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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #188189

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Ok, so since each correction appears in every individual in this world as soon as one individual performed it, taken together with the fact that I experience myself to be completely uncorrected, I can conclude that no single correction in anyone had ever taken place since my fall. Does it mean that without my own efforts the rest of humanity is worthless? What have you beein doing all these years?</p>

      • #188344

        Hi Eliyahu,

        We learn that “there is no coercion in spirituality”. Meaning that no one can perform the correction on your behalf. But if someone performs their correction, it makes it easier for others to make their correction. Just picture that all of humanity is part of a 8 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. Each person is responsible for his own piece. Meaning that I cannot place someone else’s piece, but if I find where my piece fits, it makes it easier for others to find where their piece fits.

        Regarding seeing the corrections, as we learned in the lesson on the perception of reality, the entire external world is nothing more than a reflection of my uncorrected egoistic state. Meaning that I don’t experience some objective reality, but I experience something through the lens of my ego. Furthermore, to the extent that I correct this ego, to that extent the external reality will change as well. It’s like I have these dirty glasses through which I see the whole world as being dirty. The moment I clean my own glasses (correct myself) then I’ll look at the same world, but now it’s clean and perfect.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        In Neutral Gear

        Albert @ KabU

    • #188188

      Taking these lessons, reading the books and watching many of the available videos, I am stirred up.

      On one hand I am very excited to evolve in my predifined path, correcting my egoistic ways so that I become one with the creator. It feels absolutely that this is what I need to and want to do.

      On the other hand I am scarred that doing so will make my corporeal life even more difficult. It is increasingly more and more difficult to make a living so I am concerned about paying the bills and be a good provider for my family.

      I am not clear about how to incorporate the teachings into my day to day life in a way that I am not only advancing my spiritial journey but also improving my corporeal life not just for myself but also for my family, friends and my larger network of people.

      Your insight into managing this duality of “existence” would be much appreciated.

      • #188343

        Hi Attila,

        The Kabbalists tell us “no flour, no Torah – no Torah, no flour”. Meaning a Kabbalist continues to exist on the level of this world throughout the entire spiritual ladder. So I cannot just turn into a monk and disconnect from this life and only focus on spirituality. On the other hand, if I only focus on corporeality, then I’m no different than an animal. So the important thing is to find the right balance between the two: to take care of all of one’s normal necessities: to work, take care of the family, health, etc (this is called flour) and to set aside some time to focus on spirituality (this is called Torah).

        As for incorporating the teachings, keep in mind that the spiritual work of bestowal that Kabbalah is talking about is first of all internal. And secondly, if there is an external expression to this inner work, then it’s done only within this safe environment that we call the Kabbalistic group. With the rest of the world, we need to act normal, just like everyone else.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #188353

          Thank you Albert

      • #188192

        I don’t know if it’s ok if i post into other users questions. My intention is to connect and add my desire. I am facing the same issue. I don’t even know if I will still have a home next month. This already happened a couple of years ago. I really have a desire for my brother Attila, myself, and others like us to receive a satisfying solution, if onmy for the purpose to continue on our path. Thank you.

        • #188355

          Thank you Aliyahu for leaving your post. My intent is that as I find ways to improve my corporeal existance – while I advancing my spiritual awakening- I create opportunities for others as well. This is with the intent of providing others a way to make a meaningful living.

          So instead of just satisfying my own selfish needs, I focus on doing things in such a way that my actions benefit the greater good of our society and all  of its members.

        • #188354

          Thank you Aliyahu for leaving your post. My intent is that as I find ways to improve my corporeal existance – while I advancing my spiritual awakening- I create opportunities for others as well. This is with the intent of providing others a way to make a meaningful living.

          So instead of just satisfying my own selfish needs, I focus on doing things in such a way that my actions benefit the greater good of our society and all its members.

    • #188077
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      1) what is the difference between Adam Kadmon and Adam ha rishon?

      2) what does ” individual” referred to in Kabbalah? it refers to The sum total of all opportunities given to us to develop the point in the heart or what?

      • #188090

        Hi Marouane,

        1. These are two separate things. Adam Kadmon is a part of the system of worlds. While Adam HaRishon is the active part within this system. Similar to how you have planet Earth and you have people or those that inhabit the planet.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. I’m not sure in which context you’re asking this, but in general the individual is me. I am like a single cell within the whole body.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #188099
          MAROUANE Bakiz

          this ” me” ?? which ” me” for example if I didn’t develop my point in the heart in this “me” it will die and I will have another ” me”  ( reincarnation)

          I need some clarification here and  gratitude and love thanks to your time and answers


        • #188342

          Hi Marouane,

          Yes, you can say that. Just keep in mind that reincarnation happens on the level of desire. We all have this desire called the point in the heart. This is our spiritual potential. If we realize this potential, this grows into a desire called a soul. If not, this same desire continues to reincarnate again and again until it gets fully realized.

          Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

          What Happens To The Soul After Death?

          Albert @ KabU

    • #184999

      The situations we experience can be seen as surface or beneath surface when seen as surface we react with ego and when we see as deep the we as an opportunity of change / transformation …so then is it our perception or intention by which we transform and change or react to the experience through ego?

      Thank you

      • #185004

        Hi Adamski,

        You can say it’s both the intention and perception. When we try to see everything as coming from one source, that “there is none else besides Him”, then we naturally react differently to the situation. Likewise when we try to change our intention, then we accept the situation as a means to bestow and also look at it differently.

        We’ll learn about these things in the more advanced lessons. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #183714
      Jonathan Lawrence

      Elegant wisdom. Thank you.

    • #183366
      Anthie Televantou


      The Book of Job comes to mind when Mr. Tony mentions the path of pain. Does it give a holistic view on how God shows his love by testing us? I really love this story(it helped me to understand how much material things do not matter) because: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” I really want to understand Him properly. Please correct me if I am wrong.

      • #183566

        Hi Anthie,

        Yes, you can say that the story from the book of Job is an example of the path of pain, that we are constantly being pushed by sufferings towards the purpose of creation. But if instead of waiting for the sufferings to push us, we start to  aspire towards that purpose by ourselves, then we don’t need those sufferings anymore.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 341 total)
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