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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 128 total)
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    • #300494
      Natalie Steenbok

      Thank you. no questions as yet

    • #298693

      Globally speaking, is it right to say that humanity presently is at the Spiritual Animate level?

      If this is the case, is it also right to say that Global transformation to the next level will only be achieved by the knowledge and awakening of Authentic Kabbalah as the right tool to disrupt and curate the animate level?

      • #298738

        Hi Katel,

        There are 4 levels in nature. Still, vegetative, animate, and speaking. Within each level, there are 4 sub levels: the still of the still, the vegetative of the still, the animate of the still, the speaking of the still, etc. Humanity as a whole is currently found on the speaking sub-degree of the animate level. Meaning we have not yet reached the true speaking degree, which is a spiritual degree.

        As for global transformation, yes you can say it depends on the spreading of the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world. Baal HaSulam writes about it in the article “The Shofar of the Messiah“. Here’s an excerpt:

        “In my assessment, we are in a generation that is standing at the very threshold of redemption, if we only know how to spread the wisdom of the hidden to the masses.”

        Albert @ KabU

        • #298802

          Thanks for the clarity Albert@KabU, I appreciate!

    • #298690

      In the preparation lesson, Kabbalist Laitman aptly describe the Creator as the whole of Nature! I hope i am not deviating from the course by asking this question:

      What is Kabbalah’ perspective on paying Tithes, especially the 10th of our earnings which religion describes as holy and belongs to God (of which the Priest and Levites are described as the sole beneficiaries), and if not paid, one has robbed God. Since it is clear who the Creator is from this lesson, where should the Tithe be channeled to? Or does the Tithe has its concealed meaning too?

      Thank you.

      • #298736

        Hi Katel,

        Yes, it is customary to pay a tithe and it does go directly to the “Priests and Levites” as you wrote. In previous generations, they were the ones tasked with educating the nation. So in our days, all of the tithe money that gets collected by us is used only for the purpose of the dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world. You can find some general information about the tithe (or maaser in Hebrew) on the donations page:

        We’ll learn about the spiritual meaning behind tithing in the more advanced semesters.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #295920
      Tove Jo

      Ho trovato la parola occultamento…che siamo dentro due occultamenti. veramente non capisco cosa significa, ma trovo fascinante le spiegazioni e posso solo credere che piu che andrò avanti nello studio…. meglio e per me e altri. Grazie…e mi fa pensare che siamo, come umano molto in basso come  vera conoscenza.

      • #298805

        Many thanks!

      • #295932

        Hi Tove,

        Single and double concealment is in our attitude to the Creator. In single concealment, we try to see how there is “none else besides Him”, how every single thought, desire, and life event all stem directly from Him. But since we experience both positive and negative things in life, we are not always capable of seeing how the negative things also come from Him. And when enough negative experiences accumulate, then we begin to think that there is no Creator, that these things are happening to us are not from the Creator but due to our bad luck or blind fate. That is the state of double concealment.

        Check out these blog posts from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #295061

      Did we pass through each of these levels (rock, plant, animal), before we reincarnated as humans? If so, what could we possibly have learned by being a rock for millions of years?

    • #293082
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello i am Kebede Mamo Dessis from Ethiopia/ Oromiya

      In different parts of kabbalah lessen stated that study kabbalah is in a group.

      Question. it is mandatory study in a group ? because i am following the lesson individually in Home or is there any ecpstinal to study kabbalah individually ?

      • #293370

        Hello Kebede Mamo Dessis,

        Studying in a group is necessary when we reach a certain level of spiritual development.

        This process is similar to how kids develop. When they are still babies, they have no need for other classmates or playmates and just develop by themselves. But once they get older, they begin to understand that others exist and that playing and learning with others is even more fun and beneficial than playing by themselves.

        Same with us here. We’re still in the fundamentals of this wisdom, so we’re like those babies that are just starting their development. At this point, it’s perfectly fine for us to study and learn by ourselves. When we reach the advanced courses, we’ll begin to feel that studying by ourselves is very limited and we’ll feel the need to study in a group. At that time a virtual group will also be provided for us within the framework of KabU.

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 128 total)
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