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  • #37709

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 92 total)
  • Author
    • #299294
      Abe Tapia

      Is bestow the key to a global connection?

      • #299296

        There is enough sun, food, water, energy, air for everyone.
        There is enough of everything for everyone, only our attitude prevents us from living happily and comfortably together and this is not even getting to what is spiritual fulfillment.

    • #295907

      I am having trouble with the idea that, as Michael Laitman says, “what happens inside you is how you experience the world outside you.” This obviously does not feel true and everyone would laugh at the idea. Can you please point to some reading that you think will help convince me that this is true? I need to be convinced. I need help with this. Right now it sounds unscientific, unreal. I appreciate your help and guidance. Thank you.

      • #296514

        Imagine that you and a cat are sitting at the opera and you are crying from the deep intense emotions and the cat doesn’t even know that he is sitting on beautiful seats in a beautiful theatre listening to beautiful music.
        And someone else sitting next to you who listened to this opera with his wife 50 years ago when they first met and now he sits there without her, he has different emotions while listening to the exact same song as you.
        In the meantime do a google search about our vision and perception of reality.  It is known that we don’t perceive reality as some objective thing outside of us, but we build reality based on…I’ll let the scientists explain.
        Or watch some youtube videos about how our sense of vision works and how we construct our reality.

        • #297113
          Tove Jo

          Wonderful question Dale…I also had difficulties to understand that what happens inside me is how I see the world.

          Thanks to Seth!!!! …what a wonderful explanation about the opera. For me that was mind blowing! To understand that the world is about each one of us that is on it, we create the world situations on a daily base from within as we change our feelings constantly.

          I love Cabala rivelata, so simple and so deep!

    • #294530


      It makes sense to love your neighbor as yourself after we cross the barrier.

    • #293157
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello its a good lesson  Thank you and i have not question.  but i understate from the lesson ,

      For the kabbalist, the golden rule is not simply to “love your neighbor as yourself,” but, even more so, to “love your neighbor as yourself, when it is difficult.” It is only when we love when it is difficult that we remove the layers of negativity that separate us from the Light of the Creator.

    • #292826

      Can you elaborate a bit on the reshimot and correction?  How are they inter-connected?

      • #292907

        The wisdom of kabbalah is  a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, by fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as “the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.”  It means that from the endless upper light, there is a chain until this world.
        Our path back up is the same path that the light took when it came down.  Each next step, next record (reshimot) becomes revealed and we, by making corrections upon the desires that are revealed and turning our intention from 0% bestowal to 1% bestowal….100% bestowal is called making corrections, performing a mitzvah.  In actuality, the upper light performs this, but we prepare the inner conditions for it.

    • #292196
      Maria Memoli

      Dear Teacher,

      Love thy neighbor, let’s say a friend, as ourselves, can be hard but potentially attainable… how about loving our enemy as ourselves…

      I’m aware that talking about friend and enemy is like a judgement based on good and bad, which is not a Kabbalistic approach.

      Our perception though, is that the enemy is a person that has caused harm at different level.
      How can I still love the person in terms of the Law of Nature and identify myself with her/him?

      Thank you

      • #292201

        Not only haters, but the goal is to include all of reality into our heart, every person, animal, tree, star and planet.
        But that is very far from us.
        Imagine concentric circles starting with those on the path with you learning from the same sources, aimed at the same goal. From there the soul expands to include more and more of the vessel until all of reality is included in our heart.

        Soon after you receive some foundation in the wisdom, we will learn together practical Kabbalah, how we implement these things.
        Good luck,


Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 92 total)
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