Engage in discussions on the week 4 lesson and materials, receiving guidance from a Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #286298

      I am unsure of how to form this question but please take in context of a desire for change. In this week’s reading,

      “There is none else besides the Creator.” We have to decide this every moment of our lives, being certain that He is good that does good, meaning, we justify Him in all His actions.

      This is the very first condition with which the science of Kabbalah begins, with the article “There Is None Else Besides Him,” and all that is required of us on the path is to establish only this. ”

      I recognize the text goes on to state this will be done in a group of 10. I am very far from this beginning principle, I am not feeling the connection from the videos others speak of, I pray to have this awaken within me, I work on my intention, but deep inside there is a strong resistence. Do I need to be in a better state before moving on to group work? I fear, as I am now, I have nothing to give the other. Is this point in the heart really awakened in me or am I just filling an intellectual desire? Confusion is setting in!


      • #286327

        Hi Joseph,

        All the above is normal. One who comes to Kabbalah is not attracted to connection because he has to realize connection only in order to reach equivalence with the Creator. You see, connection in which there is no benefit in this world whatsoever cannot be attractive. And that is why upon this connection it is possible to place the intention with which one reaches equivalence with the Creator; while in the types of connection I would get into whether Kabbalah exists or not, it is impossible to place a correct intention since I would have done it anyway, with my regular egoistic intention. Now, the feeling in connection comes, but only after I put in the efforts in that direction.

    • #283574
      Maria B. W12

      Hello Gianni,
      I am a very happy student at KabU as a Hungarian connecting from Hungary. Attended virtually last year’s Retreat and was sad that couldn’t attend in person. The volunteers’ support there was absolutely fantastic, and we are having the same in our lessons/zoom sessions, too. I would very much like to be involved as a volunteer for BB, possibly offering my professions and experience of 40+ years for use as a translator/interpreter. However, I’m studying Kabbalah in English using English books/sources only. How could I reinforce the Hungarian side of my terminology knowledge, too, to become suitable for real use for the BB society without needing to leave the English KabU environment I love so much?

    • #280389

      I’d like to know when the next congress will be held?

      • #280421

        Possibly this summer, but nothing is set in stone. It depends on the state of the pandemic.

        • #280988

          Many Thanks Gianni, for your response.

    • #280325

      You mentioned the Toronto’s center. Where can I find a directory of world wide centres?

      • #280333

        Actually, nearly all centers closed with the pandemic. So, when we meet physically for a special convention it is in a rental. For example, there was a retreat in upstate New York recently. But there isn’t so much of a need for physical locations anymore, and so I don’t know if they will reopen. We see the world is moving in the direction of working from home. And spiritual work, since it is work from my heart outwards, to exit myself in my intentions and aim them towards others, meeting physically isn’t more than a psychological trick by which, after all is said and done, I will have the same inner work to do of exiting my box towards others. But we can use the trick of meeting physically sometimes as well, and after the graduate program you can see if there is a ten in your area that it’s worthwhile to be connected with.

    • #219031

      ok, dissemination should be done by our intention (actions) of love to fellow man? That is the way we will hopefully atract more people to kabbbalah? Iam from El Salvador, how do i get in touch with a group in my country?

      • #219577

        Hi Ricardo,

        You need to first complete the courses here, through the graduate program, and then we can connect you with a group in the Latin American group.

        Yes. The intention is what makes the impact in disseminating. It is what actually let’s the dissemination be a conduit for the Upper Light.

    • #63077
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I can’t make the retreat the first of October 2021 but would like to find out how to find a study group for the tree of live and/or the book of Zohar.  Is there a way you help connect to others studying the wisdom of Kabbalah?

      • #126308

        Usually we don’t find others in our physical environment who have the inclination for the path we study here, the method of Baal HaSulam. Rather those friends are strewn across the globe. And anyway, the work is all internal, even if you would have people physically around you; nevertheless you have the same work of exiting yourself towards some external reference points (friends on the same path as you). About this is all that the wisdom of Kabbalah and the book of Zohar write about, and what’s discovered when one does so. Therefore, the practice in how to do that is what is needed. And this is what we learn in the graduate program and beyond.

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