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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 341 total)
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    • #63096

      Ein Sof…is that the same as the Creator? Is it Elohim?

      • #63107

        Hi Derek,

        Ein Sof means infinity (literally translated “without end”). It’s not the Creator Himself, rather it’s the Creator’s attitude to the created beings, to fill them with infinite pleasure. Or more accurately, to fulfill the desire to the max. Similar to how you can take a cup and fill it up to the max where it’s impossible to add any more liquid to the cup. Even if you add one more drop it will just spill over. That state is called Ein Sof.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #62911
      Kelly Bey

      What are ways or things we can do to attract the light? Will the light we attract help us to resolve the problems that seem to keep us in a state of lack and suffering? How do we attract the light and correct our inner intention from recieving to bestowing?

      • #62936

        Hi Kelly,

        1. We attract the light every time we aspire to a higher spiritual degree. That’s all it takes, an inner aspiration, a yearning for that higher degree. This is why the main time that we attract the light is during the study, when we learn about these higher degrees.

        Aside from that, we also attract the light when we play out those higher spiritual degree. It’s just like when kids play pretend that they are doctors, firemen, adults, etc. By that they grow and develop. Same with us. When we act as if we’re on those higher spiritual degrees, this too attracts the light. The light then gradually develops and changes us until this game becomes reality. Keep in mind that we practice this only within this safe environment that we call the Kabbalistic group. With the rest of the world, we should act normal, just like everyone else.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. Yes, in general, when we go on the path of light, we no longer need sufferings to push us forward. Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        3. The light is ultimately what corrects our intention, not we ourselves. Our job is only to attract more and more of this light, especially through the Kabbalistic studies, and it does all the rest.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #62969
          Kelly Bey

          Thank you brother.

    • #62894
      Philip Naughton

      How do we know that there are 613 desires and not say 615 or 598 etc ?  How did we come to that number? Where is the science that demonstrates this is the case so that we know it to be true ? Could one person have say 728 desires whilst another person be born with only 345 desires?

      If I fix one desire and make it a will to bestow could it not revert back to a desire from being a will to bestow? A bit like doing a new year resolution that works for a few months until we revert to old habits? How do you stop this from happening, otherwise it may never be possible to correct all 613?

      Thank you

      • #62933

        Hi Philip,

        613 is the number of corrections that need to be placed over the spiritual desire. This number is further divided into 248 desires of bestowing in order to bestow and 365 desires that operate on receiving in order to bestow. We’ll learn how this number is derived in the more advanced lessons on KabU that deal with the structure of the upper worlds.

        Keep in mind that the 613 desires are spiritual desires that we don’t yet have. Similar to how a single cell in a body only has some basic desires. But when that cell is part of a greater body, it reveals there higher desires which are impossible for the individual cell to have: desires for money, honor, power, etc. Same with us, until we integrate with the general body of Adam HaRishon, we don’t reveal or understand these 613 spiritual desires.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        As for how we work with this in practice, see my reply below to Melinda.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #62585
      Melinda Thai

      Albert, your answer to Kelly’s question above was insightful for me. I was also wondering if there was a specific order desires are corrected or is it based on the individual? Does everyone correct all 613 desires?

    • #62370

      Why is it that some people seem to be born with true altruism. Does our DNA alter as we progress?
      thank you

      • #62484

        Hi Kay,

        Baal HaSulam writes in the writings of the last generation that there is up to 10% of the world that has a natural drive towards bestowal and altruism. Just like we’re built to enjoy reception, they’re built to enjoy bestowal. Why is there a need for such a thing, for altruistic egoists? It’s because pure egoism on its own would just destroy the world, so nature implanted a few altruists to balance out the system.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        As for our DNA, it does change from generation to generation. Baal HaSulam talks about it in the article “the Freedom“, which we’ll study in depth in the next semester.

        And if you’re interested to learn more about Reshimo, which are like our spiritual DNA, see my reply below to Peter.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #62197
      Kelly Bey

      Give me an example of correcting a desire please.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 341 total)
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