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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 128 total)
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    • #311614

      Is following along enough of an instructor?

      • #311664

        Hi Dan,

        Yes, it’s like a baby in the hands of the mother. The baby does not understand anything about life and relies completely on the mother to take care of it and lead it to the right place. We too don’t know anything about reaching spirituality and we rely completely on the Kabbalists that preceded us and on the Kabbalistic group.

        The only difference is that the baby is naturally led by the mother, while we have to consciously place ourselves in the hands of the Kabbalistic group and allow it to lead us towards the goal. We’ll learn about these things in the more advanced lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #311613

      What’s the best way to get a group?

      • #311665

        Hi Dan,

        In the advanced semester of KabU, everyone will receive their own Kabbalah group with whom they can put all these things into practice.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #311558

      Once a person passes the barrier, is it possible for them to fall back to earlier states?

      • #311561

        Hi Shel,

        There is a rule that “one is raised in holiness and never lowered.” So we never go backwards. It’s possible that we receive an additional challenge that belongs to a higher degree and that challenge can feel like we’re going backwards, but it’s still a step forward. Similar to how a bodybuilder that masters a five pound weight moves on to ten pounds. That ten pounds is much more challenging and he cannot do as many reps as before, but this is nonetheless considered progress and advancement.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #311580

          Thank you!

    • #311010

      Can the creation of this environment for this spiritual ascent be the role of religion in regards to this path?

      • #311126

        Hi Michael,

        Not quiet. Religion has a different goal than what we learn about in Kabbalah. So a religious environment wont help us to actualize Kabbalah. The type of environment that we need to actualize what we learn in Kabbalah is a spiritual environment consisting of those with active points in the heart that are on the spiritual path together with us.

        For those interested in continuing with KabU, in the advanced semesters of KabU, everyone will receive their own Kabbalistic group with whom they can put all these things into practice.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #310509

      It’s interesting that after this week class, I encountered situation that I think I’m exactly in Double concealment.
      I was trying to study harder, watching related classes, articles, etc, thinking more about the Creator….

      Today I encountered a situation eventhough it’s small thing, but it really doesn’t happen regularly before, and it made me see the world is so unfair: I pre-ordered a few boxes of food for self-pickup, and the restaurant just said they are busy and not packing the food up, eventhough I already see the dish there, they don’t let me get it, and all the food buyers are waiting for 45 mins…. And we complained to the ordering site, and they are not refunding. It’s so weird that people paid but don’t get anything. It never happens 😂

      It is really like Tony said in class, when we r in double concealment, the harder u work on connecting to the Creator, the more crazy life becomes, seems non-sense but it’s so true.

      What can we do under this and move forward and finish off the preparation stage? I really don’t want to experience double concealment again

      • #310520

        Hi Sarah,

        I cannot comment on your personal situation, but in general, all of our advancement on the path of light is by extracting more light. We do this through the Kabbalistic studies and through the game of playing out these higher degrees of bestowal that we are learning about in the Kabbalistic group.

        We’ll learn more about these things in the more advanced lessons. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #310521

          I see, the play idea is interesting, thank you.

          Am I right to say by extracting more Light to our life, we encounter less unwanted situations that were not supposed to show up?


          When we extracted more Light to our life, we see how those weird situations are actually related to us?





        • #310561

          Hi Sarah,

          It could be both. It could also be that by extracting more light, we begin to relate to life not as a string of unwanted experiences, but as constant exercises that come to us directly from the Creator to help us to develop towards the purpose of creation.

          Albert @ KabU

    • #310341
      Magsy Kapoor

      Hi friends! I have a question that arose while I was watching the first video with Tony for this week. In order to cross the barrier into spirituality, we have to have at least some small property of bestowal, at least some resemblance to the Creator, a vessel in which we can feel Him. In order to build this vessel, we have to make some sort of a correction on our vessels of reception. In the video Tony was explaining the 5 phases that we go through as Double Concealment > Single Concealment >!Barrier! > Correction > First Revelation > Second Revelation. How can the Barrier be before the correction period when in order to cross it, you have to already have done at least some small correction? Please de-confuse me :>

      • #310421

        Hi Magdalena,

        You’re right, essentially everything can be called a correction, even before the barrier. But in that diagram, he was trying to point out that there are two types of work: prior to crossing the barrier and afterwards. Prior to the barrier, we’re in the “preparation period”. Meaning that we’re not actually working with the 613 desires and performing practical corrections over them, we’re just preparing ourselves for that spiritual work. Whereas after the barrier begins the work of correcting the 613 desires.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 128 total)
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