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  • #28813

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 127 total)
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    • #296128

      Thank you so much KabU Team, it was an eye opening and awakening ride through the Week 1 courses.

      My question is related to the current event of Tisha B’Av – 9th of Av, that is supposedly tomorrow Shabbat. Now since the Kabbalist speaks only the language of root and branches as i learnt and understand through this program, is the 9th of Av a language of the the branches too and what is its representation in relation to us please.

      Thank you!

      • #296324

        Hi Katel,

        Yes you can say that. We learn that we, as the created beings, can only experience reality out of opposites: hot/cold, up/down, love/hate, bestowal/reception, etc. The 9th of Av represents the revelation of the most opposite state to the Creator. Although this state is not very pleasant, it’s a necessary part of our spiritual development. Without revealing this opposite form to the fullest, we will not be able to fully correct it and thereby reach the final correction.

        For more details, check out this clip from the lesson Rav Laitman gave on this topic yesterday:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #296447

          Hello Albert@KabU,

          Thanks for the response and the clip, it addressed all the grey areas in relation to my question.

          Best regards

    • #295751
      Natalie Steenbok

      Thank you Tony. Really clear and beautifully precise.


    • #295703

      What is the difference between study the laws of univers by kabbalah and by science ?

    • #293489

      Thank you, I have no questions.

    • #292793

      What happens if I die in the process of attaining the degrees? Am I starting from scratch on the next round?

      • #293382

        Hi Peter,

        Nothing is lost. If we don’t finish this work in this lifetime, we continue it in the next. Kabbalists compare the process of life and death of the corporeal body as to changing shirts: at the end of the day, we drop our dirty shirt into the hamper and in the morning put on a clean one. So we don’t lose anything, but continue the next time around until we reach the final correction.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #291704
      Maria Memoli

      Sometimes it can happen that an act of “giving” doesn’t follow a good intention. It can be our intuition or the energy around us in that event that make us feel that something is not right, so we are not willing to receive, so the bestowal goes lost.

      How can we approach in a Kabbalistic way these circumstances?

      How can I bond with the intention of the giver “above reasons”?

      How would Nature “equalize” in this situation?!


      • #291718

        Hi Maria,

        It all depends on your goal in life. If your goal is to correct your nature and thereby to reveal the Creator, the quality of love and bestowal, this is only possible in mutual work with other points in the hearts. This is why we practice this type of bestowal only within the Kabbalistic group.

        If you practice it anywhere else, in the best case scenario you’ll build some good relationships, in the worst case, people will think you’re weird or try to take advantage of you. But either way it will not lead to the revelation of the Creator. So generally with the rest of the world it’s best to just act normal, like everyone else.

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 127 total)
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