Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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    Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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    • #283101

      Hi Gianni, not sure how to ask this question as even the question is unclear to me. I have had a spiritual desire within for as long as I can remember. What this desire seemingly has brought over my 60 years of life is being a target for abuse from every place I have search so far to find a home with others of like mind. Now I am here in Kabbalah and hearing I have been chosen by nature to work to increase this spiritual desire with others. My torn and tattered insides are rebelling against moving towards being in a group of ten. Fear of the responsibiliy, fear of letting others down, fear of being a hindrance to others, fear of once again being told I do not belong. How can I do what needs to be done so the reforming light can transform these fears to keep me from quitting? The oscillating between desire to just stick to the process knowing it is the purpose of creation and the desire to quit to save myself the humiliation is on a rapid cycle and creating difficulty to find footing.

      • #283106

        Hi Joseph,

        Well, there’s no question that what you’re imagining about a ten, especially as you have only your previous experiences to go off of, couldn’t be accurate. Everyone is picturing it wrong. Some because they want a social environment like something they’ve experienced, and some because they don’t want to repeat their experiences. But there is no experience like being in a ten because there is no relationship in our world that is aimed at connection in order to reveal the Upper Force that is revealed only in correct connection between me and the other parts of reality. None else have this goal and the goal shifts everything. Have this goal, you’ll find all breaks down, because the correction is precisely in the intention. Ethereal and ephemeral as it may seem, it, the intention, is the most powerful force in the universe. And against it is the barrier to the spiritual world. Therefore you have no experience and neither does anyone else in this field because only from one who has crossed that barrier can such a precisely aimed society be created where we would need the help of the Upper Force against precisely that barrier which that Upper Force throws up to ensure that we would never ever be able to cross it without its help. Think about this a while and see how there’s nothing to fear.

    • #282822

      Hello Gianni,

      Are all the members of a Ten on the same spiritual level/the same step of the ladder? So they work with the same common challenges? Or are they very different, so they can complement each other?



      • #283029

        For the time being, they’re all beginners, below the first true spiritual degree. Also, they don’t need to be on one level. Each needs to work, however, towards the others as if they are all higher than he is. That is enough for each one to advance from where they are to their next development.

    • #282668
      Innocent Mushiya

      I want to know,how or in which way does attaining spirituality in the wisdom of kabbalah affect our daily lives in our corporeal world?

      For example our livelihood,corporeal knowledge,social life etc…

      • #282691

        Spiritual attainment includes everything and everything. However, there’s no point in discussing that because with an x-ray that sees much deeper into the person than he even knows himself, a person is measured in their intentions, and the intention needs to be to attain the Creator’s qualities. Of course, this won’t be one’s sole goal because we’re egoists, but the Reforming Light in the study of Kabbalah works on the person and gradually shapes a more and more correct intention. But this is why a person needs to address all things corporeal in the normal ways, and what, if anything, needs to change according to a person’s spiritual advancement, will change.

    • #220452

      In the last video with Rav Laitman, Asaf compared the force of gravity to the Upper Force and asked why it is that this Upper force seems to have a personality unlike gravity which just acts.  Rav Laitman talked about having to be on a higher level to understand man, but he didn’t directly answer why Kabbalists think this force has a personality.  Is it because that is how they perceive it?  So everything we understand can only be from our own human perspective, like quantum physics shows?

      • #220667

        Hi Esther,

        Exactly. We perceive according to how we are. If we perceive a change on the outside, it’s because we changed somehow on the inside. The fact that we see no correlation – of course this is because the linkage is concealed. It is as one Kabbalist wrote, “Every day I have a new Creator.” It’s because as you change, it’s as though The Creator changes. But it is written, “I the Lord do not change.” All the changes we perceive in the Upper Light, all the names of the Creator, where names are the ways of attaining Him, are only the changes in our Kli. “There is no light without a Kli,” it is written. So NO Light. And we’re missing the Kli entirely for now. As we develop this Kli, so does the perception of the Upper Force, and all the spiritual degrees are the development of the Kli and the corresponding revelations of the Upper Force within it.

    • #220298

      While watching these videos, I felt very unmotivated. However, I still watched them. After a while, suddenly something shifted inside and I felt very motivated to keep watching.

      Is this what is meant by “a light begins to shine in the darkness”?

      It feels like I have to cling to a higher part of myself to keep going and the more I keep going, something below gets darker and more intense in negativity. At the most intense point then, it is like it is being reversed and suddenly everything is great again. Like a black hole turning into a white hole or something.

      Are these the continuous “ascents and descents” that Kabbalah talks about?

      • #220668

        Hi Niklas,

        Yes, that’s what is meant by ascents and descents, in principle. Just as you described. There is always somewhere in a person the Point in the Heart, and it’s a sensor precisely for the wisdom that talks about the ascent to the Upper World because this Point fell from there. There is always a more dominant part in a person that wants to remain without spiritual advancement, like an animal, which can remain generation after generation for another billion years. If a cow has water and grass, it needs no further development. You see how some of the monkeys remain on their trees now, millions of years after we came down from them. So, also within a person, there’s always a part that knows there is only one thing this world is for, and that is to use this world to reach the Upper World.

    • #219133
      Tiago Casellato


      In one of the videos, Julian said that inside the group students are going to experience ups and downs, that problems will occur, that everyone has to participate in order to work. He also said that in the process one is going to experience darkeness and then even more darkeness. My questions are:

      1- What kind of problems can arise in a kabbalist group? Disagreements about wisdom? About the Kabbalistic texts?

      2-He also said that we only evolve spiritually if we participate actively in the group, “through the clash of Points in the Heart”. How is that?

      3-This experience of darkeness that he talks about  could affect one’s physical/mental health?

      Thank you.

      • #219574

        Hi Tiago,
        <p style=”text-align: left;”>No, the wisdom of Kabbalah can’t affect one’s mental health because one agrees to all the states he goes through. He can go back to his regular sensations if he wishes. But then, of course, he turns back the way he came on the way to the “King’s Palace”. Baal HaSulam writes about how “the guards” on the way are increasingly cunning, which is why most give up and never taste spirituality. He did not have enough of the right desire to mount the trail that goes all the way to the gates of the palace. Only if besides his own private desire he integrates with the desires of friends on the same path will he have the required desire, a desire of a certain quality that must consist of desires not belonging to any single individual. Of course in the process of trying to connect – because no one wants that, by our very nature – their will be some friction. But in the right environment, it should all happen in a controlled way where the environment compels us to immediately find a spiritual solution, and not to just argue. We will see what this means when we come to it, these aren’t fights like we might be imagining but problems in connection due to the fact that we are the product of a Shattering and are broken, and we turn to the Upper Force, being the only thing that can repair us.</p>

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