Explore inquiries concerning the week 5 lesson and materials, obtaining wisdom from a seasoned Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #57436

    Explore inquiries concerning the week 5 lesson and materials, obtaining wisdom from a seasoned Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #63394

      I learned a lot, definitely about the importance of the group and about switching from the left to the right line.

      What is not quite clear is when and where the screen (masach) comes in. I assume it is part of the middle line,  the interface between reception and bestowal, ascending when the desires become purer along the way?

      Or like the intersection of an hourglass (above-below distinction) ?

      • #126179

        The Screen is surely in the Middle Line, where I’m above all forces (Right and Left). That’s the Screen – that it doesn’t matter what comes to me, I have this law of non-reception, unless it’s clear that it would be in order to bestow to the Creator and I have clear data that that’s the case.

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