Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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  • #41572

    Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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    • #294548
      Maria Memoli

      May you please explain the governance of the group of Ten?

      Especially at its first stage of formation.

      Thank you


      • #294552

        The group is a background against which you practice being in bestowal, the quality of the Creator.

    • #294547
      Maria Memoli

      Dear Teachers,

      Is it correct if I say that the texts are the revelation of the Light coming from the points of Darkness experienced by the Kabbalists that wrote them?

      Everything that haven’t been revealed yet, is it because of a time constraint, a particular Kabbalist’s condition on when or to whom to reveal?

      Thank you



      • #294553

        There are two main kinds of Kabbalah texts. One is the kind where the Kabbalist provides a guide for attaining what he attained. Only Rabash and Baal HaSulam wrote such books for people in our world. The other kind were written for other Kabbalists, but not to help one enter the Upper World. Yes, they would all have liked to help everyone reach the spiritual correction – that’s what the Creator wants. But that depends on the types of souls in that generation for this to be permitted. If they will be able to use this method correctly or not.

    • #294503
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Is there 1 teacher?

      • #294509

        Our teacher is the Kabbalist, Dr. Michael Laitman. Under him there are instructors like myself, Tony, Gilad, and so on.

    • #291957


      1)  Rav Laitman’s in “The animate soul”: There are many people in our world whose Upper Soul (“point in the heart”) does not exist at all.  We cannot know who has it and who does not.

      I thought that everyone has it, in some people it just dormant.

      2)  Each soul is unique. Does Kabbalist get an opportunity to know the purpose of his sole?

      3)  Why Kabbalistic groups are formed based on gender?


      Thank you.

      • #291977

        Hi Irina,

        To say the Point in the Heart doesn’t exist is the same as saying it is dormant, except in the former we speak of what a person can work with now.

        Kabbalistic groups, for certain kinds of work, are based on gender because there are nevertheless two forces in nature – plus and minus, protons and electrons, and chromosomes that have either an XX sequence or an XY sequence. After that you can change out all the skin and organs but will never be able to alter that. And that too is only an outcome of the root of the soul, which never changes, no matter what I will feel or do in this life. And those who have the one root will have one approach, and those who have the other will have another approach. They have to remain discreet because later they have to compliment each other for what they have to become together. The electrons have their outer orbit, the protons their inner orbit, like each planet has its own place and orbit. These forces are much bigger than us, and so are the laws that govern us. It’s not for every kind of interaction, but for certain targeted ones, if we want the work to be serious, these have to work with these and those have to work with those.


    • #285690
      Yvon Decelles

      So like something I don’t understand. On the one hand you say all gift comes from the creator but also all sin/desires also come from the creator.

      So if the inaction/action I commit (such as not using my talent, stealing, murdering) are not my own choice and indeed, I can’t do anything unless it is a desire given to me by the creator than why should I make any effort to be good? I’ll be good when I’ll have a desire for it which is when the creator will want me to…

      Surely the desire to do something will be given to me at the appropriate time. So if I don’t do anything and I’m lazy, it’s because the creator wants me lazy No?

      • #287209

        Yes, everything comes from the Creator. I’m in a playpen that I call reality. From Him comes everything, including laziness, etc. All of it is a game. That’s what He did to me. Now, what does He want from me in this moment? Because He is looking for a response from me. It’s not that He doesn’t already know how I’ll respond. He doesn’t need to test. However, in this whole game is my own scrutiny of what is my nature, how much can I overcome it, do I feel that there is a Creator whatsoever, if there is a Creator what should I do then, if I feel there is no Creator it means He is hidden so what should I do in that case? All of it is a scrutiny, seemingly endless, but it has an end. But not until I will make the scrutiny. All these questions and more stand before me to arrive at and answer with a response in actions. They’re waiting ahead of me, and the only question is when will I get around to them. In this lifetime? Next lifetime? Am I willing to put it off. If I put it off, then a different calculation is made with me from Above, and it’s certainly to my detriment.

    • #283101

      Hi Gianni, not sure how to ask this question as even the question is unclear to me. I have had a spiritual desire within for as long as I can remember. What this desire seemingly has brought over my 60 years of life is being a target for abuse from every place I have search so far to find a home with others of like mind. Now I am here in Kabbalah and hearing I have been chosen by nature to work to increase this spiritual desire with others. My torn and tattered insides are rebelling against moving towards being in a group of ten. Fear of the responsibiliy, fear of letting others down, fear of being a hindrance to others, fear of once again being told I do not belong. How can I do what needs to be done so the reforming light can transform these fears to keep me from quitting? The oscillating between desire to just stick to the process knowing it is the purpose of creation and the desire to quit to save myself the humiliation is on a rapid cycle and creating difficulty to find footing.

      • #283106

        Hi Joseph,

        Well, there’s no question that what you’re imagining about a ten, especially as you have only your previous experiences to go off of, couldn’t be accurate. Everyone is picturing it wrong. Some because they want a social environment like something they’ve experienced, and some because they don’t want to repeat their experiences. But there is no experience like being in a ten because there is no relationship in our world that is aimed at connection in order to reveal the Upper Force that is revealed only in correct connection between me and the other parts of reality. None else have this goal and the goal shifts everything. Have this goal, you’ll find all breaks down, because the correction is precisely in the intention. Ethereal and ephemeral as it may seem, it, the intention, is the most powerful force in the universe. And against it is the barrier to the spiritual world. Therefore you have no experience and neither does anyone else in this field because only from one who has crossed that barrier can such a precisely aimed society be created where we would need the help of the Upper Force against precisely that barrier which that Upper Force throws up to ensure that we would never ever be able to cross it without its help. Think about this a while and see how there’s nothing to fear.

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