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    • #313197

      Since a small child I have been learning by connection with Nature which “became” prayers up to “Creator” to benefit All Life in my early 20’s. According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah- I’m being pushed and developed by Nature through blows and booms; correct? Rather han guided I’m being pushed while I dragged by my subconscious desire and halted by  egoistic desires?

      So the primary shift now is to focus on Consciousness of Love of Friends and this will benefit the Whole? Benefit All Life? Bring contentment to Creator?

      Thanks so much for all the teachings and guidance!! I’m truly grateful 💖

    • #313191

      Does the Light that Reforms extend from a specific root in the 10 Sephirot or rather Emanate throughout?

      • #313196

        The Reforming Light is the general force that helps a person where the person is. The fact that there are many hidden lights, forces we don’t know or need to know about – that’s true. It’s like a hospital in which a newborn is being cared for. A whole system is sustaining him. Who does he know about? Just mom who is next him.

        • #313985

          Thank you 💗

    • #313018

      How about boundaries?
      There are people who take advantages so how can we know it’s to to set boundaries or continue sharing? One’s energy would burn out no?

      • #313020

        Who said anything about sharing? That term doesn’t exist in authentic Kabbalah. Don’t share unless that’s normal in the situation and there are clear incentives for doing so, according to the regular way that the world works. But not because I think it will bring spiritual benefit. You’re correct that that will provide others an opportunity to take advantage as well as think I’m strange. Kabbalah is not telling you to change your actions in this world. I need to change only my intention, from reception to bestowal. And here by the way it is also not “sharing” because an intention to bestow must be 100% or nothing, meaning I’m only doing it to give contentment to the Upper Force.

        • #313063

          Many thanks Gianni, I understand more now.

          My I ask another follow up question? Am I right to say, the intention switch from reception to bestowing pleasure to the Creator, only happening in a spiritual group?

          Say for example, at work I do want my team to pass through certain challenges, so what do I do? I do it like for a spiritual group? Praying for others for unity,so that the Creator can come in and bestow his Light? or it will only works in spiritual group

        • #313081

          If you want, you can pray for the whole world. However the laws at work are already clear, you know what they are. It’s better to work according to the laws that work there. That isn’t the control room of reality. That’s the level of results of the control room. There are different levels of the desire and the level one can start working with spiritually is the people who aim at the spiritual goal in a clear, cognizant way.

    • #311776
      Roger Fry

      Hi, when interacting with a group can this be done virtually? The reason I’m asking is that I live in Scotland and cannot locate a group here. Maybe there is one, in which case please let me know.

      I did also feel some resistance about only being there for the group. My understanding is that it is natural to feel resistance. And it is by persisting that we move forward. If you could please comment on this.

      Many thanks!

      • #311863

        Of course, you can advance virtually. Anyway, in person, you’ll have to move your heart. Can you do that virtually? Why not.

        It’s natural to resist connection if it’s the connection through which we attain connection with the Creator – because we secretly don’t want to connect with Him. That’s why He hides behind this world of ours. So, we force ourselves. and the Upper Light works on these efforts and changes our desire, from reception to bestowal. And then we find ourselves in new desires in which we do want to be connected with the Creator. We’re not really connecting with the physical bodies we see, they’re on the way to the Creator. And it’s not a normal connection like you have in this world – to not want to do that type of connection, I understand. Here we’re talking about connection for a sublime goal.

    • #310738

      “what ever you see in your friends is actually in you. it’s just a reflection…” is this strictly within the group of people with the point in the heart, studying kabbahal? or everyone around us?
      I see the good in others, but they are not interested in Kabbalah, the opposite actually, they think this study is actually dangerous, is it possible they stir have the point in the heart?

      • #311885
        Roger Fry

        Hi Gianni,  thank you! I’ve managed to find a virtual group in the UK.  It seems when I look at this resistance closely it dissolves od becomes weaker.

        • #336136
          Varda kahalany

          Hi Marry, I totally understand and can relate to your question.  I am part of a pretty observant Jewish family (especially my husband and my sons) who seem to have a strong connection to the creator ,they are very faithful and clearly have a ‘point in the heart’ but it is manifested through religious rituals and it gives them the feeling that this is for ‘the fulfillment of the Creator’  . At the same time , I have friends and colleagues  at work who have nothing to do with any religion but they believe in the Upper Force, some of them are very spiritual and they indeed seem to have ‘a point in the heart’ also.  I am talking to all of them about ‘Kabbalah’ , but trying to only mention  things that I know will resonate with them. Fortunately, I was at both sides so I understand their way of thinking and slowly slowly trying to penetrate additional ‘little drops’ of wisdom. It works. And one thing I can tell you – since I started to do these classes (like 3 month ago), I noted that I have much more patience and understanding toward people who think differently and when I am talking to them somehow the right words are coming out spontaneously and when sometimes I get a not so positive reaction my answer is very different than it would have been before starting these studies .  I can clearly see the change.

      • #311865

        Sorry I missed this, Mary. Thinking Kabbalah is dangerous, or various other excuses, indicate that the person just doesn’t want Kabbalah. And you shouldn’t tell them about it. Leave them alone and correct yourself. They can easily find Kabbalah on the internet like you did, if they have a point in the heart. They’re still developing happily. Or unhappily, but not unhappily enough to need Kabbalah. Let them ripen. The Creator knows what to do with each one.

    • #310407

      Hi. will we be allocated groups to work in, to develop the point in the heart? Second, apart from the Torah and the  Zohar which are the other books should we be reading to attract the light and build the vessel, lastly, since taking on Kabbalah my life has become even more chaotic , why is this?

      • #310704

        The writings of Baal HaSulam and Rabash are the ones we need in our generation. Through them, you have everything else in an order that is conducive to drawing the Reforming Light that brings the correction of the soul.

        There isn’t a direct correlation between what you perceive in your life and your Kabbalah studies. And generally you have not been studying long enough for there to be any relationship between the two. Everything is according to the balance or lack thereof of a person with the Upper Force. As much as the Light corrects a person, they correct this relationship to the Upper Force, which includes all of nature, everything before you.

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