Engage in discussions on the week 4 lesson and materials, receiving guidance from a Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #338475

      HI Gianni,

      I m finding it hard to formulate my question, trying to join up the dots, of what you said in the channel  on 31.12.23, with what Julian said on week 4 of Kab Experience, about the Congress,  AND the bigger question , of what effect this has on the world around us.

      I’m coming from acceptance that the planet we live on, Mother Earth, is suffering from  the negative environmental effects of “developed” humanity.  Is this work as received from BalHaSulam concerned with the state of the Earth, or purely about reaching equivalence with the Creator ?  From where I am now, it seems that the work we do here is about reaching the Upper Light ? So are we attempting to attain Kether?  Because the place where we see the pollution & degradation is right here in Malkut.  Is this right?                                                         Is the work we are doing solely to rejoin the soul of Adam HaRishon, or , where does the state of the Earth fit into the picture?

      So, there are several things to ask about.  One is that the people speaking about the Convention talk about making the “connection”, and did so in terms of their personal feelings. And I think you talked about “Act normal in everyday life, and study Kabbalah”. (?)                 This is where I am getting lost.  I m hearing that this is internal work, and it will affect the external physical reality I am living in, the world around me….In the KabU programs, we have also talked about “group mind”, using  starling murmurations, of the behaviour of ants & bees.  In what way could this work – beyond a cluster forming & then dispersing again?

      I m not sure how I see the dots join.     Maybe we cant know the answers, since we dont know the mind of G-d & what we are working towards.  Even though 10, 000 people at a KabU convention is one thousand groups of 10, I guess it is still tiny in terms of world population. Could there be any way of knowing if it did/could have any effect ?

      I hope you can feel into what I m trying to work out !   Thank you .

      • #338533

        Hi Sarah,

        This will all be sorted out in you, and I can’t do it for students. But all problems are resolved in one fell swoop by the correct personal inner work, from me to my group and through them, to the Creator. Kabbalists write that all the worlds were created for a person, it’s all inside you, and so on. So, correct yourself and the rest will take care of itself. And you’ll make sense of the relationship between you, your inner work, and the world – but much later on. About the world, you can do nothing, in the meantime, except be a normal person, “like the norm”, with respect to all the mundane aspects of our world. The connections between your inner work and everything around you is intentionally concealed because otherwise there would be no free choice.

    • #319197
      Lora Vatalaro

      Long-standing health circumstances will most likely prevent me from ever attending an in-person Congress.  Is it best to look at this as another opportunity to justify the Creator?

    • #316216

      I had joined another kabbalah organisation before. They also encouraged to join groups.
      But when I joined , those people are really just for social/ getting some attention / accompany. The teachers are worth respecting, but the group itself are really not very related to spirituality. People just want you to give some either attention/ respect /accompany them.

      So my question is, do we put boundaries when we join groups….. Are we support people in the 10 group for whatever they personally demand

      • #316230

        Unless the group is organized specifically according to the Kabbalist, Rabsh, who is the only Kabbalist to start laying out these principles, then any group is naturally going to take the shape of our egos, and won’t be spiritual. In such a group the only thing we can demand from each other is the importance of the spiritual goal.

    • #316168

      How may I volunteer to assist in any way possible? How can I best give back now?

      • #316185

        There will be opportunities in the graduate program. For now the most important is for students at this stage to invest in their own studies since all volunteer opportunities are predicated on that solid foundation being there.

        • #316284

          Thanks so much 🙏

    • #316130

      I have registered for the virtual KabU retreat and want to know: how and where might I apply for assistance in order to attend the inperson?

      • #316133

        Go to the retreat.kabuconnect.com site, and up on the top right corner there is a link to “Financial Aid”

        • #316169

          Thanks so much ❤️

    • #291837

      So are Congress still ongoing or has these ended?


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