Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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  • #41572

    Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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    • #183768

      Hello, my question has to do with insatisfaction of so many religous folks, especially in Christianity, where spirituallity is seen as a rational practice first, an then somehow, as a spiritual sense. The thing is, one first must rationally accept all of the precepts they preach, in order to move on to a spiritual path based on faith, so they say, guided by the spirit. therefore, it denotes an absence of effort by the practioner, and everything is given misterously so that your consciuos finally grasps the title of salvation. They talk of the God head in three different personalities, and there comes the confussion, is it not? for theres only ONE creator. My question is, how to engage with this folks that have decipher the many contradictions in their current faith, and seek for more in their spiritual life?, how to share with them the concept of the awakening of the point in the heart, without insulting them, since they are part of the western paradigm?

      • #184359

        We never address religious people, even though they are dissatisfied. They can find us on the internet if they are searching. It could be that they are only dissatisfied, but not searching for answers. And if I give them Kabbalah prematurely I ruin their development, and make it a longer, more difficult development, which in turn, harms me. We disseminate only to those who come to us asking, and then very gently.

    • #61659

      Hi I’m in the grad environment and I’m looking to be put into a 10. Can you help me with this? Thank you

    • #59256

      Hi Julian and dear friends…

      My question is, about the last video of this week, as Julian said any thing in others, bothers me, is from light and I should change my point of view to see it in another way…

      How can I do such a thing? Cant understand it.


      Best Regards


      • #59628

        Hi Raiza,

        This change has to be done by the Reforming Light. We can’t do it. But we can start by trying to live more in the perception that there is One Force governing all reality. Not only the stars, planets, plants, animals, and not only all the other people, but also yourself. In every moment. The Upper Force is the operator. And I feel the opposite, that I’m in control. And that others around me have free will. This is my illusion. I must behave normally, but internally I must ascribe everything to There Is None Else Besides Him – meaning only the Upper Force is doing everything.

    • #58772

      Video 3.3 – Influence of the Group – 08:33 and how we students are able to do this process of choosing a group?

      • #59629

        Hi Jurgis and friends,

        You don’t need to worry about this. When you reach the graduate program you’ll have up to 4 live lessons you have the possibility to attend per week, with interaction with other students and eventually your own group of ten that you can do workshops with, etc. As well as conventions and other lessons. In short, you’ll have no shortage of opportunities. For now, choosing means the effort you put into this study, where you prepare yourself for that groupwork, which requires some individual learning first.

        • #62544
          Rune T. A.

          Hello Gianni.

          I would like to know.

          When will we reach the graduate program? When all courses in KabU are completed?

          Thank you.

        • #126302

          The grad program is after Kabbalah Revealed 1 and 2, Kabbalah in Action and Kabbalah Experience. The others are optional courses.

      • #58778

        @Jurgis thank you so much for posting this question and I am also curious to know how we find our group??? I’ve seen it referenced many times in the materials but have not seen any instruction on how to accomplish this. Wishing you well =)

        • #59257

          Same question. Thank a lot🙏🙏🙏

        • #58800

          I have this same question. Where am I going to find a Kabbalah group of 10 with a teacher? Because in all the Q&A and all the lessons I’ve viewed so far, you can’t really get anywhere or make progress without having this special group. Leaves me feeling quite alone and SOL because I don’t know anyone that is interested in this in the slightest

        • #126303

          It is indeed atypical that one has others in their physical environment who also have a Point in the Heart. Instead, the Upper Force hand-picks them from all of humanity. But we don’t need to occupy a common physical space. Even if we did, we would have the same work we have through the computer screen, which is that I have to exit myself, out to the field of the Creator, through the others. This action is above time and space, and only I, because of my false perception of reality, need some reference point (others who have the Point in the Heart) to work with and exit out towards. You’ll have such a group in the Graduate Program. Anyway, the world isn’t going back to all-physical activities like before, it’s heading in a new direction.

    • #58638

      Dear Teacher,

      Could you please help me understand the gender division I am experiencing? I have heard many times that all are welcome but I keep seeing classrooms full and also all teachers seem to be male. I would like to know if this is by design? If so, why? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.



      • #126304

        Hi Marz,

        You’re seeing video from Israel maybe? At KabU we’re all together, men and women. And in the Grad Program we’ll all be on one Zoom and sometimes do breakout rooms together, however the man and the woman, though the reach the same goal, have different work they need to do to unite and thus reach that goal. Meaning men have to unite with men, in their style, which whether they know it or not, is completely different from the style in which women unite. Like in an atom you have parts that have this charge, which unite together in a circle, and parts that have that charge and unite in their own field, in the group too you have those who are charged like this and those charged like that. They can change all their skin and organs, and this inner immutable essence will remain eternally. Therefore, when doing the serious inner work, we’ll be together but in our own circles. And then we unite as two group like the protons and electrons form an atom, and we form together Adam HaRishon.

    • #58596

      How do I know if the group is of real points in the heart (seekers)? How do I know if some members of the group are fake and whether I am trying to connect with the wrong people? In today’s world there are fakes of everything!

      • #126305

        It actually doesn’t matter here. You will understand later, when you understand what the whole method requires, why the Baal Shem Tov paid a drunk musician to play for him and uplift his mood so that he could make spiritual ascent. You can pay actors to act according to the principles we study here and you can ascend by that. No problem. Therefore, I don’t care if the friends are real or not. If they are willing to play this game, which is against the ego, for free, and they are even paying to be here, that’s good enough for me. Also, no, from what I know about human nature, without a true Point in the Heart that pushes them to be here from inside, one will not find the inner fuel to remain here. One has to have this inner attraction to reaching the source of life, the goal of Creation.

      • #58773

        Video 3.4 – Challenges and Opportunities:  @ 01:01

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