Explore inquiries concerning the week 5 lesson and materials, obtaining wisdom from a seasoned Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #57436

    Explore inquiries concerning the week 5 lesson and materials, obtaining wisdom from a seasoned Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 21 total)
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    • #329432
      Zealot Mines

      I have learned that corporal actions now have a spiritual impact.. something opposite from what I read/viewed from other Kabu sessions that corporallity has no influence in spirituality.. could you expound on this?

    • #326493

      I’m glad to have the opportunity soon, to work within a group of like-minded friends. I have a tendency of wanting to help a bunch of people who are friends & family but not Kabbalah students, and after a while I feel that they distance themselves from me. Does this happen to many of us? And how should it best be addressed? Are we not responsible to dessiminate as much as possible? How is dessimination compatible with avoiding coercion?

      • #326785

        I want to help those around me, but the Creator is already giving them exactly what they need and doesn’t need my help with that. That’s the problem. He needs help, just not with that. But I myself want to help Him with specifically that. So, we have a problem. I want to bestow to Him in an area that He “has it covered” already.

        What He needs is for me to correct myself. That’s the rock that even the Creator can’t lift.

    • #317240

      It’s beautiful motivational words thank you. But maybe we burn ourselves out during bestowing for bestowal?

      • #326890

        Amazing insightful answer!

        Thanks Gianni!

      • #317241

        No, if I’m given the quality of the Creator it’s a new nature. Like now I think about myself from morning till night and even in my dreams, thinking what will be with me, how can be safer, better, happier, and the same for those close to me because they affect me? Because it’s my nature it’s not at all tiring, it’s pleasurable.

    • #316626

      As I need to build a second nature, I have been given the 3 pillars – the Rav, the group, and the texts. I am to begin to always think of 3 things – the Creator, the environment/others, and myself. I begin to form a habit which becomes my second nature. As I enter into the graduate environment, would a correct intention be to put into practice what I have learned so far?

      I trust that all will be revealed in due time.

    • #299160
      Maria Memoli

      The verb “to reform” already contains a kind of judgement that something is bad, so a change is needed. Does this mean that we are correct in perceiving something as bad, but that the only thing that we need to focus on is how to transform that bad in good and useful.

      Is there any good quality that might need to be reformed, if it creates unbalance in the system, for example?!

      • #299325

        We have no qualities that are already good; yet all our qualities can be use “in order to bestow”. That’s their only correction.

    • #299159
      Maria Memoli

      HOW can we avoid to reject the bad instead of embracing it, since there’s a bigger picture still concealed in it? How do we know that there is a major contribution to our development?

      • #299326

        Only by going “above reason”, using a higher reason than ours, that of the Kabbalists. Then I actually attain the state from which they got their reason.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 21 total)
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