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  • #37709

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #63312

      I struggle with this

    • #59822
      Rune T. A.


      Can you please tell me if the text of Baal Hasulam called “The Revalation of Godliness” that Tony is refering in the first video, is an authentic Kabbalistic text and therefore is written in the Language of Root and Branch???

      It mentions the Israel Nation wich, as I understand (correct me if I’m wrong), means The Desirres for Direct Light (in the Language of Root and Branch. However Tony goes on talks about correcting the world and society as if I am to take theese words for their literal meaning. I am confused. Can please help me?

      Thank you.

      • #59845

        This article is written by Baal HaSulam, we received our entire method from him.  He is a giant kabbalist.
        There are no words to describe him.
        The answer to your question lies in the perception of reality of the author and our perception of reality.
        The kabbalist is describing the same world but according to his perception.  Imagine if you have a dog and you are telling your dog about your dinner.  How you can taste the wine reduction sauce, you can feel how the chef seared the meat before putting in the stew, you can taste the bitters and the sweet potato.  And you give some to your dog and of course, he perceives the world through his nose first of all and then he slurps it up quickly and looks at you.  How would he describe this stew?
        So how long would it take to develop this dog until he could feel the intention in this stew like you do?!  How much time and attention to each detail and flavor and combination of flavors.
        Well at least we are humans and not dogs, so already we made some progress.  But we read and we perceive what we read according to our vessels, which in the meantime are 100% reception.  What we see as our corporeal reality is based on our egoistic vessels.  Everything in this world is a branch.
        The kabbalist is speaking from the level of the roots.

        • #59859
          Rune T. A.

          Thank you very much for the reminder and the perspective Seth.

          Have a good day and be well.

    • #58622

      Hi Seth. Can you explain something for me please. What does Kabbalah teach about praying for the dead? To me it seems of no use to pray for the welfare of the dead because in doing so one demonstrates a lack of trust in the Creator to care for His creatures. Also, it is a pleading to promote your loved one above others who have also died. I am very interested in your answer to this question because many religions highlight praying for the dead. Kabbalah however is not a religion and it does not encourage negotiations with the Creator.

      • #59019

        In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn about two forces, on is all of creation, called a will to receive.  That will to receive manifests in four degrees: Inanimate, Vegatative, Animate & Speaking.
        This is what the Creator created, a will to receive and that will to receive develops through time (that is how it appears to us) until it becomes excessive, meaning it wants and wants and can’t be fulfilled until it starts to ask, Why am I alive, Who am I? etc.
        And there is the second force that we learn about called the force of bestowal, that is the light that extends from the Creator that fills the will to receive.
        All corporeal wisdom deals with one force in all of its changing shapes, sizes, intensity, etc.
        The Creator on the other hand does not change, He fills all reality evenly and equally at all times.
        Therefore all of our prayers, including all of our prayers to the Creator and including prayers at a burial or memorial are only in order to calibrate ourselves towards Him and His reality, for He doesn’t change, only we change ourself in order to come step by step, closer and closer to His reality of 100% bestowal.

        In reply to your second question, the short answer is yes, but it is of no value to throw around one line slogans, “Everything is decided above” without much preparation, specifically all of the accompanying questions that must arise in a person, then who am I and what am I doing and how is He operating me and can I have free choice and why is He doing this in such a way, etc….


      • #59018

        In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn about two forces, one is all of creation, called a will to receive.  That will to receive manifests in four degrees: Inanimate, Vegatative, Animate & Speaking.
        This is what the Creator created, a will to receive and that will to receive develops through time (that is how it appears to us) until it becomes excessive, meaning it wants and wants and can’t be fulfilled until it starts to ask, Why am I alive, Who am I? etc.
        And there is the second force that we learn about called the force of bestowal, that is the light that extends from the Creator that fills the will to receive.
        All corporeal wisdom deals with one force in all of its changing shapes, sizes, intensity, etc.
        The Creator on the other hand does not change, He fills all reality evenly and equally at all times.
        Therefore all of our prayers, including all of our prayers to the Creator and including prayers at a burial or memorial are only in order to calibrate ourselves towards Him and His reality, for He doesn’t change, only we change ourself in order to come step by step, closer and closer to His reality of 100% bestowal.

        In reply to your second question, the short answer is yes, but it is of no value to throw around one line slogans, “Everything is decided above” without much preparation, specifically all of the accompanying questions that must arise in a person, then who am I and what am I doing and how is He operating me and can I have free choice and why is He doing this in such a way, etc….


      • #58909

        Also, all is decided in the realm above. I’ve asked this question of another Kabu instructor and received no reply. Is there a reason??

        • #59061

          Thank you so much Seth. I will give this further thought. I’m learning so much at the moment and need some time to be still and let it talk to me. Thanks again.

    • #57936


    • #57921
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      In reference to the story of the 2 in a boat. Where one of the two begins to drill a hole in the boat. Could you give me examples of the action or non-action that the one not drilling the hole can take. I understand the shift in thought and awareness, yet feel an action to save us both could be warranted.

      • #57955

        This example comes to tell us that the actions of one affects the other, that we are in a closed system.
        By the time there is a hole in the boat, it may be too late, if there is a storm or if there are no materials to close the hole.
        Of course in spirituality there is no time, but in this particular incarnation of form that may be the end.
        Anyway, it is a simple example to show how much we are dependent upon each other whether we know it or not.

        If it’s not too late, and if words aren’t helping, and if you can, maybe knock him out, fix the hole, get yourself to shore, make him tea and lunch and when he wakes up try to explain that you saved his life and that he shouldn’t drill a hole in a boat even if he’s mad at you because he is killing himself too.

    • #57327

      This question was mistakingly placed in the reflection section, not the right place, although a reflection can lead to a question. Anyhow.

      Do not observe the externality of the face , but the internality of the heart.” Quote from Baal Ha Sulam, in this weeks clip with Rav Leitman.

      Also from Baal HaSulam (from the Shamati, (recommended reading, last sentence:

      In other words, the internal will correct the external.

      If i compare this with the well-known statement “” mind over matter “, should not mind be replaced by heart,

      e.g is not conscience (property of  our heart)   our  inner judge,  which leads more to corrections?

      • #57341

        Thoughts are the most powerful force.
        And it’s correct that thoughts run to fulfill the will of the desire.
        In the kabbalah we say, “a wise heart”.  That wisdom comes from the heart, not the mind.

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