indeed.

         Yes, i just recently watched the Adam and Eve video with Gil Shir, and how its not what we think, but talking about “forces in us” and i also enjoyed the article “Did the deluge actually happen” 

        it just seemed that the bush and snake etc. is a little different then a simple conversation with Abraham and the creator. I do remember Dr, Laitman saying that these people in the Torah actually existed.  (Moses, Abraham etc.)  I was just trying to differentiate or understand it more. So, if some of the people actually did exist, how do we know what was literal, im already passed the stage of a talking snake, red devil with horns etc.  


        • #321380

          On the one hand we do interpret it on the literal level, but also many other levels.
          You know in our normal life, as we grow up, the books we read change, at 5 we read a certain kind of book, at 15 a different book and at 25 a different kind of book.
          In the wisdom of kabbalah, it’s different.  Here, the book stays the same, but we change and according to our development in relation to our soul, the book changes.

          Regarding your original question about Abraham.  It’s helpful to remember that the Creator doesn’t change.  He is eternal.  All of the negotiating with the Creator is about the changes that take place in the person, how much a person desires to want to be like the Creator. The process that Abraham goes through in Sodom and Gomorrah  is scrutinizing between the force of the left and the force of the right.
          The binding of Issac, meaning preventing the left line from being used.  The sending away of Hagar and Ishmael, meaning sending out the part of the right that cannot join the left.  Since everything is created for a reason, we need to even use things that appear to be the worst possible and turn them into good depending on how we relate to them.  This process of negotiation is about Abraham making inner scrutinies about what he can work with and what he desires as he develops towards bringing the quality of Bina into the world and the complex process of Bina mixing with Malchut.

        • #321411

          thank you Seth

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